"I want you to die badly!"

Feeling that she had been seriously injured, Hela immediately went crazy.

........................"Well..., maybe, I can help you"

I don’t know how long it took, but Hela finally stopped getting angry. She suppressed her anger with hatred and slowly calmed down.

At this time, an ancient Asgardian saying came from not far away, and Hela was suddenly startled! To be continued: Feilu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 143 Asgard is in a dead situation

Thanks to [I am an Immortal] and [Novel Appreciation] brothers for their monthly support! Qi Jun teleported away from Odin’s treasure house and did not leave Asgard immediately.

He had been playing hide-and-seek with Odin before and had no time to copy and embody what was in Odin's mind. Qi Jun planned to go to Heimdall to collect a handful of wool before leaving.

Of course, Odin's power, in addition to the knowledge he possesses, almost all of his power system relies on Odin's power, which will grow as long as he does not die.

Therefore, Qi Jun actually has no intention of copying Odin. It is impossible to copy the idea of ​​​​embodiing the Asgardian divine lineage. Will he have to shout before fighting in the future: "For the sake of the Northern God" Glory!' Oh, that's so shameful! In Heimdall's defensive eyes, Qi Jun copied it easily and materialized a [Safety Navigation Star Map of the Milky Way] and several [Partial Safety Navigation of Other Galaxies] Route], as well as a skill book such as [Detailed Explanation of the Structure of the Rainbow Bridge]! In Heimdall's confused eyes, he slapped away the skill book [Detailed Explanation of the Structure of the Rainbow Bridge].

Then, holding Kungunir filled with five million points of energy, he stabbed the Asgard Rainbow Bridge to pieces! It was torn from the roots, and there was no possibility of repair! Although Qi Jun knew that Asgard had the technology to build the Rainbow Bridge, but the materials for building the Rainbow Bridge were very rare. Without the basic construction, it would be useless even if the Universe Cube was brought back! The most important thing is that Qi Jun is actually. ..I want to directly open the nine realms into chaos like what I said to Odin before! Qi Jun is not a big-bellied person. Although he claims to be a neutral existence, he will not care about those who offend him. Whoever it is, Qi Jun will not let it go easily.

What's more, Odin obviously... wants to kill himself and then hurry up. Qi Jun is so full that he wants to think about Asgard. When I find the power stone, I will come back immediately and give you Thor, the god of thunder. Believe it or not, of course, if Odin the Destroyer is willing to use his ability to travel through space to collect materials, the Rainbow Bridge can be built quickly.

But! Qi Jun wouldn't know that not only would his work be in vain, but he would even offend Asgard to death.

It seems that he is actually very offended now! But even so, Qi Jun also knows very well that Odin cannot go down to collect the materials himself.

First of all, his identity makes it impossible for him to do such a thing. How high is he? Odin would do such a thing for thousands of years. Secondly, Odin's sleep is inevitable! The previous loss of soul power, and the many dimensions The friction between the Lord and others, etc., are all factors that hastened the arrival of Odin's Sleep.

Unless Odin wants to die, he can only perform Odin's Sleep to repair his body and suppress Odin's increasingly powerful power.

In this case, Queen Frigga must accompany Odin, Thor is seriously injured, Loki is missing, and the entire Asgard is leaderless, plus the Rainbow Bridge is destroyed and the Nine Realms...

In addition to the death kingdom of Earth, Asgard and Hela, the entire six realms are absolutely in chaos! There are also thousands of other dimensional masters who will also take certain revenge on Asgard when Odin is going on.

As many ants bite the elephant to death, Asgard's future will not be easy at all. The foundation of Asgard's rule for tens of thousands of years was almost instantly destroyed! This is Qi Jun's most perfect revenge on Asgard! No !More than the six realms! Hela and Qi Jun are also eyeing it! It is precisely because of this that Odin the Destroyer teleported over as soon as Qi Jun destroyed the Rainbow Bridge.

It's a pity that Qi Jun has already disappeared without a trace, except for the ruined Rainbow Bridge.


"I am going to kill you!"

"Kill you!!!"

At this moment, the entire Asgard heard Odin's heart-rending roar.

But except... Heimdall, no one can understand Odin's anger at this moment... and his helplessness! Watching the culprit who corrupted Asgard into what it is today disappear without a trace. No trace, no more...I can't feel it at all, this feeling of powerlessness............. "Who!"

Hela, who had not transformed in front of Odin, instantly transformed into a fighting state. Her... long black hair instantly turned into branches. "It's you!"

Hela recognized Qi Jun at a glance.

After all, it was Odin who was chasing him. Even though almost all of Hela's attention was diverted to Odin at that time, Hela's impression of Qi Jun was not low! He could force Odin to put on the Destroyer armor and chase him. But he didn’t kill him! He was even still alive and well, and even came to the underworld of Heim again. It was impossible for Hela not to have an impression! As Hela who followed Odin to conquer all directions, how could Hela not know how to wear it? How powerful is Odin after the Destroyer Armor! "Hello, Queen Hela!"

The enemy of my enemy is... my friend. Qi Jun is very friendly to Hela. Besides, Hela didn't provoke him, right? "Hello! Unknown strong man!"

Seeing Qi Jun's friendly attitude, Hela immediately stopped fighting mode, and the branch on her head, ahem, turned into... long black hair.

Being able to be chased and killed by Odin in his Destroyer state, Hela is still very aware of current affairs. What's more, Hela was seriously injured by Odin's blow before, so it is even more impossible for Hela to fight against an unknown boss. enemy.

"I can get you out!"

Without any nonsense, Qi Jun went directly to the topic. In fact, it was because even if Hela had not transformed into a fighting state, her outfit made Qi Jun not want to communicate much.

Hiss!!! Phew!!! "What kind of price do I need to pay?"

Taking a deep breath, Hela asked slowly, but with a little urgency.

Thinking about the past days, you could go wherever you wanted. Hela had been sealed in the underworld of Helm for so many years and would have gone crazy! "It's so comfortable to deal with smart people!"

Qi Jun smiled.

He pointed at a scroll with a snap! "Trading contract!"

Qi Jun handed the scroll to Hela and explained, "This is a transaction contract scroll that is supervised by the will of the universe. I believe that as someone who has come into contact with the Universe Rubik's Cube, you can tell whether this contract is true or false."

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 144 Transaction Contract

It's actually true!!! Hela took the contract scroll handed over by Qi Jun and instantly felt the great power lingering on the scroll.

As the former Grand Marshal of Asgard's Valkyrie Corps, Hela had actually come into contact with the Cosmic Cube. At that time, the Cosmic Cube was Odin's treasure and could not be touched easily! Hela clearly felt it. This power is more powerful than the power of the space gem! Even Hela actually felt the gaze from the entire universe. How dare you believe it? Seeing Hela's stunned and shocked look, Qi Jun's mouth curled up slightly.

What's the contract scroll of the universe's will supervisor? With the mutated gem in hand, even if it's an observer supervisor...well, ahem, let's forget about it.

Let’s not talk about whether there are...real observers, that is...compared to the impartiality and selflessness of the will of the universe, the supervision of observers itself is not trustworthy! Of course, after Qi Jun’s reaction to Asgard’s series of temptations From the looks of it, there should be no observers.

Otherwise, the God of Thunder will be defeated by him. If there is an observer, he would have come out to stop it. Qi Jun is afraid that there is no observer in the first place, and it will be discovered by himself, and it will be a pain in the ass! ........................Party A of the transaction contract: Qi Jun Party B: Hela Under the supervision of the will of the universe, Party A helps Party B escape the seal, and Party B helps Party A finds the soul gem and hands it to Party A.

Time limit: one earth year! Anyone who violates the contract will be punished by the will of the universe!!! Signature of Party A: Signature of Party B: ........................Hai La raised his head, looked at Qi Jun, opened his mouth, there were thousands of things to say, but he didn't know where to start! Soul gem! That's the soul gem! The devil knows where it is!!! Moreover, there is a time limit. If you can’t finish it in one year, you’ll be obliterated. Damn it! What you’re actually doing is... you’re in the same group with Odin. What you’re actually doing is... You want to obliterate and kill me. “Haha, you’ve finished reading.”

Seeing that after reading the contract, Qi Jun raised his head and changed his face, Qi Jun chuckled.

Qi Jun naturally knew that the things written in this contract would make Hela want to kill him.

However, the reason why Qi Jun didn't include the soul treasure in the contract was not because he was worried about interference from the will of the universe. In fact, it was simply...Qi Jun's bad taste was gone again.

Looking at these... Gods and all, he looked dumbfounded. He wanted to kill himself but didn't dare to do it. It really made Qi Jun feel like a gentleman in his heart. !"Don't worry, I know where the soul gem is!"

Now that you have seen everything you want to see, let’s comfort Hela. She is also a poor woman, um, a goddess, well, she is actually not very pitiful. After all, this is all her own doing. She has inflated herself. To knock Odin down.

Then come quietly, there is no such thing as being so stupid and do it directly. As the old saying goes, great achievements surpass the master. This is not only for the monarch and his ministers, but also for the father and daughter! "Since you know, then you Why don’t you go get it yourself”

Hela frowned and stared at Qi Jun.

"Well..., because I don't like going to that place!"

Qi Jun shrugged. Naturally, he would not tell Hela that in order to obtain the soul gem, he had to first sacrifice a close person or something "where"

Hela didn't believe a word of Qi Jun's words! "Haha, I can't tell you this first. You have to sign the contract first, and then I will tell you."

Qi Jun shook his head resolutely, joking, how could he tell this information first? "Then how do I know if you will just randomly say a place name after I signed the contract?"

Hela was not moved at all, still staring into Qi Jun's eyes: "Just a random place name and you ask me to find the soul gem for you in one Earth year. If you can't find it, wouldn't it mean that you will be completely obliterated by the will of the universe!" "

"So, now"

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