Qi Jun waved his right hand, and an eternal spear flashing with rays of light appeared in front of Qi Jun, flying around Qi Jun happily, "Do you think I have... the strength to kill you?"


Hela didn't pay attention to what Qi Jun said at all, but looked at Kungunil who was swirling around Qi Jun with a shocked expression.

As Hela, who has been fighting with Odin for thousands of years, how could she not know Kungunir, who almost never leaves Odin's hands? Hela had previously wondered why Odin was only wearing the Destroyer Armor instead of taking Kunir with him. Gunnier.

Only now did Hela realize that it wasn’t that Odin didn’t want to take him with him, but that he couldn’t take him with him due to his special code!!! “Hahahaha!!!”

Hela suddenly laughed wildly, "Odin! You have today too!!!"

With Hela's wisdom, how could she not have thought that Odin's pursuit of Qi Jun so vigorously would not have been caused by the capture of Kungunir! Odin, Odin! You also have this day! "I sign Got it!"

There was a rare joy in Hela's voice.

Not to mention how happy Hela was when Qi Jun snatched Odin's Kungunir.

Just say that Hela's currently seriously injured body would be destined to die if it were stabbed by Kungunir.

If that's the case, why don't you trust Qi Jun? What's more, as the former military marshal of Asgard, Hela knows the approximate location of five of the six infinity stones in the universe, only this last one. I can't find any information about a soul gem. Hela is also very interested in this thing! And the contract is not signed or stamped by Hela. It's just that after Hela agrees to sign, it will automatically be in the column of Party B. The name Hela appears on it.

"I signed it too!"

Qi Jun said with a chuckle.

Naturally, Qi Jun's name automatically appeared in the Party A column on the contract.

Then, the entire contract scroll automatically ignited without wind or fire, and instantly turned into a ball of soft light.

Then, the soft light was divided into two, and penetrated into the minds of Hela and Qi Jun respectively, and was directly imprinted on the souls! At the same time, both Qi Jun and Hela felt the restraint of that great force, and then disappeared. invisible.

Of course, both Hela and Qi Jun know that it is impossible to truly disappear when they disappear. The next time they appear, either the contract has been completed, or, naturally, the contract has reached the time limit and a penalty will be automatically issued.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 145: R\u0026D By-product: Idea Technology

In fact, if Qi Jun really wanted to get the soul gem, there was nothing he could do.

Let’s not talk about the level of mutated gems and the congenital suppression of soul gems. Let’s just say that they captured Gamora and Nebula at the same time and threw them on the planet Vormir. Since these two have not experienced much yet, although they have each other in their hearts, they They are plastic sisters who all want to kill each other, and the soul gem can be obtained easily.

The reason why Qi Jun realized such a trade contract was to disgust Asgard. If you want to kill me, then I will save Hela, the goddess of death who wants to kill you.

Secondly, Qi Jun also wanted to see if Hela, the so-called goddess of death, could get the soul gem out without sacrificing anyone close to her.

Of course, if Hela doesn't get the soul gem in the end and is wiped out by the will of the universe, then it doesn't matter, it's just a try anyway.

If you succeed, you don’t have to worry about getting the soul gem by yourself. If you don’t succeed, it’s not too late to do it yourself... "Can you say it now? "

Hela discovered that before she knew the news about the soul gem, she could remain calm, but now, she was really eager to know the news.

This is no longer just a matter of punishment in the contract, but I really want to know! "Of course, Queen Hela!"

Qi Jun smiled softly, "I wonder if Queen Hela has heard of the planet Vormir?"

"It is rumored to be the final resting place of souls in the universe"

Hela thought for a while, frowned and asked, "Is the soul gem there?"

Hela is called the goddess of death, although part of it is because she kills too many people and has too many creatures that die on her hands, just like a god of death.

But at the same time, Hela does practice magic with souls and the undead side.

How could Hela not know this rumor in the universe! "Not bad!"

Qi Jun nodded.

"Although that planet is remote, it's not like there has been no one for thousands of years. If there really is a soul gem, how could there be no news about it? Even if it's just gossip."

Hela was puzzled.

However, it seems reasonable to say that the soul gem is in that place, "but I really don't know!"

Qi Jun shrugged, could I tell you that I saw it in a movie? "But it is rumored that the soul gem has its own thoughts, or will. Maybe it doesn't want to expose itself, so it treats everyone who has seen it." influence"

"It's possible!"

Hela nodded, feeling somewhat confident. It would be good if she knew the place. It would be a pain if she didn't know the place. "When will you get me out?"

Although Qi Jun sent himself out of the seal on the last day of the contract, it was not considered a violation of the contract, but Hela also knew that Qi Jun could not do this, but if he could leave one day earlier, he would naturally want to leave earlier! Being beaten by Odin Sealed in the underworld of Heim, his strength not only failed to improve, but even declined for a time. Now he was seriously injured by the eccentric Odin. Hela no longer wanted to stay in this ghost place.

Even though there are subordinates who belong to her here! "Just wait a few days, I still have something to do here."

Qi Jun comforted him, "Besides, you should heal your injuries and don't improve your strength.

If I take you out of this seal, your strength will be lower, you know?"

"Fully understand!"

Hela naturally knows what the power of repulsion is.

"Okay then, you can recover from your injuries, and when the time comes, I will come to pick you up!"

Qi Jun nodded to Hela, teleported, and left.

Although there is a star map, Qi Jun has not been to places other than the nine realms of the main plane. Qi Jun naturally has to wait for stability before coming to pick up Hela.


"How is this going"

After teleporting back to the Venus Space Station, Qi Jun discovered that the space station had completely disappeared! Where the space station should have been, there were only a few tiny fragments of the space station left.

"Sir, you are finally back!"

At this time, a space drone flew over and shouted happily to Qi Jun, who was standing alone in the universe, in a brainwave way.

"Taibai, what's going on?"

Qi Jun also responded with spiritual power and asked.

This is a by-product that Qi Jun and 'Dr. Lan' named when they were 'building' the Dream Space City and developing it. Dr. Lan calls it mind technology! Of course, mind technology is a completely upgraded version! Space UAV The one above is called a mind communicator, which perfectly solves the problem of being unable to speak in space.

In fact, the current space flying city is full of traces of mind technology.

In the flying city of the universe, you only need to wear a special thought controller that belongs to each individual. Then, in this huge metropolis-like flying city of the universe, you can do anything without saying anything or making any gestures. Anything! Hey, mind technology, this thing is... so domineering! Hey, yes, my space city! Qi Jun turned around suddenly until he saw the Dream space flight that was still invisible. Cheng, then breathed a sigh of relief.

The Venus Space Station will be gone if it is gone. It was just an excessive primary base.

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