
Qi Jun knew this clearly. The future Doctor Doom, who is now Doctor Doom, is the boss of a listed company, and he is mostly businessman, while Bruce Banner is a true scholar-scientist and has nothing to do with business. .

"Yes, I introduced him.

..Group, I heard that under the chairmanship of Ms. Skye, we...

..The group has reached some cooperation with his company, and it seems that some are installed on the spacecraft of the space station that will be launched into space in a week.

..High-precision instruments and the like funded by the group.”

Bruce Banner shrugged, "It seems that Dr. Reed Richards and the others are going to the space station to do some kind of experiment."

"a week later"

Qi Jun raised his eyebrows, "It's so fast."

In fact, Qi Jun also asked Taibai to put a special reminder mark on this matter.

Although Qi Jun has no shortage of energy now, he is still curious about this kind of cosmic radiation that can give people supernatural powers when exposed to it, and he also wants to study it. However, Taibai reminded that it was when the spacecraft was launched. Even so, from the time the spacecraft is launched to entering the space station and preparing for experiments, there are several hours in between, which is enough for Qi Jun to arrange.

"you know"

Since Bubanna learned magic, this guy has become completely biased and is preparing to completely change his job to become a main magician and a secondary creature! This is why Bruce Banner is not very interested in the experiments of Reed Richards and others. However, from Bruce Banner's point of view, unless they really discovered something in the experiment, otherwise, it would be more comfortable to practice magic more if they have that time.

If it weren't for Qi Jun's arrangement, Bruce would have always wanted to settle down on Venus. The environment here is simply... paradise for a fire magician! "Yeah"

Qi Jun nodded, "Related, an exploratory experiment using cosmic radiation to treat incurable diseases."

"By the way, how's it going in Wakanda?"

Qi Jun changed the topic and asked.


Bruce Banner picked his head and recalled, "It seems that a few small-scale battles broke out over there, but it was just some small news reports. It seems that I heard some scientists from the Scientific Research Department say it during their daily interactions."

"Haha, it seems that the US federal military did not sit still after all."

Qi Jun chuckled, but... also knew that this news was a bit embarrassing: Bruce Banner frowned and thought, this guy usually doesn't pay attention to where the war is, let alone It is said that the third world emirate countries that have not yet been exposed “don’t think so much, you just need to know.

..As long as the group has some interests that need to be safeguarded.”

"Okay, practice slowly. When you go back, tell Skye not to work so hard and pay attention to the balance between work and rest."

After chatting for a while, Qi Jun nodded to Bruce Banner, teleported, and left.


Bruce Banner looked at the position where Qi Jun left with some envy, "It's still cool to be a space mage. You can go wherever you want."

"However, my fire magic is not bad either!"

Bruce Banner looked at what happened because of Qi Jun's departure: a huge pit filled with magma, "Sooner or later I will reach the strength!"

........................ "Taibai, inform Hulk, Emil Bronsky, and Dr. Samuel Stern to come to the control cabin!"

After Qi Jun briefly learned about the current situation of the earth from Bruce Banner, he returned directly to the Dream spaceship city, and even went directly to the Dream's control cockpit.

Next, it’s time to march into the galaxy and the universe! “Okay, sir!”

"Notification has arrived. Three people 3 are rushing to the cockpit and are expected to arrive in two minutes."

Taibai's voice also sounded in the cockpit.

Taibai has been optimized several times by the current Dr. Samuel Sternland, and its functions have already surpassed the prototype Jarvis by many.

In fact, letting Taibai control the entire Dream ship to enter the universe would take up less than 1% of Taibai's calculations. You can imagine how abnormal the current Dr. Blue Samuel Stern is! It's simply Became an all-round scientist! The reason why I called all three Samuel Sterns 3 here is naturally to commemorate this moment! Staying on Venus for this period of time is not considered entering the universe. I will start driving my dream later. When the horn is launched, it is truly heading towards the universe, the most memorable moment! "Boss!"

After a while, a big green man and a tall and strong man strolled over with their arms around each other, especially the big green man, who waved his palm as big as a cattail leaf fan towards Qi Jun from a long distance away.


Qi Jun turned his head and saw Hulk, whose mind had reached the level of a junior high school student, and showed a happy smile.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 149 Hulk’s Changes

Qi Jun didn't know if it had something to do with soul magic. Hulk's mind grew very fast. During the time when Qi Jun and Dr. Lan were researching, realizing, and building the Dream Space City, Hulk's mind was simply... It rose exponentially and soon reached the level of a junior high school student on Earth.

Of course, it may also be because they no longer have to be suppressed by the original soul master personality, and... the teachings of Abomination. At the beginning, Hulk and Abomination, two muscular guys, could only serve as equipment porters for Qi Jun and Dr. Lan. , but after Qi Jun and Dr. Lan accidentally developed telepathy technology and created a large number of telepathy machines, these two items were completely useless.

In the words of Dr. Blue Samuel Stern, moving things seems to be a hindrance.

As a result, Hulk and Abomination, who had transformed from bricklayers into social idlers, went to have a long-term "intimate contact".


Don't get me wrong, it's a hand-to-hand fight! Well, in layman's terms, it's a fight! Not the kind in bed...! With nothing to do and too much to do all day long, Hulk and Abomination immediately became fighting enthusiasts. There was constant ping-pong fighting all day long.

It was precisely during this process that the Hulk and the Abomination became good friends who talked about everything. Except...when they were fighting, they walked shoulder to shoulder wherever they went. Qi Jun felt like I was on the wrong set.

Good luck! Hulk and Abomination have become good friends! Of course, it may have something to do with soul magic, or it may be because he is grateful to Qi Jun for rescuing him from the suppression of Bruce Banner’s main consciousness. After Hulk’s mind rose, Hulk What is called love, respect and admiration for Qi Jun!......................"!"

Compared to Hulk's exclusive title, the hated Emil Bronsky naturally called Qi Jun boss, said hello, and stood aside respectfully.

Of course, even if he hates calling Qi Jun boss, Qi Jun won't have any objections. Anyway... In Qi Jun's view, they are all his absolutely loyal younger brothers. It doesn't matter if he calls him boss, boss or even sir. of.

"Boss, are we leaving?"

After his mind rose, Qi Jun gave Hulk a modified version of a head-mounted learning device. In just one week, he learned the knowledge that a normal human on earth would have from kindergarten to university! You can slap your chest and say: I, Hulk, am also a university monk! It’s just that compared to studying, fighting is more attractive to Hulk.

But as a Hulk with normal university monk knowledge, he can easily tell what the space flying city is made for.

What's more, Qi Jun never concealed his intention to enter the universe when he built this huge space flying city.


Qi Jun patted Hulk's arm, hard! After a while, with the help of Qi Jun's more powerful super brainpower, super control, super micro-management and other means, he was able to easily control the surge in power.

What's more, this is the Hulk, and Qi Jun doesn't have to worry about turning this guy into a jerk or something. "We'll do it right away when Dr. Lan arrives."

lets go!"

Qi Jun smiled, the Dream has completed its energy storage, and it is time to head towards the depths of the universe! "Okay!"

Hulk clapped his hands and almost jumped up.

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