After all, the mind is that of a junior high school student. Even if he already has the knowledge of a normal earthly university monk, it will not hinder the Hulk kid's yearning for the deep space of the universe! "Haha! Boss! I'm here too!"

At this moment, Samuel, who looked like a standard scientific research scientist.

He stepped on a thin pedal and flew over lightly.

You deserve to own the mind-controlled anti-gravity floating surfboard! “It’s really an exciting moment!”

At this time, Samuel Stern was no longer as calm as usual, and his words conveyed a full sense of expectation! Although almost most of this space flying city was researched by Samuel Stern Yes, I have also delved deeply into the knowledge of... space navigation.

But research is... research and practice are what a qualified scientist likes to do the most! The first wormhole travel! The first space travel! The first space trip! The first deep space trip! What a heart-pounding moment this is! .................. "Taibai, start self-examination!"

Qi Jun shouted.

"Yes sir!"

"Now start the self-test program..."

"The self-test of the master quantum dark energy intelligent system is normal..."

"Dark energy, antimatter energy, and nuclear energy power system self-test is normal..."

"The energy shield system self-test is normal..."

"Weapon system self-test is normal..."

"The self-test of the quantum communication system is normal..."

"The self-test of the life support system is normal..."

"The space positioning and navigation system self-test is normal..."

"Space folding: jump system self-test is normal..."

"Artificial wormhole [] system self-test is normal..."




"The self-check program of the Dream spacecraft has been completed and everything is normal.


Mo De's emotional Taibai's voice resounded throughout the entire cockpit. Qi Jun, Samuel Stern, Hulk, and even Abomination were all nervous, fearing that Taibai would suddenly say something unusual.


It wasn't until Taibai said everything was normal that Hulk finally jumped up.

Not only Hulk, Qi Jun, Dr. Lan, and Abomination all had smiles on their faces.

........................ "Taibai! Turn on the antimatter main energy reactor!"

"Recover the 'Black Hole Energy Concentrator'!"

"Start propulsion system warm-up!"

"Start the artificial wormhole [] system to warm up!"

"Start the Space Fold: Leap system to warm up!"

"In short, activate all systems of Deep Space March!"

Now that you're ready, what are you waiting for and get ready to go! "Copy that!"

"The 'Black Hole-like Energy Concentrator' has been stored back in the Dream cabin."

"All systems of the Dream have been warmed up and prepared!"

"The Dream is ready to go at any time!"

Taibai reported faithfully.

"What are you waiting for!"

"Set off!"

Taking a step forward, Qi Jun directly pushed the push lever on the console to the end! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 150 Arrival at Zaidar Star!

Life must have a sense of ritual! The first deep space journey must also have a sense of ritual! Of course, the push rod that Qi Jun pushed to the end is not just a decoration, this thing also has the function of starting the Dream. The function of operation.

Since the goal had been set long ago, under Taibai's control, the Dream quickly started moving, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

"Dream has reached the predetermined speed! The artificial wormhole [] system is opened to provide ten times the energy!"

The Dream's increasing speed had no impact on Qi Jun and others, and they didn't even feel it at all.

"Open the wormhole【】!"

In the boredom of the four people, the Dream finally reached the predetermined speed. Taibai also seized the opportunity to control the artificial wormhole [ ] system, opening a huge wormhole [ ] entrance on the way forward of the Dream! In Taibai's Controlling a huge artificial wormhole【】, it happened to appear in front of the Dream, and it just happened to 'swallow' the entire Dream! "Yeah! That's...this feeling!"

Feeling the twisting force in the wormhole, Samuel Stern became excited. He ran to the side and pulled out several projection screens, and started operating them with a swish of a swish.

"What a nice view!"

Looking at the colorful wormhole channel, Emil Bronsky murmured to himself, "General Ross, I'm afraid you will never have the opportunity to see such a wonderful sight in your life."

"Haha! Haha! Interesting!"

Hulk was as happy as a child, jumping up and down, and reaching out his hands to catch those... colorful and beautiful illusions. "What a rich power of space!"

Different from the scientific research madman Dr. Lan, the Hulk with the mind of a junior high school student, and the complex hatred, although Qi Jun was also surprised by the beauty and fantasy in the wormhole, he was even more surprised by the extremely rich power of space in the wormhole! "It seems that there are countless wormholes connected to the wormhole []"

Qi Jun released his mental power and sensed it with all his heart.

Qi Jun discovered that behind this magnificent scenery, it seemed to be connected to the entire starry sky in the universe. It seemed that every ray of light was connected to a different wormhole. However, Qi Jun did not wait for more. Feeling, the Dream spacecraft suddenly rushed out of the wormhole [] Exit: and arrived on the other side of the starry sky! "The Dream spacecraft started automatic self-check..."

"Self-inspection completed, everything is normal on the Dream!"

"Capture gravity! Analyzing"

"Discover the pulsar!"

"Discovered the Universe Star Network! Linked to the Universe Star Network! Link successful! Find information! Downloading information!"

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