"Comparing data..."

"Comparison completed, we have arrived at our destination, near the wormhole []."

"Safe area, disarm... fully armed, remain invisible, Dream begins to slow down!"


"Deceleration completed, Dream is stationary"

"Sir, please give the next instructions!"

Taibai's series of words woke everyone up.

"Project the star map of our location!"

Although the cockpit control cabin has portholes to see the outside scenery, it is only one side after all... If you want to understand the overall situation, you still need Taibai to project the entire surrounding environment.

"Yes, sir!"

The light in the cockpit control room suddenly dimmed a lot, and then the star map of Dream's current location was immediately projected by Taibai.

"Oh my God! There are actually three stars here"

Samuel Stern, who had just come out of his scientific research state after seeing the projection, immediately... exclaimed.

"And there are no planets around here."

Hulk also came over. Although his mind was that of a junior high school student, his level of knowledge was that of a university monk. He was naturally extremely surprised to see a strange star system with only three stars and no planets.

"Okay, there are a lot of weird things in the universe. We have now officially entered the developed area of ​​the galaxy, and we will definitely be able to learn more! Let's go to the destination first!"

Qi Jun was not very curious about this.

No matter how strange it is, there are thousands of strange dimensions. Not to mention other things, when Qi Jun led Odin to offend thousands of dimensions, he went to a very strange dimension, a huge planet surrounded by dense Satellites,,! Note that the satellites mentioned here are not the kind of satellites launched into orbit by humans,,,, but satellites of the earth similar to the moon.

Satellites, large and small, are densely surrounding the huge planet. Standing on the planet and looking up at the sky, you can't even see a star in the sky. There are only countless satellites in sight,! Of course, Odin's blow, I don’t know how many satellites have been destroyed... I think this dimensional master must hate Odin more than other dimensional masters! "Taibai, prepare to activate the space warp: leap to Zhaidar Star!"

Qi Jun gave the order.

"Yes, sir!"

"Downloading the real-time location information of Xingwang Chaidaxing, the download is completed and the data is being corrected!"

"Downloading the Nova Empire Space Vehicle Management Policy, the data is being corrected!"

"Start the space folding: jump system! Start injecting energy!"

"Please be prepared, space fold: jump countdown, 1 in ten seconds!"





"Two 2!"


"Space Fold: Jump Start!"

Buzz!!! Following Taibai's voice, Qi Jun clearly sensed a powerful energy spreading along the Dream's energy shield in an instant, encompassing the entire Dream, and then suddenly burst out with a strong The power of space.

Then, the picture projected by Taibai changed, and a beautiful star system appeared in the projection screen. Huge stars, as many as twenty planets, and a beautiful livable planet were in the suitable environment of the star system. Living on the star path.

Through the portholes, Qi Jun and others were able to clearly see the Zaidar Star. It was so big! So beautiful! And... so prosperous! The spaceport in the outer space of the Zaidar Star, with its big people coming in and out. Spaceships, big and small, just represent the prosperity here! "The space folding: jump system is on standby."

"Zaidar Star has arrived, please give instructions, sir."

Taibai's words made everyone realize that the space jump has completed "compared to the long-distance travel of wormholes, the space jump is more suitable for short-distance jumps."

Looking at Hulk, hating the surprise in his eyes, Qi Jun smiled slightly and explained.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 151: The Nova Legion’s Alert

"Release...the stealth state. In addition, send a communication and prepare to dock at the Zhaidar Star Space Port!"

Qi Jun issued a new order.

"Yes, sir!"

"The invisibility has been released, and the Space Control Administration of the Nova Empire Zhaidar Star has been notified of the parking request."

Taibai said.

"Boss, isn't our plan to enter Zaidar Star through a small spacecraft?"

Samuel Stern asked curiously about Qi Jun's decision.

Dark soul magic only affects the person who has been enchanted, subtly putting the interests of the caster first, but it does not deprive others of their minds. Otherwise, how could Samuel Stern become the super perverted Dr. Blue? !“Plans can’t change as fast as they do”

Qi Jun shrugged. Compared with Dr. Lan and the other three, who did not notice any movement of the Zaidar Planet's outer space weapons, Qi Jun clearly saw through his super eyesight that the Zaidar Planet's outer space strike weapons were aimed at him. .

"Perhaps our stealth technology is not yet available."

"Maybe it's because when we made a space jump, the space fluctuations were too obvious."

"Or maybe it's both but obviously, they've discovered us."

Qi Jun explained patiently.

"Sir, I received a communication request, would you like to access it?"

At this time, Taibai asked.

"Come in."

Qi Jun nodded.

........................"This is the Nova Corps Space Security Force! Please identify yourself immediately!"

"This is the Nova Corps Space Security Force! Please identify yourself immediately!"

"This is the Nova Corps Space Security Force! Please identify yourself immediately!"

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