As soon as Pu connected the voice, a series of warnings immediately came out.

Well, of course it was the words translated by Taibai.

"Please don't be nervous. We don't mean any harm. We are guests from Earth traveling to Zaidar Star."

Qi Jun wasn't here to fight, so naturally he wouldn't get angry out of his wits. This was just a normal operation of the security forces, and only the crazy ones who were looking for trouble would fight back.

However, there was no need for a Taibai translator. Qi Jun spoke the official language of Zaidar fluently, but Dr. Lan and the other three were stunned when they heard it.

But! Compared to Dr. Lan and the other three, although they were confused, they were not nervous.

On the other side, everyone in the combat command of the Nova Corps Space Security Headquarters was in a cold sweat.

I believe you! You are such a bad old man! Whoever comes here to travel is driving a huge space battleship. Everyone in my Nova Corps is not blind. The one under your space battleship is ...What’s that muzzle that’s bigger than many spaceships? Don’t you dare sue your small spaceship for entering and exiting the berth! “Report! No earth information found!”

"There is no information about the Earth in the Nova Empire's database, and there is no information about the Earth in the Universe Star Network!"

At the stall where everyone was speechless, an alien with red skin, a Nova Empire soldier, um, probably a security force staff officer, stood up and reported to the highest officer at the top.


All of a sudden, many officers made a sensation: "There is no information about the earth, and there is not even one on the Universe Star Network."

"I just made up a name. He's not here to cause trouble. Is he from Ronan of the Kree Empire?"

Some people speculate.

From the beginning, no one thought that the earth would be a planet that had just entered the stage of space navigation.

Damn, being able to build such a big space battleship, with the dense muzzles all over it, and the... huge main gun muzzle below, is something that a planet that has just entered interstellar navigation can create. Not to mention the power, that thing is What a "last warning!" a planet that has just embarked on interstellar navigation can create!

The top officer sitting at the top frowned deeply. With the same energy properties, the larger the muzzle, the more powerful it is. This is a universal principle in the universe. If nothing else, just looking at that... huge muzzle, This... top officer felt his scalp numb for a while! "Please reveal your true identity! And take the initiative to turn off the energy shield! Turn off the main thrust engine! Please accept the boarding inspection by the Nova Corps space security force!"

The top officer took a deep breath, grabbed the communicator and issued a final warning.


Qi Jun shook his head, "Weak Earth, when will you have enough prestige in the universe?"

Taibai, who has been optimized many times by Dr. Lan Samuel Stern, and with the help of the quantum dark energy intelligent server matrix that Qi Jun revealed, has actually already quietly invaded the security system of the Nova Corps Space Security Force. Qi Jun could hear everyone's conversations clearly.

Samuel Stern and the other three could also hear it clearly. Of course, to them, it sounded like... chirping. Fortunately, Taibai was there to translate in real time. Otherwise, these three guys could only stare.

"Want to fight?"

Hulk, a militant, jumped out immediately. Even though this guy already has the knowledge of an Earth university monk, for him, just go ahead and get over it! "Go aside!"

Seeing that Hatred and Dr. Lan were agitated, Qi Jun waved his hand angrily.

People hate him for being a combatant like the Hulk. Dr. Lan, a scientific researcher, is wondering whether the battle is affected by the Hulk serum or whether it is because he wants to test the endurance and strike capabilities of this Dream through actual combat. However, , Qi Jun has his own thoughts, what's more, Qi Jun himself is not here to fight. If Mao can solve it peacefully, if he doesn't solve it peacefully, this Nova Empire is not Asgard, unless the top commander of the Nova Legion's space security force is also An idiot and arrogant maniac like Thor.

But obviously, that is impossible! "Well, the earth is really pitiful, it doesn't even have its own name."

Qi Jun glared at the militant trio 3 angrily, opened the call and said, "Planet No. 5 in the Milky Way, compiled by the Kree Empire, I believe you can find it."

"It's impossible to turn off the energy shield!"

Qi Jun continued, "But there is no problem in shutting down the main thrust engine. We originally planned to park at the space port and travel to Zaidar Star.

You can send a team of 1 action team to board the ship, and we will cooperate to park the tourist spacecraft at the space port."

Everyone in the Nova Corps Space Security Force who heard the call was confused.

Such a huge warship, you call it a tourist ship. To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 152 The anger of the security force chief


The top officer of the Nova Corps Space Security Force found that this planet felt vaguely familiar to him, as if he had known it before. "Sir! I found the information!"

It was the same red-skinned combat consultant from before who yelled and performed some operations to project the earth's information.

"It turns out to be this planet, Earth Star!"

After looking at the information, the top officer suddenly understood, "No wonder I feel familiar."

It's not that the Nova Empire doesn't have information on this planet, but because of the different name, no information was found.

Of course, in the database of the Nova Empire, although there is information about the Earth Star, it is from a long time ago. It seems that it has not been updated for a long time. "A 1 was marked as a 5 by the Kree Empire thousands of years ago. A planet suitable for humans and humanoid creatures to live on!”

"However, this planet also falls under the jurisdiction of Asgard. I heard that there was a fight back then, which led to the Kree Empire finally giving up control of this planet."


The top officer suddenly seemed to take a breath of cold air, his pupils shrank sharply, "It's actually a planet related to these two huge forces!"

No force in the universe is unaware of the power of the Kree Empire. Even the Nova Empire has just suspended the centuries-long interstellar war with the Kree Empire and signed a non-aggression treaty. This is just a Kree Empire. The war situation occurred only after the Kree Empire was engaged in a long-term battle with the Skrull Empire and other forces. If the Kree Empire concentrated on targeting the Nova Empire, the Nova Empire would be pushed into the primitive era of the planet almost instantly. Where would there be any chance to fight with the Kree Empire? The empire signed an armistice agreement! Asgard, a country that has existed longer than the Nova Empire, rules the nine star regions. The entire country is almost full of war madmen, and it is also famous in the known universe! Although compared to other As far as cosmic forces are concerned, the territory they rule is not large, but no one would want to offend this super power, a ferocious clan that could bring down the Kree Empire.

And now, a man driving a space battleship that beeped wildly from the outside arrived at Zaidar Star, claiming that the people who wanted to travel on Zaidar Star were from this Kree and Asgardian people. What should we do with the associated planet? "Sir, the intelligence we received from the hidden line in the Predator contains partial information about this planet."

It was the same... red-skinned combat consultant who projected a piece of intelligence in front of the top officer when he was frowning and thinking about how to deal with this matter.


The top officer took a look and suddenly looked surprised. "Intelligence data from twenty years ago, a planet that has just begun the era of nuclear energy utilization."

"You're kidding me"

The top officer looked at the huge space battleship that was revealed in space, and then looked at the information in front of him, and his nose was twisted with anger! "In twenty years, we can go from the era of initial use of nuclear energy to In the era of interstellar navigation, it will be possible to build a ship so large that it can even jump through space."

"It's impossible for a planet that has just begun to use nuclear energy to do so in twenty years, with our New Star Empire providing technical guidance!"

"Who sent this information to the Empire next time? Capture him and send him directly to Qien High Security Prison!"

The top officer of the Space Security Force roared angrily.

The top officer of the Space Security Force was obviously going crazy. In his opinion, this intelligence was obviously... meant to be fooled by ghosts! A planet that has the ability to build super-large space battleships, you actually reported that It’s just a planet with initial use of nuclear energy. “Yes, sir!”

Facing the angry top officer, the red-skinned staff officer trembled and quickly sat down:.

............."Sir, how should we operate?"

Just like the concerns of the top executive, after reading the information just projected, the senior officials standing next to the top executive also frowned.

The super large space battleship itself is extremely difficult to deal with, but I didn't expect that it has something to do with Asgard or even the Kree Empire. If this is not handled well, wouldn't it be the peace agreement just signed? Even if the signature is in vain, "Follow the procedures and send a top-level action team to board the ship for inspection and registration."

The top officer frowned and thought for a moment, then pointed to the second commander of the Space Security Force aside, "Let you lead the team.

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