Remember, stay polite! Don’t cause conflicts!”


Nodding, the second commander turned and left with a serious face.

"By the way, send this information to the Nova Empire Military Headquarters!"

Seeing the second commander leaving, the top officer thought for a while and then ordered, "By the way, please send this information to Xinxing Supreme as well!"

"Yes, sir!"

The people on the side immediately stood up.

It started operating.

"Sir, send it to the Supreme. Is it necessary?"

The senior officials around the top officer looked at each other and looked at each other in disbelief. It was just a space battleship. Even though this space battleship was larger, it was not impossible for the Nova Corps to deal with it. It was necessary to be so cautious. "Of course!"

The top officer looked around with a heavy expression on his face, "There is no small matter for a weak country!"

"The Kree Empire's multi-front battles have exhausted our Nova Empire, and this sudden force may have something to do with the Kree Empire."

"Even if they have nothing to do with the Kree Empire, Asgard must know that the Earth Star is among the nine realms ruled by Asgard. It is impossible to hide the manufacturing of this kind of super-large space battleship from them. ! In other words, there is at least an Asgard behind this sudden force."

"And our Nova Empire has just ended the war with the Kree Empire, and is in a desperate situation. It would be unwise to provoke a force related to Asgard Kendi!"

The top officer directly made the final decision, "If the New Star Supreme comes forward, maybe we can gain an ally."

..................... On the other side, Qi Jun and four other people in the Dream were watching the brain-filling operations of this group of people throughout the whole process. For a moment, they couldn't help but Some looked at each other.

"This is truly a cosmic empire"

Emil Bronsky, as a former special forces officer who performed frontline operations in every mission, found it difficult to understand the choices of everyone in this group of security forces.

"Rang! That's it!"

Hulk patted Emil Bronsky on the shoulder and expressed his agreement! To be continued: Feilu reminds you: three things about reading to collect, recommend

Chapter 153 First Contact

"Well..., this guy's choice is not wrong in itself."

Qi Jun watched the whole process and tried to see the problem from the commander's perspective.

"Because of the huge gap in intelligence, these guys are actually not worried about us, but the forces behind us."

"As a cosmic empire that can fight a war with the Kree Empire for hundreds of years, even if it is only fighting the second or even third-line troops of the Kree Empire, it is not just any force that the Nova Empire can treat with caution."

"What they care about is Asgard or the Kree Empire that may exist behind us. No matter which one of the two, their Nova Empire is not willing to offend easily."

"Especially in Asgard, the Rainbow Bridge is a dual product of technology and magic. Ordinary means cannot prevent the Rainbow Bridge from rushing in. It can directly rush in and destroy their highest command headquarters. No matter how huge your army is, you will have to Take a break!"

Qi Jun analyzed.

"Of course, this is also related to the fact that this guy, even these guys are stationed at the imperial headquarters all year round and do not often go to the front line, or have never been to the front line at all. They have changed from soldiers to politicians. The perspective of thinking about the problem is more In the direction of politicians.”

"If their commander was a general who had just come off the battlefield, or a pure soldier, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to enjoy tea here as leisurely as we do now."

Qi Jun took a sip of the tea that appeared in his hand and moistened his throat.

"Of course, if the top officer were replaced by Hulk, countless fireworks would have flickered in this space."

Qi Jun glanced at Hulk and said with a smile.

"Ha ha!"

Samuel Stern drank the freshly ground coffee from the mechanical assistant beside him, as if through the void, he saw Hulk as the top commander of the space security force. "That's right, if Hulk becomes the top commander, Sir, that would be really interesting."

"A bunch of bad guys, Hulk won't play with you!"

Hulk rolled his eyes wildly on the side, and he strongly disagreed with Qi Jun and Samuel Stern's evaluation! Unfortunately, there was nothing Hulk could do about these two people.

You can't beat one. With Qi Jun's current strength, even if you want to take on Hulk's fourth stage transformation, it's a bit reluctant, let alone a real fight. Qi Jun won't give you time to accumulate anger and slowly become stronger.

Just like the Purple Sweet Potato in the Sunset, when your anger is still unable to gather, it is... a violent beating, which will directly make you doubt your life, and beat you until you can no longer even think about transforming. , but can’t fight! Although Samuel Stern has been injected with Hulk serum, he is not a combatant himself, but serves as an extremely important top scientist in Qi Jun’s forces. Bruce Banner is completely inferior to what he is now. Dr. Lan! Qi Jun will never allow Hulk to fight Dr. Lan! Of course, if Samuel Stern puts his mind on restraining Hulk, with this guy’s current IQ that is five hundred times higher than that of ordinary people, Hulk will I'm afraid I can only be a younger brother! However, seeing that there is still a close friend of Hulk in the universe that has not transformed into hateful Ed next to him! "Sir, the Type 1 fleet flying in front of the Dream has sent a message to board the ship. Request, whether to allow"

Just as Qi Jun and Samuel Stern were chatting for a while, Taibai's voice rang out.


Qi Jun raised his eyebrows, "But remember to lead them to land in the living area first, and hide all those... weapons that are too powerful!"

Since I said I was traveling to Zaidar Star, I can't let people directly log into the weapons and equipment storage area. Those... huge kinetic energy weapons and energy weapons that can be recognized at a glance, especially There is also an 'earth-penetrating star bomb' that Qi Jun specially created in the weapons and equipment storage area, which is similar to the Star Destroyer Cannon. It would be bad if people saw this and misunderstood it. After all, this thing If the child fell from space and got into the interior of Zaidar Star, the consequences would be... "Understood, sir!"

After Taibai finished speaking, he disappeared and went to guide the top action team of the Nova Empire's outer space security force to dock and board the ship.

........................"Hello, strong men from the Earth Star!"

When they met Qi Jun and the others for the first time, the second commander of the Nova Empire's Zaidar Star Space Security Force led the team and saluted them with a solemn salute to show their respect for Qi Jun and others.

However, from boarding the ship to being guided to see Qi Jun, the second commander didn't see anyone. Except for robots, there were only robots. Everyone is going to be confused.

After seeing Qi Jun and the others, the second commander was even more speechless. Are these four people really the only ones in this super space battleship? Are they really here to travel? Think about it, he and the supreme commander and others were there for a while. The speculation was that it was all a comedy, just as the second commander thought. Through the real-time footage of the action team, the top officer of the Nova Empire's Zeidar Space Security Force and others also had a trace of self-doubt in their hearts.

However, after seeing Qi Jun and his party of four, the group quickly recovered.

That’s it! How could the Earth Star be able to build such a huge space battleship if it was just the Earth Star? Look at the two big green and brown guys in their team who hate transformation. They are nothing like the Earth Star humans recorded in the data. They don’t even look alike! “Hello!”

After all, there were only four people, and Qi Jun was too lazy to go through all the red tape. Qi Jun directly took over the conversation, "Welcome to my Dream travel spaceship."

These words not only made the faces of the security forces twitch, but even Hulk and Abomination couldn't hold back after hearing Taibai's translation. The two big guys were holding back, but their bodies were shrugging. It even made the security forces have a black line on their foreheads.

Hissed, "Your Zhaidar is really authentic."

The second commander took a deep breath and bowed slightly, "I haven't asked for your name yet, so I don't know what the purpose of coming to Zaidar Star is."

"Haha, we don't have so many scruples. My name is Qi Jun, just call me by my name."

Qi Jun laughed. "The purpose is... besides traveling to Zaidar Star, if possible, I also have the idea of ​​​​collaborating with the Nova Empire."

Sure enough! Everyone in the entire security force looked condensed.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 154 One-sided happy communication


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