“Sure enough, I didn’t just come here to travel!”

"No one will travel in a huge space battleship!"

In the security force command hall, the top officer finally breathed a sigh of relief! Fortunately! Fortunately, this guy didn't just come for a trip. Otherwise, wouldn't his judgment just now be... a fool in vain? In fact, Qi Jun's original plan was really just to travel to Zaidar Star.

After all, they had discussed it with Samuel Stern before, so that the Dream would be invisible in the universe and Taibai would take care of it. They would then switch to a small spaceship and enter the Zaidar Star to conduct a Real extraterrestrial travel! Of course, you can also collect some strange flowers, plants, animals, birds, unique technologies, etc...

However, as Qi Jun said before, plans do not change quickly.

The space security force of Zaidar Star discovered their arrival, and Qi Jun decided not to implement the previous plan, but to adapt to the situation directly. It would not be a problem to talk to Xinxing Supreme! ........ ........."The Nova Empire welcomes you, and Zaidar Star welcomes you. If necessary, we can also send elite tour guides to accompany you on the tour."

The second commander asked carefully, "I don't know, which force do you represent?"

Whether it is the Kree Empire, which has just ended the war, or Asgard, which has no enmity with the Nova Empire, in fact, they are powerful forces that the Nova Empire does not want to offend easily! "Who does it represent?"

Qi Jun smiled playfully, thinking of the way these guys used to compete with the air and guess, "I don't represent anyone, I only represent myself!"


The second commander was confused by Qi Jun's words and Xiami said, "You mean, you represent Earth Star?"

The second commander quickly asked, "Oh, is it...the Earth you mentioned?"


Qi Jun shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't represent the earth either! I only represent myself!"


The second commander suddenly felt a little depressed. Why is this so different from what we thought... In fact, in the Nova Empire Zaidar In the command hall of the Space Security Force, a group of people, including the top officer, were confused! "What the hell?"

"We were just doing this for him... just..."

"This guy is here to play tricks on us, right?"

"This guy must be here to play tricks on us!"

"Fuck! It doesn't mean anything. A person dares to drive a space battleship to the outskirts of Zaidar Star so arrogantly."

"It just so happens that our top action teams are all in his battleship. If we just capture them, it's the end of the world."

Because of Qi Jun's words, the entire hall suddenly became noisy.

"Shut up!"

Suddenly, the top officer roared angrily, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then quickly recovered.

"Whether he represents a certain force or just himself."

"Do you think that people who can drive a huge space battleship that looks very powerful with just four people and 'travel' around the universe are ordinary people?"

"Or, you are all a bunch of deaf people who can't hear what Qi Jun just said."

"He said that he only represented himself, but did he say that there was no power behind him?"

The angry curse immediately made the top officer feel much better. Seeing a group of people looking thoughtful, he was speechless.

"It's better to act according to the original rules! Don't cause too much trouble!"

The supreme commander finally delivered his closing remarks.

However, compared to the dull expression before, hearing Qi Jun say that he only represented himself made the top officer's expression much more relaxed.



Qi Jun raised his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and looked at the troubled second commander with amusement, "I said that, what's the problem?"

Due to the presence of outsiders, Qi Jun did not let Taibai show the scene of the invasion of the space security force command hall of the Nova Empire's Zaidar Star. Naturally, he did not know what was going on there.

However, as for... the changes over there, just look at the look on the second commander's face and you can guess something...,...

"Um, can I ask, what kind of cooperation do you want to achieve with our empire when you come to Zaidar Star this time?"

The second commander heard the voice in the headset, nodded slightly, and a look of relief flashed on his face. Since he was not treated specially, it was best.

Of course, the second commander still looked very respectful towards a big boss who owned a huge space battleship.

After all, being able to have their own space battleship, especially a space battleship that is as huge as a capital city, is not something that... these people can offend.

"Haha! There's no rush in this!"

Qi Jun laughed and changed the topic directly, otherwise he would have told him that he hadn't even thought about what the cooperation would be used for. "Let's go to Zaidar Star for some travel first and then talk about it."

After all, we haven’t decided yet whether your Rising Star Supreme is willing to meet us, right?”


The second commander was still stunned. With his current status, no one has been able to refute his reputation for a long time.

However, if it's this person... "That's fine."

The second commander nodded and said with a smile, "We also need to report to the New Star Supreme first. If the New Star Supreme is willing to see you, we can come to pick you up again."

"Why don't we park your Dream 'tourist spacecraft' into the space port now?"

When the word 'travel' was mentioned, even though it was not the first time, the second commander still felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Zaidar Star is still the capital, mother planet, and capital of an empire. The spaceport is still very large. Qi Jun's Dream tourist spacecraft can still dock in the port.

Of course, if there is another one of this size, forget it and let it float in space! "Of course that would be the best."

Of course Qi Jun would not refuse, and even felt that seeing the change in this guy's expression was... a kind of enjoyment.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 155 The foursome of foodies


Hulk looked surprised, looking left and right curiously, "These aliens look so strange!"

"that is...!"

Emil Bronsky, who was in a state of abhorrence, agreed with his face, "Those...humanoid aliens who are all blue, yellow, and red are fine, but I just said I actually saw a bunch of walking stones. Oh my god, the stones can actually walk."

Walking on the wide streets of the capital of the Xinxing Empire, Qi Jun and his party of four all looked curious, no different from other people traveling to Zaidar Star for the first time.

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