However, the discussion between the two curious babies also made everyone around them frown, but in the end no one stood up to stop it.

Firstly, this group of people was personally sent to the ground by the second commander of the Space Security Force. Secondly, Hulk and Abomination don't look like they are easy to bully. If they got into a fight over a disagreement, they would be killed by the Nova Corps in a matter of minutes. He was arrested by the armed security management force and imprisoned in Qin'an High Security Prison! It was really a place where people couldn't be called out every day! Seeing the disgusted looks of the people around them, Qi Jun and Samuel Stern, They couldn't help but quicken their pace, and put some distance between themselves and Hulk and Abomination, indicating that we didn't know these two idiots! However, Qi Jun glanced at the green Hulk and the brown Abomination, and said in his heart: "What's the matter?" However, Qi Jun and Dr. Lan took a look at the pile of stones in their eyes with hatred, but the aliens also came up with an idea: If you draw blood from this guy, there will be blood. Will this kind of thing pull out a tube of mud or magma? In fact, after guiding the Dream into the space port and parking it, The second commander of the Zaidar Star Space Security Force invited Qi Jun and his party to visit the Space Security Force headquarters.

Of course, Qi Jun refused.

Are you kidding me? Do you want to go if anyone invites you? My status is that the top officer of the security forces in the district can invite someone. At least I have to be at the level of the commander of the Nova Corps. I will consider the invitation carefully. Cut! Although Qi Jun did not refuse so bluntly, the second deputy commander and others, who had been hanging out in the harmonious and stable rear area for a long time, still expressed their regrets very wisely, and used a lot of space battleships to talk to Qi Jun. After trading a large amount of universal currency for the energy block, he kindly sent Qi Jun and his party 4 to the surface of Zhaidar planet respectfully.

Because of the steady supply of energy absorbed by the 'black hole-like energy extraction device' designed by Dr. Samuel Stern and implemented by Qi Jun, Qi Jun traded a large amount of cosmic energy from the Zaidar Star Space Security Force. Universal currency, in a short time, four 44 super rich people appeared on various streets in the capital of Zaidar Star.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this financial resources that the surrounding people do not suppress their displeasure towards Qi Jun and his party. But, who cares! The four of them are not ordinary people. They are Samuel Shi, who is a top scientist. Deng, who also has a huge stomach, and a group of four people, went to eat almost street by street. Anything that looked delicious could not escape their big mouths, which made it difficult for them to eat. People who paid little attention to them were secretly shocked.

Among them, the most shocking thing is Qi Jun. Although he is relatively small and hates Hulk, relying on his super stomach and super digestion, he is even more powerful than the other three people combined. He has to eat more! He has simply transformed into a super ferocious ancient glutton! Of course, this way of casting a wide net also allows Qi Jun to discover a lot of delicious food, and Qi Jun will not be short of food in the future. What a sample of delicious food! Qi Jun even thought that after visiting the capital of Zaidar Star, he would be able to discover many different wonderful things by visiting other cities!...... ..... Qaida Nova Legion Headquarters While Qi Jun and his party of four were strolling around, looking, eating, shopping, and buying, the Nova Legion Headquarters, There is also an ongoing discussion about Qi Jun and his party of four.

"Obviously, this Dream 'travel spaceship' represents the ultimate error in our intelligence about the Earth planet! This kind of error can sometimes be fatal!"

"Yes! I agree! Although the Earth Star is under the jurisdiction of Asgard and has nothing to do with our Nova Empire, the star field where the Earth Star is located is very close to our Nova Empire! We cannot guarantee that they will not Asgard's control will not expand outward!"

"They used to be just an in-planet civilization, but now they are able to build such fierce space battleships. We must include Earth Star in the prevention catalog!"

"What's more, Asgard behind the Earth Star is a powerful force that we always need to guard against. I think this is probably a precursor to Asgard's expansion! This so-called travel spacecraft is also very likely to It’s a test of the power of the universe by the Asgardians!”

"Then what do you want to do? Arrest them. Stop joking! They have abided by the rules of our Nova Empire from beginning to end. In what name do you want to arrest them? Do you want to directly offend the forces behind them? Do you want to directly Go to war with them? Did you lose your brain from fighting the Kree?"

"What are you talking about? Don't think that you have repelled a Kree attack and you are like a king! Believe it or not, I will blow your shit-like brain to the wall with one punch and paste it into paste."

"Come on! You bastard who smells like disgusting shit and sulfuric acid! You are not a soldier of the Nova Empire!"

I don't know when, what was originally a discussion meeting, turned into a swearing meeting in the blink of an eye, and a large number of generals even looked at the farce in the venue with smiles.


"Look what you look like. Are you still a decorated general of our Nova Empire?"

A woman with white hair but full of energy ended the farce in an instant with an angry curse.

Seeing the angry look of the female leader, all the generals instantly became: behaved, demonstrating the absolute authority of the female leader! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 156: Xinxing Supreme’s decision

"We have an energy detection report for... this earth star powerhouse who suddenly appeared."

A general below the female leader who had not spoken before stood up and nodded to everyone around him.

Holding something similar to a tablet recorder, he swiped on it, and an energy detection report of Qi Jun's four people 4 appeared in front of everyone.

"After the first contact with the Space Security Force, we found out that these four people are Qi Jun, the owner of the battleship, and also their leader. They call him the 'Emperor'. Based on the judgment of the super battleship he owns, it is very likely that he is a The leader of a super force! It is very likely that he is also an imperial force! Moreover, the energy response that he naturally emits has reached the same level as the Kree Empire and our mortal enemy Ronan the Accuser.

Attention! This is just a natural state. If it is a fighting state, this strong man may even be stronger than Ronan!"

Note: Here, Qi Jun is actively cooperating with the detection! “Samuel Stern, nicknamed ‘Dr. Lan’, according to their own introduction, is the chief scientific researcher of their own team. Whether this is true or not remains to be further confirmed.

But! This guy's energy response is also not low! Under his seemingly thin appearance, he definitely possesses powerful strength! It can be said that many of the generals we are sitting here are not enough for him to defeat alone!"

"Hulk, a big green guy, has an unknown race. They didn't introduce him, and we couldn't find any relevant information in our database.

But! Likewise, his energy response is even more powerful! It can even be said that the strongest being among the four, Qi Junzangzhuo! Because according to their own introduction, this is just the most common natural state of the Hulk, when fighting , the strength will increase exponentially.

In other words, our archenemy, Ronan the Accuser, can be easily tortured and played with!"

"Abomination, a big brown guy, the same race is unknown, but he seems to have some similarities with the big green guy, he may be of the same race.

Similarly, the energy response is strong, second only to the big green guy! According to the information uploaded by the Space Security Force, this man has a strong military aura, and he is very likely to be a soldier! Our think tank analyzed that he may be related to the forces behind Qi Jun It has a great relationship, and he may be the leader of an army controlled by Qi Jun!"

This... general nodded to everyone again, and sat down as the female leader smiled.

But compared to the calmness of the female leader and this... general who seemed to be the head of the brain trust, the generals of the Nova Legion were in trouble again! .................. ...."How can this be!"

"There are four 44 super strong men who can compare to Ronan the Accuser, and there are even two who can defeat Ronan. When did the super strong men become so worthless that they all started to appear together?"

"No! Think about it from another angle, these may also be the top four 44 combat forces in their force."

"Are you kidding me? Even if they have the best combat power among them, are their subordinates much worse?"

"This is really a strong team that suddenly appeared."

"The team is the super power!" No! No! No! Before their true power is discovered, they are just...a team.

It’s just a team!”

"It is not that there are no existences in this universe where one person can dominate a country, such as that... Mad Titan who likes to destroy half of the life on other people's planets, such as those... God Kings of Asgard, but absolutely not It’s this team! We don’t need to be so afraid of them!”

"Yes! Although Ronan the Accuser is terrifying, it is not because of his own strength, but because of the powerful legion he possesses!"

"Absolutely correct! In terms of personal strength, our new star is no worse than Ronan. The reason why Ronan is able to beat back our new star army time and time again is just because our army's strength is indeed not as strong as Ronan's!"

"We admit that these four people are strong, but we do not need to treat them as a powerful force until we have truly seen or detected the powerful force they possess."

"What's more, this is most likely a test for Asgard to expand again. We are too close to Asgard! We must put an end to this idea of ​​theirs! Otherwise, once Asgard prepares to expand again, Expansion, we will be attacked immediately.

I propose to arrest them!"

"Catch me! You forgot the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard. Believe it or not, we just arrested someone here, and Asgard's army came to our headquarters in an instant. Are you mentally retarded?" "

"This won't work, that won't work either. Is it possible that we really want them to come see our new star supreme?"

"When will some so-called strong men who appear out of nowhere be able to meet the Supreme whenever they want? What do our Supremes think of and what does our New Star Empire think of?"


Seeing a group of generals getting into a quarrel again, the female leader couldn't help but rub her eyebrows, feeling a little dizzy, "Sure enough, you shouldn't discuss these matters with these generals!"

"However, because of the wars in the past hundreds of years, the Nova Legion does have too much power. A possible force that comes to the Nova Empire to seek cooperation is actually brought to the Nova Legion for discussion."

The female leader at the top was thinking about it. It seems that the power of the Nova Corps should indeed be reduced. It seems that the signing of the armistice and peace agreement with the Kree Empire this time is... a good opportunity. The former think tank general, look at He looked at the female leader he was thinking about, and then at the generals of the Nova Corps who were still arguing endlessly. His eyes narrowed slightly, further reducing his sense of presence, and his whole body seemed to sink into his seat.


The majestic female voice sounded in everyone's ears again, and the jeering environment suddenly stopped again.

The female leader stood up, looked around majestically, and said loudly, "We have finally ended the hundreds of years of war with the Kree Empire. It is a time when everything is waiting to be done. Maybe they are not what you think. Maybe they are not what you think." I have decided that they can bring benefits to our Nova Empire to revive more quickly! I will meet them in two days!"

"Yes! Supreme!"

A group of generals looked at each other, but they could not reject the female leader's decision.

The female leader is surprisingly the supreme leader of the Nova Empire, Nova Supreme! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read and bookmark, recommend

Chapter 157 The first meeting with Xinxing Supreme

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