The reason why the time is set two days later is not because of what the Nova Corps is preparing for.

Rather, based on the observation of Qi Jun and his party4, they seemed to be in the excitement of 'traveling'.

As a humanized Xinxing Empire, sometimes we will also consider the emotional state of our 'partners'.

In the past two days, because of Xinxing Supreme's decision, there have been more and more secret observations of Qi Jun and others.

Even without the knowledge of most people, some small reconnaissance spacecraft that were very good at stealth flew quietly toward the 5th planet.

Well, yes, just... fly! In order to avoid detection, even small spacecrafts that are extremely good at stealth and specialize in reconnaissance do not travel through wormholes [ ]. After all, no matter how small a wormhole [ ] The opening wave is inescapable for a force that can create the kind of super-large space battleship that Qi Jun is riding on! Qi Jun doesn't know about all this, of course. Qi Jun didn't care, even when he was politely notified by a general of the Nova Legion who was responsible for honor guard to meet with the Nova Empire two days later, Qi Jun didn't care.

Contact with Xinxing Supreme was originally unplanned.

Although due to some defects of the Dream, the space warp was discovered during the jump and he had to be in contact with the Xinxing Supreme, but with Qi Jun's current strength, there is really no need to treat the Xinxing Supreme very carefully, or even To put it bluntly, what can she do even if she is not a bird? Does she want to try the piercing power of Kungunir or the power of space collapse? The Nova Empire is indeed powerful as a whole, but as far as top experts are concerned, the Nova Empire There are not many strong men who can do it, not even a big boss who can compare with Gu Yi. Otherwise, he would not have been easily snatched away by the Sunset Purple Potato after the Power Stone, and even exploded the entire Zaidar Star. !As long as there is a strong man who can use the Power Stone, the Kree Empire will not be able to launch a centuries-long war against the Nova Empire.

..................Qi Jun knew about these.........'tails', but he didn't Regardless, it no longer even suppresses the passive effect of mutated gems.

In an instant, everyone who followed Qi Jun and his party began to doubt their lives.

You can clearly see Qi Jun and his party of four happily strolling around, buying, buying, and eating, but no matter how many... more advanced monitoring instruments are replaced, there will always be only three of them! This sudden appearance The unexpected events also made all those who were paying attention to Qi Jun and his party even more afraid to act rashly.

Whether this is Qi Jun's special ability or the use of special equipment, as long as everyone has not verified it, they no longer dare to have any ideas.

This ability is so terrifying. All it takes is an invisible external helper. Not to mention the universe, at least... on Zaidar Star, Qi Jun can wander around at will, just like It's like being at home, you can go shopping wherever you want.

Qi Jun didn't know that he deliberately leaked this ability, which caused the Nova Corps to have another special discussion about Qi Jun.

Of course, in the end, the unrestricted quarrel ended under the strong suppression of Xinxing Supreme.

However, after that, more and more people were 'following' Qi Jun to ensure that Qi Jun would not disappear suddenly, but Qi Jun was left speechless.

.........Soon, two days passed, and Qi Jun also took Hulk to a particularly magnificent building in the Nova Empire. In the middle, meet the Xinxing Supreme.

As for Samuel Stern and Abomination, they were ordered by Qi Jun to hook up, uh, no, to seduce, um, no, to communicate, yes, to communicate with many famous scientists on Zaidar Planet! Don't Looking at a huge space battleship, Qi Jun and Samuel Stern were able to build it, but the hardships involved and Dr. Lan's shortcomings are unknown to outsiders.

What's more, the space warp and space jump, which were thought to be very effective and very effective, were easily discovered by the Nova Empire. This shows that the space battleship technology of Qi Jun and others is still flawed.

Therefore, Qi Jun not only asked Taibai to search and download various public interstellar technologies on the Universe Star Network, but also asked Taibai to sneak into major empires, federations and other places to secretly download more advanced information. At the same time, it also allowed Samuel Stern to get in touch with his colleagues. If he could hook up, ahem, he could communicate and win over anyone.

For...a real scientist, Qi Jun will never have too much! What's more, Qi Jun also has dark soul magic that has been improved by mutant gems. These...... The scientists attracted by Samuel Stern will be an extremely important part of Qi Jun's staff! .................. "Seen His Excellency Xinxing Supreme!"

Qi Jun still has a good impression of the supreme leader of the Nova Empire. At least, she did not target her for some inexplicable reasons, right! "I have met Emperor Qi Jun! I have also met Hulk. gentlemen!"

When we met for the first time, Xinxing Zhizun was very polite.

It seems that after Qi Jun showed his ability to 'disappear' at any time, he put Qi Jun on an equal footing with him.

"Haha, Xinxing Supreme, you don't have to be polite!"

Xinxing Zhizun is so polite and kind, Qi Jun will no longer put on airs, "Just call me Qi Jun."

"For the time being, my legion is still sleeping. Although I have some subordinates under my command now, they are not enough to bear the title of emperor."

"If Xinxing Supreme doesn't mind you, just call me Qi Jun!"

Qi Jun waved his hands and laughed.

In fact, Qi Jun's words are not false.

Although the advanced biochemical manufacturing center on the earth is producing high-level biochemicals, the first pseudo-spaceship of the 'Life Foundation' has not yet taken off, and Qi Jun's three million super-powerful army is indeed still there. There is no whereabouts, and it is no problem at all to say that he is sleeping! However, Qi Jun's polite words, in the ears of Xinxing Supreme and the other accompanying personnel, can be said to be as loud as a thunderbolt in the clear sky! Legion is sleeping In other words, does this guy really have a huge army of his own? To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 158 Analysis of Nova Supreme

"Ha ha"

Xinxing Supreme smiled, "So, King Qi Jun has unified the earth and stars."

Qi Jun's personal admission and the Nova Legion's own speculation are completely different things.

Now that I heard Qi Jun himself admitting that he has a huge army under his command, Xinxing Supreme and others did not care whether the army was sleeping or awake. They all regarded Qi Jun as someone who could truly fight with them. People who treat each other as equals.

Just one Ronan gave the entire Xinxing Empire a headache. Qi Jun himself was more powerful than Ronan. If there was a powerful army behind him... "That's not true."

Qi Jun shook his head and smiled, "If it were just the material world, it would be no problem to unify the earth. Although the earth's technology is developing very fast, it can only follow me and eat ashes."

"But the Earth Star is a bit complicated. The Earth belongs to the central node of the Nine Realms Star Domain, and there are many mysterious and powerful people paying attention. Unifying the Earth Star is simply asking for trouble."

"In fact, although I do have some influence on the earth, I don't really want to develop on the earth. There are too many monsters and monsters. If I really dominate the earth, I will never be able to relax in this life!"

"This time I left the earth and came to travel in the universe. In fact, I just came out to investigate and see where it is suitable for development. Of course, tourism is also real."

"To be honest, I really didn't expect that I would be discovered by you when I arrived at Zaidar Star at the first stop."

Qi Jun shrugged, "We originally wanted to keep a low profile, but we didn't expect that we would be discovered by you."

"But this is not entirely a bad thing, otherwise how could we meet the New Star Supreme.

Isn’t it!”

Qi Jun did not hide anything from Xinxing Supreme. This was Qi Jun's initial plan to enter the universe this time.

In fact, there is nothing to hide these things. Qi Jun wants to find a place in the universe to form his own power. Naturally, people will know about it sooner or later. It is just a matter of time.

In this case, why not tell Xinxing Supreme directly! Not only can you gain their favor, but you can also get a lot of intelligence resources.

Although the Nova Empire is not as good as the Kree Empire, Skrull Empire, etc. in the universe, it is at least an empire that has existed for thousands of years. Even if their information has some errors, such as what about the earth, it is much better than Qi Jun's own investigation. ! Even if Qi Jun has Taibai, a super artificial intelligence that has evolved many times, all he can understand is only information on paper. How can it be compared with the Nova Empire! As for Qi Jun saying these words There is absolutely no need to be forcibly arrested by the Nova Corps in the future... Worry, let alone Qi Jun's methods, they will not be able to catch them. Some of the things Qi Jun deliberately leaked before, will What makes this group of people dare not act rashly!......................"There is no unifying star"

Xinxing Supreme was very surprised that Qi Junru's strength and force space battleship did not even unite this planet.

Possible! “The Earth has a mysterious side force, Asgard”

Nova Supreme immediately thought of Asgard's Rainbow Bridge.

After listening to it, Xinxing Supreme felt that there was indeed a problem with his intelligence system. "No! It's just Asgard's words. It won't make King Qi Jun say that he will be in trouble all his life."

"Unless everything is broken, King Qi Jun will not be able to rest for the rest of his life if he unifies the Earth and the stars, even if he only nominally submits to the rule of Asgard."

Xinxing Zhizun is indeed a qualified top politician. She can analyze a lot of things from every word Qi Jun says.

"King Qi Jun is very powerful and powerful!"

Xinxing Supreme has his own judgment in his heart. Even though Qi Jun has not unified the earth, Xinxing Supreme still puts Qi Jun on an equal footing with himself and always calls him King Qi Jun.

"Otherwise, even if the countries on Earth are not aware of the construction of a large space battleship, they should not be able to escape Asgard's detection.

Since King Qi Jun can build such a huge space battleship under the eyes of Asgard, there must be something that Asgard is wary of. Whether it is strength or power, in short, Asgard can Morality gives in."

It's a pity that the creation of the Dream has been invisible from beginning to end, and no one really knows about it! Qi Jun also doesn't know that Xinxing Supreme has also fallen into her own mind.

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