"Sure enough, at this level, even if you really travel, you will definitely have a certain purpose."

Xinxing Supreme felt confident and had new speculations: "In this case, the cooperation he mentioned is trading intelligence or forming an alliance?"

......................"Ha ha"

Xinxing Supreme smiled again, "I wonder what kind of relationship King Qi Jun has with Asgard."

Although he roughly guessed Qi Jun's plan, Xinxing Supreme would not say it out loud. Instead, he changed the topic and talked about something else.

In trading, whoever speaks first is at a disadvantage, no matter where you are.

Ahem, of course, this is when both parties are on equal footing.


Qi Jun glanced at Xinxing Supreme and smiled playfully, "Maybe, they want to kill me, even cramp and skin me."

Ha, both Xinxing Supreme and the rest of the accompanying staff were all stunned.

Co-author, what you said before is all nonsense. In fact, you have offended Asgard. You can't stay any longer. You just want to escape from Asgard's rule and find another place to develop the new star supreme ninja. He couldn't help pinching his eyebrows, what does this mean? Is what he said true or false? However, Xinxing Supreme did not change his face because of this. After all, Qi Jun himself is a super strong man, even if he was offended Asgard, but don’t make enemies if you can. The Nova Empire has just ended the war and is officially ready to be reborn. It really can’t make more powerful enemies! However, the true relationship between King Qi Jun and Asgard , but it is also related to how the Nova Empire and King Qi Jun get along. This point must be clarified. If King Qi Jun is really the enemy of Asgard, then how to interact with King Qi Jun must also be considered. To the will of Asgard.

In the known universe, no one in Asgard wants to offend! "Are you sure what you said is true?"

Nova Supreme straightened her back, even though she had white hair, she still showed off her iron lady style, and said jokingly, "Asgard is one of the top powers in the galaxy, so you are not afraid that we will give your information to them."

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 159: The Shock of Xinxing Supreme

"Why should Xinxing Supreme ask questions knowingly?"

Qi Jun laughed, "If the Supreme really wanted to send my information to Asgard, how could he say it at this time?"

"Maybe I'm just the kind of person who does one thing in front of you and another behind your back."

Xinxing Supreme blinked and joked.

"You really know how to joke!"

Qi Jun rolled his eyes crazily and complained wildly. Could it be that this is the legendary old-hearted old naughty woman! "Asgard hates me so much, it's not... without reason."

Qi Jun smiled, waved his hand and said, "Look what this is."


Nova Supreme jumped up with a whoosh! The Nova Empire was within the attack range of Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, and could be killed by the divine soldiers at any time.

Under such circumstances, the past generations of Nova Supremes will naturally conduct research specifically on Asgard. The generation of Nova Supremes in front of Qi Jun knows Odin's deeds very well! Whether it is the appearance or the power he exudes, The breath all made Xinxing Supreme instantly confirm the authenticity of the eternal gun in Qi Jun's hand! "You..."

"You...you stole Odin's Kungunir"

Xinxing Supreme did not realize that her voice had unconsciously had a hint of vibrato.

No wonder Xinxing Supreme is not frightened. According to her investigation, Kungunir is almost Odin's personal weapon, and it is also the symbol of Asgard's royal power. Now it has been stolen by Qi Jun and buried in a cave! Something is going to happen! Something big is going to happen! Kungunir has been stolen, and Asgard must have been furious. At this time, if the news of Kungunir's appearance on Zhaidar is spread, The Asgardian army is coming through the Rainbow Bridge in minutes! They will never listen to my explanation! It's over! The Nova Empire is over! That's a powerful existence that can even force the Kree Empire away! "Steal"

Just when Xinxing Supreme was despairing, Qi Jun's disdainful voice came over, "You underestimate me!"

"Who told you, I stole this?"

Qi Jun smiled evilly, "I snatched this from Odin's hand!"

Dong Qijun shook Kungunir to the ground, and suddenly a heavy and powerful sound wave spread quickly. Except for a few strong men, everyone around him was suppressed. Falling to the ground, Xinxing Supreme recovered from his grief and fear.


Xinxing Supreme grew up with an expression of disbelief... "This... you snatched this from Odin, not stole it"

Nova Supreme was not knocked down. Nova Supreme was not...a weakling. Kungunir could not really knock her down even with a random shock.

Of course, this is also the reason why Qi Jun is so powerful. This is Kungunir's inherent power.

"That's not the case!"

Qi Jun waved his hand and took Kungunil back into the space ring. "Who do you think can steal Odin's weapon?"

Qi Jun's purpose is just to add more weight to himself, to show his strength in all aspects, and not to let the Nova Supreme and the Nova Legion underestimate him! Kungunil can make a perfect curtain call just by appearing on the scene, so naturally there is no need Then display it outside.

Hiss!!! Although he also knew that Qi Jun wanted to increase his voice, Xinxing Supreme was indeed shocked.

This is Kungunir! A powerful artifact that Odin never leaves his hand! It was actually snatched away from his hands. Not to mention that Nova Supreme didn’t believe it, even everyone in this hall didn’t believe it!

Except for Hulk, this guy was not affected at all. He was eating all kinds of delicious fruits and snacks happily! It took a while for Xinxing Supreme to return to his previous appearance, but Qi Jun saw from her eyes Deep down, one could still find that in her eyes, she was still shocked by the fact that Qi Jun owned Kungunir.

Some idiots in the Nova Legion actually want to arrest such a strong man who can forcibly snatch Kungunir from Odin. It seems that after waiting, the Nova Legion really needs to be reorganized! Nova Supreme was silent in his heart. Made a decision.

........................ "I'm really sorry to make King Qi Jun laugh. This is really shocking!"

After taking a few deep breaths, Xinxing Supreme bowed slightly and saluted Qi Jun.

Regardless of whether Qi Jun really snatched this thing from Odin, or it was stolen or even given by Odin. No matter what, Qi Jun and his power can only make friends, not enemies! Even if it is Be more humble! "I don't know, His Excellency King Qi Jun, what kind of cooperation are you planning to achieve with our Nova Empire this time?"

Xinxing Supreme asked with a forced smile.

The Nova Empire was already on guard against Asgard and had no plans to reveal Qi Jun's information to Asgard.

Now that it is discovered that Odin's divine spear has appeared in Qi Jun's hands, it is even more impossible to tell Asgard about this, which will only drag the Nova Empire into the flames of war again.

What's more, when he saw Kungunir appearing in Qi Jun's hands, although Xinxing Supreme couldn't hide his shock and horror, he didn't have a sense in his heart that it turned out that person was not invincible! God , the reason why people worship and fear is because God is invincible! If one day, you find that the God you worship and fear is injured! Then from this moment on, God will no longer be the one you fear. ...amazing! For the same reason, generations of Nova Supremes have been guarding against Asgard, and even secretly studied Asgard, but did not dare to provoke Asgard. Asgard is like a sharp knife The great sword hangs over the head of the Nova Empire, making it difficult for people to sleep or eat well.

But now, Nova Supreme has discovered that this...big sword may be rusty or even a toy. You have discovered that Asgard is not that powerful! God King Odin is not that powerful! In this case, there was no intention to greet Asgard's new star supreme, let alone pass Qi Jun's information to Asgard.

In fact, Xinxing Supreme's previous fear of Asgard has quietly transferred to Qi Jun.

This is a peerless strong man who can compete with Odin! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 160 Special Discovery

"What kind of cooperation are you planning to achieve with the Nova Empire?"

Xinxing Supreme asked respectfully.

None of the high-level personnel accompanying the Nova Empire on the side felt that the Nova Supreme's behavior was in any way detrimental to his dignity. Instead, they felt that this was the most qualified Nova Supreme in the Nova Empire.

No matter where you are, strength is everything.

And Qi Jun has the qualifications to be respected by the Xinxing Empire! "I said before, this trip actually also included an inspection of a qualified place as a site for future development. I originally planned to see it step by step, but Since I had this meeting with Xinxing Supreme, I shamelessly came to buy some information. I believe that with the Xinxing Empire's thousands of years of history, there is enough information for analysis.

Don't worry, we will pay a sufficient amount for the information transaction, whether it is universal currency or some rare materials."

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