"Of course, if possible, it would be great to form an interstellar alliance with the Nova Empire."

Qi Jun said with a smile.

Qi Jun did not tell Xinxing Supreme that Asgard now has too much to take care of itself, no matter whether at least three or four of the nine realms will rebel, or thousands of dimensions will invade Asgard, or Odin will fall into Odin's Sleep, etc. ...

Even Qi Jun did not intend to tell Xinxing Supreme about the destruction of the Rainbow Bridge.

Although such an important matter cannot be concealed for long and will inevitably be discovered by the forces in the universe, Qi Jun tells it himself and others find out on their own, which are two completely different feelings! The necessary sense of mystery, Qi Jun still needs to maintain it! Too many betrayals, don’t they all start from knowing the basics? As for Qi Jun’s neutral camp and the alliance with the Nova Empire, it has not changed because the Nova Empire itself is a neutral country in the universe. If it were not for Ke Ronan, the accuser of the Empire, how could the Nova Empire be involved in a war that lasts for hundreds of years! .................. "Definitely. !”

Nova Supreme agreed directly. If he missed this opportunity to make friends with a strong man who could snatch the artifact from Odin, Nova Supreme might as well find a popsicle and freeze to death. "It must be possible!"

"I will ask someone to compile all the information in the universe that the Nova Empire has collected over the past ten thousand years, and then bring it to you immediately."

Regarding remuneration, Xinxing Supreme has never thought about it at all. He behaves like a licking dog.

For the Nova Empire and the Nova Supreme, they have everything they need until the end! If they can be friends with a strong man like King Qi Jun, if nothing else, as long as they form an offensive and defensive alliance, Ronan's... scumbag will be destroyed in a matter of minutes. Xin Xing Supreme: I! Inflated! ............. "No!"

Qi Jun shook his head and stopped, "A transaction is... a transaction!"

"This is a matter of principle!"

Qi Jun still sticks to his principles, and Xinxing Empire has not offended him, let alone receiving salary without merit.

"This is the list of credits we can provide. Take a look at it. Whether it is universal coins, energy blocks, or other rare materials in the universe, it can be used."

Qi Jun waved his hand and threw a small ball. The ball projected a light curtain, which listed all the materials that Qi Jun could manifest at present.

"Of course, even if this is not available, it doesn't matter. As long as you provide us with some finished products, we can bring you more!"

Qi Jun said with a smile.

All materials can be recycled into energy by mutated gems! In turn, as long as there is enough energy, Qi Jun can also manifest any kind of material! At the same time, Qi Jun also intentionally collects some special and rare materials.

Although Qi Jun can materialize real objects based on what he thinks in his mind, just like diamonds and carbon, both are carbon elements. Qi Jun has no impression in his mind, so how can he know whether what he materializes is carbon or diamond? There is no doubt that such an opportunity is right in front of him. As long as Qi Jun ensures that he has samples, he can come up with more. The Xinxing Empire will not give some of those rare materials to Qi Jun. If you can get enough of what you want, it won't matter if you transform into a rechargeable treasure again. What's more, Qi Jun can charge up to tens of millions of points of energy at a time. Qi Jun doesn't believe that he still has any rare materials. It cannot be manifested!........................"This is...vibranium"

Xinxing Supreme pointed at a diagram on the light screen and asked in surprise.

Since Qi Jun said that a transaction is...a transaction and cannot be mixed with any messy things, Xinxing Supreme will naturally not refute Qi Jun's face. What's more, Xinxing Supreme also wants to see what Qi Jun can provide. Unexpectedly, after searching for a long time without finding any rare materials, I suddenly found vibranium, a material that is considered very rare in the universe! "Yeah"

Qi Jun frowned and looked at the picture pointed by Xinxing Supreme, "This thing is rare in the universe."

"You don't know"

Glancing at the big green guy who was still eating and drinking, Xinxing Supreme asked Qi Jun in surprise.

"Although this thing is not the rarest, it is still very rare in the entire known universe."

Seeing that Qi Jun seemed to really not know, Xinxing Supreme explained, "This kind of material can only be purchased from an ancient cosmic elder, and it is also his monopoly resource."

"This is a magical material, especially for energy absorption, and the unique alloy mixed with various metals in different proportions is the most popular top material in the universe! Whether it is the giants of the universe or the major empires , there has always been a huge demand for this thing, but that...ancient elder of the universe is extremely powerful, and no one dares to rob it, not even the three major empires."

Xinxing Supreme explained to Qi Jun thoughtfully.

However, Qi Jun himself, although his facial expression remained unchanged, was already shocked inside! Vibranium came from a powerful cosmic elder. Vibranium is a scarce material needed by all forces in the universe. Why do I not believe it so much? Qi Jun thought of the earth There is a whole vein of vibranium ore owned by Wakanda, and I always feel that something is wrong! To be continued: Feilu reminds you: three things to read when reading, bookmark it, recommend it

Chapter 161: New Star Supreme is shocked again!

Thanks to brothers [], [] for their monthly support! "Could it be that the vibranium in Wakanda was deliberately thrown to the earth by the elder of the universe?"

Qi Jun listened to Xinxing Supreme's explanation, frowned, and thought, "Or should we say that... the so-called Leopard God in Wakanda really exists and may even have an extraordinary relationship with the elder of the universe. Otherwise, then... If you don't go anywhere else, you will go to Wakanda."

"The earth really attracts the patronage of powerful men from the universe. Even the elders of the universe have plans on the earth. It seems.

..The group still needs to develop more on earth.

We don’t fight for hegemony, but I have to have my tentacles everywhere on the earth. Once something happens on the earth, it can be summarized here in Taibai, and it will naturally be reported to me!"

Qi Jun knows very well that vibranium is not only a special material, but can also be used as an energy source! After all, there are so many things on the earth, and the price of recycling mutant gems is not as high as vibranium, which can be seen from this.

Of course, according to Xinxing Supreme, no one in the universe will use vibranium as an energy source. Those... unique vibranium alloys mixed in unique proportions are what all forces in the universe have. A coveted treasure! Just like Captain America's shield, although Howard himself didn't remember the mixing ratio back then, it was actually better than the vibranium shield developed by Wakanda itself.

Although in the end, I still couldn't sustain the sunset purple sweet potato meal: the crazy chopping, the customer is enough to explain the problem.

"Haha, we really didn't expect that vibranium is a rare commodity in the universe."

Qi Jun smiled at Xinxing Supreme and said, "But we do have ways to get some vibranium. If you need it, then it is also possible to settle our transactions with vibranium."

Vibranium is precious even if it is said to be precious. Even if it is not precious, it is really not very precious to Qi Jun.

Especially after Qi Jun's strength has greatly improved, especially after the...'black hole-like energy gathering device' carried on the Dream has been manufactured, as long as the energy is unlimited, Qi Jun can say, vibranium Infinite! In other words, as long as the energy is sufficient, in front of Qi Jun, there is no so-called scarce material. Even vibranium, Qi Jun can get it for you at a cabbage price! Of course, considering that... price It would take more than ten years, or even more, to transform into a power bank, so Qi Jun gave up on this exciting idea and asked, "Is it really possible?"

The expression of surprise on Xinxing Supreme's face was undisguised, and he even said to Qi Jun, "Things like vibranium can be applied to almost any aspect, including space devices, energy reactions, building super battleships, and even star destroyer cannons. It is of great use in all aspects." Yes, are you really willing to trade it?"

As a famous neutral empire in the universe, the Nova Empire is also very famous. Even if it is a powerful predator in the interstellar world, as long as it does not violate the laws of the Nova Empire, the Nova Empire will not arrest it. This is also the case for Star-Lord and Yondu. The fundamental reason why they still dare to appear on Zaidar Planet despite being wanted in other places.

Of course, the subsequent fight between Star-Lord and others and Gamora and others clearly violated the laws of Zaidar.

Then he was arrested and put in jail.

And here, Xinxing Supreme did not hide the information that Qi Jun was used as a universal material.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Xinxing Supreme believed that Qi Jun and others knew this information, so they did not hide it.

However, in fact, although Qi Jun had something in mind and Dr. Lan also conducted many experiments using vibranium, Qi Jun himself really didn't know that vibranium could do so much.

"It seems that after returning, Dr. Samuel Stern can increase his research on vibranium and expand the scope of use of vibranium!"

Qi Jun thought silently in his heart.


Qi Jun smiled at Xinxing Supreme, "Since we took it out, it naturally means that we are willing to trade with it."

"So, how much vibranium do you have in your hands that you can trade?"

Nova Supreme asked.

Nova Supreme prayed in his heart: Don’t be too little! Don’t be too little! For a rare product like vibranium, Nova Supreme would not have too much. Think about the three major universe empires, why they can create galaxy-shattering products Weapons that are not as good as others do not have that technology? No! There is not that kind of... material! There is not that kind of... material that can withstand extremely huge energy reactions! As long as there are enough materials, the Nova Empire will not fail to grow into the fourth cosmic empire. Qualifications! "We can provide you with as much as you want...!"

How could Qi Jun not see what Xinxing Supreme was thinking? Qi Jun smiled and said, "But for vibranium, a scarce resource in the universe, you have to exchange it for something of equal value!"

“As many as you want”

Xinxing Supreme did not sit down at all: but his standing body almost jumped up.

"Are you sure you meant how much you wanted?"

Xinxing Supreme also ignored his own etiquette and directly put his hands on the edge of the table, leaned forward, stared into Qi Jun's eyes, and asked.

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