"That's right! Even if you want to use it to build a battleship made entirely of vibranium, there will be no problem!"

Qi Jun's expression didn't change at all. "But, I also said that we have to give something of equal value in exchange!"

"Scarce resources, exchange for scarce resources!"

Qi Jun also stared at Xinxing Supreme, "This information transaction can be exchanged for vibranium.

But in the future, if you want vibranium, you have to exchange it for something that is equivalent to vibranium!"

"You must also know that no matter how many universal coins and energy blocks you have, you can't buy vibranium. This thing cannot be bought with just money."

"Of course, if you have something similar to vibranium, even if the level is slightly worse, you can still trade it."

Qi Jun turned his hand, and a strange metal block appeared in Qi Jun's hand. "It's like this, similar to these..., they can all be traded!"

“Uru Raw Ore!”

Nova Supreme once again exclaimed.

........................ [Subscription is broken, there are piracy, I am irritated!] To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 162: Powerful?

“Uru Raw Ore!”

Seeing the strange metal appearing in Qi Jun's hand, Xinxing Supreme was shocked again.

As a Nova Empire that has secretly studied Asgard for thousands of years, how could it not know the magic of Uru metal? If vibranium has become one of the top scarce materials in the universe because of the Elder of the Universe.

So, Asgard's Uru metal is only a little bit worse than vibranium! Uru, like vibranium, is a specialty product in the universe, and there are not many spread in the universe. .

However, the major forces' research on Uru is not necessarily any less than vibranium! After research by major cosmic forces, it is found that Uru and vibranium have their own advantages and disadvantages. , slightly inferior to vibranium. This gap is like the difference between Adamantium alloy and secondary Adamantium alloy. Of course, this is from the perspective of refining alloys with various ratios.

But! On the other hand, Uru is better than Vibranium! In terms of energy utilization, enhancement rate, etc..., Uru is much better than Vibranium! The Nova Empire's The weapons used by a super force are almost all made of Uru metal alloy, and all of them can exert their own strength several times, or even more, with greater power! The Nova Empire wants to Cultivating such a super force is hollowing out a treasure trove, and the cost is extremely high! And the biggest problem is... the acquisition of Uru metal! Because this thing is also a scarce resource in the universe! He Zhen Like Jin, he was scared that the Kree Empire was also defeated at the hands of Asgard, and there was no force to find trouble with Asgard, let alone his own rear area being penetrated by a ray of light falling from the sky, and war was everywhere! Asgard God-King Odin is one of the dangerous elements that ranks extremely high among almost all the major cosmic forces. As far as Nova Supreme knows, Asgardians walk in the universe with almost no money, and they are basically all Fuck you! Why is it because they are Asgardians? Because they have Uru metal! .................. "King Qi Jun, you are Yes, they robbed all the warehouses in Asgard."

Xinxing Supreme swallowed hard and looked at Qi Jun with a look of disbelief on his face.

No wonder King Qi Jun said that everyone in Asgard wanted to peel him off. He not only robbed Odin of his magic, Kungunir, the symbol of Asgard's royal power, but also emptied his inventory of Uru. The Nova Supreme did not believe the way this piece of Uru ore appeared just now. Qi Jun would stare at Asgard's warehouse containing Uru metal! "You can't blame me!"

Qi Jun had an expression like "How could you do this? If Odin hadn't attacked me unexpectedly, I would have done something like this."

Qi Jun did not explain. Instead, he followed Xinxing's words and deliberately distorted the facts.

"Sneak Attack on Odin"

As expected, Xinxing Zhi had a confused expression on his face. Shun also felt a little ashamed of Odin's character! Although Odin did sneak attack Qi Jun, Qi Jun's words directly made Xinxing The Supreme brought it into the ditch, so that Xinxing Supreme would no longer doubt where all the Uru metal in Qi Jun's hands came from.

Is it any wonder that the Uru metal that has been mined in Asgard for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, is sold for more money? "Of course, some ordinary things, or those that are not difficult to demand, we will sell." Things, etc... can also be traded with universal currency, energy blocks, and a large number of ordinary materials."

The neutral policy of the Nova Empire has caused countless cosmic threats to come here to hunt for gold and enjoy themselves.

It would be no problem if they abide by the laws of the Nova Empire, but the key point is that these... dangerous elements who are used to being wanton and unrestrained, can they really abide by the laws of the Nova Empire with peace of mind? That is of course No, so the Nova Corps deals with countless disputes every year.

When they themselves are too busy, they will naturally go out and hire a group of forces to do these things.

.........Although each scarce material only requires a tiny bit, after Qi Jun understands it, he can make unlimited Embodied.

But to build a super force, you can't rely on Qi Jun to realize everything! How many years does Qi Jun have to be a power bank before he can build a super cosmic force of his own? Qi Jun believes that as his subordinate force, Not only does the strength need to be strong, but the level of performance also needs to be improved.

Everyone in the Kree Empire has a small spaceship, so Qi Jun’s men must at least have such a strong character! Each person must have a small spaceship! Similar to the Kree in Captain Marvel, each person has a small spaceship. That kind of... A regiment, a small space battleship, it needs to be matched! A division brigade, a small space battleship fleet, it needs to be matched! A group army, a medium-sized space battleship fleet, it needs to be matched! A large one A military zone needs to be equipped with a large space battleship fleet! A war zone needs at least several large space battleship fleets! Three million super-powered legions are divided into three 3 war zones, and each war zone has a space-level war. Fortresses, space-level battleships, space-level frigates, space-level defense weapons, etc., etc., all need to be equipped! If Qi Jun is to materialize these things, then when will they be realized? At that time, Sunset Zishu didn't know how many times he had snapped his fingers, and Qi Jun hadn't finished showing the most basic battleship equipment of a super power in the universe. "Well..., forget it, Taijil is scary!"

As soon as this idea came out, Qi Jun was so frightened that he quickly drove this nonsensical idea out of his mind.


A smile broke out on Xinxing Supreme's face. "The more advanced things are, the more naturally they need things of the same level in exchange. Otherwise, how can they highlight their identity as a scarce resource in the universe!"

"I wonder what kind of cooperation King Qi Jun wants to achieve with our Nova Empire."

Naturally, there will be a dedicated person in charge of information transactions and so on.

After confirming that countless scarce resources in the universe could be obtained from Qi Jun, Xinxing Supreme became more concerned about the cooperation mentioned by Qi Jun.

Is it a nominal alliance, a strategic alliance, or a life and death alliance? Xin Xing Supreme also thought secretly.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 163 Strategic Alliance

"What do you think of Nova Supreme?"

Qi Jun did not answer immediately, but kicked the ball back directly.

"Is King Qi Jun testing me?"

Xinxing Supreme smiled slightly, but did not take it seriously.

Xinxing Supreme was also thinking in his heart, a life and death alliance is definitely impossible! Not to mention that King Qi Jun provoked the entire Asgard, and no matter how he escaped from the world-famous strongman Odin, just Qi Jun The true identity of Wang has not yet been discovered.

Although Qi Jun said that he came from the earth star of 5, Xinxing Supreme did not completely believe it. It can even be said that 90% of it is not believed, and the remaining 10% is doubtful.

If it weren't for confirming the authenticity of Kungunir and Uru Metal in King Qi Jun's hands, Nova Supreme would not even believe everything Qi Jun said! You know, those... who were sent to Earth Many of the small reconnaissance spaceships that were quietly investigating belonged to the Nova Empire! As the head of a country, and the supreme leader of a universe empire, he would easily believe what King Qi Jun said. Of course, Supreme Nova called Qi Jun " King Qi Jun, this is actually recognized by Xinxing Supreme himself. Not to mention the huge space battleship, Qi Jun's own strength is extremely powerful, and he can not be monitored by any monitoring equipment. It was photographed that he was able to steal Odin's artifact Kungunir, he was able to evacuate all the Uru mines in the warehouse in Asgard, etc...

Even if Xinxing Supreme does not believe Qi Jun's identity, at least Xinxing Supreme itself recognizes Qi Jun.

The life and death alliance is discarded, and only strategic alliances and nominal alliances remain.

Different from the life and death alliance, where both prosper and suffer, the strategic alliance is based on their respective territories and specifically focuses on areas that are beneficial to both forces to jointly expand a powerful alliance, such as the Nova Empire and Qi Jun's own forces. Want to develop, but are blocked by the same goal, then this goal is naturally an obstacle to the Xinxing Empire and Qi Jun forces at the same time, so naturally they will work together to solve it at the same time! It is not the kind of... that requires temporary linkage and discussion. It is a completely natural state of union. There is no need for meetings, consultations, discussions, etc., and it will not delay the opportunity to fight. It can be fought as quickly as possible! It is also a kind of common interest in a certain aspect. of the United Alliance.

As for the nominal alliance, as the name suggests, this is an alliance in name only. Except... let's release a joint alliance statement to the outside world, except... both sides are visa-free and will be subject to attack when they arrive in their respective territories. In terms of civil treatment and so on, everyone can still do what they are supposed to do.

At most, when there is a conflict between the two sides, with this nominal alliance, everyone can sit down and discuss how to solve it, instead of going to war directly.

.........To be honest, Xinxing Supreme actually wants to cooperate with Qi Jun, and it is a nominal alliance.

Firstly, Xinxing Supreme does not know the details of Qi Jun and says it is cooperation. What if it ends up annexing itself? Secondly, Qi Jun has offended Asgard, and Xinxing Supreme really does not want to be dragged into this vortex.

The Nova Empire, which has just ended the war, is full of waste and needs to be revitalized. Although Chaidar is extremely prosperous, this is the capital planet that has not been affected by the war. Other places are not so lucky. Once Asgard misunderstands the relationship between the country and Qi Jun's relationship, the trouble is really not a matter of one or two.

But! If it is just a nominal alliance, what if King Qi Jun does not sell the scarce resources of the universe to himself in the future? How can he eat coarse grains after eating fine chaff? It is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. What if because of his own decision, After losing this opportunity to vigorously develop the Xinxing Empire, how can Xinxing Zhi feel at ease! .................. "Our Xinxing Empire can cooperate with King Qi Jun Your forces, sign a strategic alliance contract!"

After frowning and thinking for a long time, Xinxing Supreme finally made a decision.

"But! We need to get a batch of Uru raw ore first!"

Xinxing Supreme stared at Qi Jun's face seriously and analyzed it.


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