Chapter 165 Three alternative star fields!

No one knows what deal Qi Jun and Xinxing Supreme reached or what they talked about.

However, in the end, Qi Jun left with a smile on his face, and Xinxing Supreme also sent Qi Jun away with joy on his face, but everyone on the periphery saw it clearly.

Those who followed Xin Xing Supreme and Qi Jun to meet were all die-hard fans of Xin Xing Supreme. Without Xin Xing Supreme's order, naturally no information about the meeting between the two parties would be leaked.

But Qi Jun will also not reveal any information about the conversation between the two parties. For Qi Jun, no matter...

Qi Jun didn't care whether Xinxing Supreme wanted to announce the alliance after his super army was formed, or whether he wanted to announce the alliance now.

What Qi Jun cares about is the real benefits! For example, this time Xinxing Supreme purchased a large amount of Uru metal, and Qi Jun also has more than a dozen top-notch but extremely scarce materials in the universe. And more high-end, but not very common high-end materials! These are things that can bring value to Qi Jun. Qi Jun is naturally very happy. As for these... .. Again, Qi Jun was completely uninterested in some materials and asked Xinxing Supreme to convert them into universal currency for settlement.

In this way, Qi Jun almost wiped out the entire Xinxing Empire's bottom line. If he wants to have such a refreshing deal in the future, Xinxing Empire still doesn't know how long it will have to develop silently.

In other words, from now on, Qi Jun has been directly promoted to become a cosmic giant! Although he is not comparable to the cosmic elders like Di Fan who have lived for who knows how long, he spent four billion to buy a cosmic spirit ball. , that is also easy.

After all, the Nova Empire is a cosmic empire that has existed for thousands of years, and its heritage is unimaginable! Qi Jun never thought about throwing away the Dream 'tourist-class' space battleship after using it, but Qi Jun himself slowly The pieced together space battleship is of extraordinary significance. It can be said that as long as it is not destroyed one day, Qi Jun will not abandon it! Everyone has a first time, and for this first time of the Dream, Qi Jun is even more... Just pay some attention.

.........................After sending the 'negotiation mascot' Hulk to cooperate with Abomination to protect Dr. Samuel Stern, Qi Jun teleported directly , and returned to the Dream.

"Taibai, according to the three 3 locations I selected before, distinguish the distance and distance, and plan the route. Let's jump there one after another to check it out!"

Arriving in the driving control room, Qi Jun issued a new order.

Dr. Lan and the other three were left by Qi Jun on Zaidar Star to continue to seduce, ahem, communicate with talented scientists. However, Qi Jun found three places suitable for a cosmic force from the cosmic intelligence data traded from Xinxing Supreme. As for the location of the development, be prepared to conduct an on-site inspection first.

A place suitable for the development of cosmic forces must first meet the basic conditions of the planet being able to have people living on it. Of course, this is not too much in the entire universe! But most of the good places have been occupied by the major forces in the universe.

Secondly, if a force wants to develop and grow, it must stay away from dangerous areas in the universe, such as black holes, cosmic tides, cosmic beasts, etc...

Then, look at what kind of resources there are in the site, whether they are rich or not, how many or not, etc...

Finally, it also depends on whether there are forces that like to attack near the territory. After all, being fought every two days is not conducive to the growth of the force, at least in the early stage.

Based on these factors, Qi Jun selected three places.

First, it is relatively mediocre in all aspects, whether it is the number of planets, the complete absence of dangerous threats, the mediocre various commercial resources, and a star field surrounded by almost mediocre forces.

Well, Qi Jun's goal is naturally a complete star field! Let's play house on the planet! Although this place seems mediocre in all aspects, it is not a problem at all for Qi Jun who can embody the top-level scarce materials in the universe. .

Consider Zhong 2 2, a star field that is superior in all aspects, but it is a lawless place! The most famous interstellar pirate gathering place in the universe! A lawless gathering place that is more hated than the plunderers! Plunder. They grab supplies, energy, spaceships, etc..., but as long as they don't resist and don't hurt people, there are some bottom lines.

But interstellar pirates are completely different. These guys have no bottom line at all. Anyone who encounters interstellar pirates will fight to the death, because they know that surrender will only lead to death! This kind of lawless people who have no bottom line at all, even the Nova Empire They will not be allowed to approach any neutral zone. Once they approach, they will inevitably be violently attacked by the Nova Legion.

But Qi Jun carefully analyzed all the information and found that there are many shadows of cosmic forces in it, even the Kree Empire, Skrull Empire, Shi'ar Empire, etc.! The site is a good site, but the situation inside It was too complicated, and Qi Jun didn't want to wade into it unless necessary.

Considering the third one, a star field is simply the best in terms of size and resource richness! Obviously, such a top-notch star field that has not been captured by any force also has great potential. Danger! The Destiny Star Territory! This is the name that all forces in the universe call this star territory! Almost all those who can come back safely from this star territory, even if they only take a short trip to the periphery, are called this A person of destiny! All kinds of irregular space tearing forces, space collapse from time to time, and irregular space-time cracks, etc... It is an extremely dangerous zone.

In this place, a large number of planets are being swallowed, annihilated, and disappearing all the time. But what is strange is that not long after these planets are annihilated, brand new planets will emerge, completely crushed and swallowed like before. The planet of Annihilation is nothing like that.

The key thing is that the major cosmic forces are even powerless to do anything about it.

However, if it were just like this, it would not be called the Destiny Star Territory, but would be called a place of death.

The key point why it is called the Destiny Star Territory is that as long as those who dare to break in and come out alive will make a fortune! Because, in this extremely special and dangerous place, there are There are all kinds of top-level resources everywhere, the kind that the Kree Empire is jealous of! But unfortunately, the size of the number of people is completely useless in this star field. It can be said that the more people there are, the more people enter this star field. After that, you will die faster! Even if everything is entered only by intelligent machines, it will be exactly the same! It’s just... so unreasonable! But Qi Jun is very curious about this place! Thinking about it... ..... [Hey, blowing the air conditioner made me catch a cold, and I was speechless] To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 166 Hela comes out of the cage!

What Qi Jun is most optimistic about is naturally... the Destiny Star Territory.

In fact, this is also the piece of land that Qi Jun wants most! Things like space tearing, space collapse, and space-time cracks are really dangerous, just like space collapse. As long as the scope of the collapse is large enough, even an entire planet can collapse in an instant. Destroy, disappear! But Qi Jun doesn’t see it that way! In Qi Jun’s view, this is simply his destiny! Not to mention Qi Jun’s complete space magic, he is also a powerful space magician, perfect level Dachao's physical fitness is also a strong one! Just look at Qi Jun's body skill [Psychic Teleportation], this destiny star field is...Qi Jun's excellent backup base! With super induction and [ [Psychic teleportation] With the cooperation of these two super powers, Qi Jun dares to say that he can use this destiny star field as an outing for a trip.

Of course, if there is such a strong defense on the outside, then the inside will definitely not be any worse.

Although Qi Jun is very envious of this star field, which is almost full of top-quality resources, Qi Jun also knows that these things are not easy to get! He has not seen even the Kree Empire, the Elders of the Universe, etc....... .Powerful forces and figures have never broken in for so many years. They have always been wandering on the periphery, and it is the periphery. The periphery is so dangerous. What dangers there will be inside, and who can know who has set their sights on it. Qi Jun, who has his eyes on this place, will naturally not give up halfway because of these reasons.

However, before doing this, there are still two things to do! One, bring Hela out and get the soul gem for yourself.

2. Go to Morag Planet first and get the Cosmic Spirit Ball, the power gem inside! Qi Jun has a hunch that he should get the power gem first, and then go to the Destiny Star Territory!...... ............."gentlemen"

Taibai's voice rang out, "The route planning has been completed, would you like to start jumping?"


Qi Jun came to his senses and stopped him.

"First notify the space security force of Zaidar Star. After obtaining their permission, go to a safe place and prepare to jump to the nearest wormhole []."

"Departure permission has been obtained, sir. The Dream antimatter power furnace is started, the dark energy engine is started, the antimatter engine is started, and the auxiliary power system is started."

Taibai has been upgraded so many times, how could he not know this... As early as when Qi Jun asked him to plan the route, Taibai had already done something with the outer space security force of Zhaidar Planet After communicating well, we just waited for Qi Jun's order.

"Ah That's good!"

Qi Jun nodded with satisfaction. After all, he had just reached a deal with Xinxing Supreme. It can be said that both parties were in the honeymoon period. Qi Jun did not want to directly perform a space jump in his airport. By then, under the strong space fluctuations, this would be too The airport is probably going to be rebuilt. "Taibai, you follow the plan and move towards Ixuku. I'll go and do some things first, and then I'll come back to you!"

Qi Jun ordered.

"Okay, sir!"

.........Nine Star Regions, Heim Underworld "You are here!"

Seeing Qi Jun appear in front of her again, Hela's expression suddenly became excited! She hasn't walked out of this disgusting world for many years. She thought that she would be able to walk out of this disgusting world soon and go to a beautiful world. In the universe, Hela could hardly contain the ecstasy in her heart.


Qi Jun smiled and looked at the excited Hela, "Are you ready?"

A few days have passed, and Hela is no longer as embarrassed as she was the last time he saw her, and her injuries have already been fully recovered.

Even because Qi Jun said that the lower the strength, the easier it is to pass Odin's seal, Hela even lowered her strength and used most of her strength to repair her injuries.


Hela took a deep breath and forced herself to suppress her inner excitement. "Actually, I can't wait any longer!"

"Aren't you going to bring your pet wolf?"

Qi Jun looked around and didn't find Hela's right-hand man, the giant wolf Fenrir.

"Uh... no need!"

Hela paused and made a long face, "It was me who was sealed by Odin. In fact, Fenrir has always been able to enter and leave the underworld of Helm at will."

"Well, then get ready to leave!"

Seeing Hela's face looking very bad, Qi Jun naturally understood something and stopped talking nonsense.

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