"Wait a moment!"

Hela interrupted, "Let me make an energy clone! I can't let Odin find out that I left his seal. I'm also preparing to give him a surprise after completing the transaction!"

As Hela spoke, he condensed a clone completely composed of Hela's energy on the previous throne. Qi Jun took a closer look and found that it was almost exactly the same as the real Hela, even the soul fluctuations were exactly the same. , she is indeed the goddess of death who plays with the soul! "Then let's go!"

Grabbing the hand offered by Hela, Qi Jun thought, and immediately, Qi Jun and Hela disappeared from the underworld of Heim!...................... ...As soon as they closed and opened their eyes, Qi Jun and Hela came to the driving control room of the Dream.

"I go!"

Qi Jun sensed the energy consumed in his body and said, "A whole million points of energy were used!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, taking people through time is indeed a very expensive operation!"

Qi Jun was a little stunned.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to make sense! After all, Hela itself is very fierce. Just look at the way Thor III beat Thor until he called mother! Secondly, this distance is already very far! We arrived at Zaidar Star before I have already traveled through a wormhole [ ], and also made a space jump, and brought people to teleport, which naturally consumes a lot of money! "Fortunately, I have upgraded it before, otherwise I really can't afford this kind of consumption!"

Qi Jun shook his head slightly, "Let's open the space portal next time. One million points of energy is enough to release a powerful space collapse magic.

Sure enough, the farther the distance, the less cost-effective it is to take people to teleport and [teleport]!"

............. "Welcome back, sir!"

Taibai's voice sounded, "You are also welcome, madam!"

Qi Jun's own creation allowed him to be photographed. Naturally, Taibai immediately discovered Qi Jun who had reappeared, and another Hela who exuded a formidable aura.

"Where is this going?"

Qi Jun asked.

"The Dream has made a space jump and arrived near the wormhole [], and is preparing to start traveling through the wormhole []!"

Taibai answered truthfully.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 167: Two or three things about the Destroyer Armor

"No more Odin's sense."

"This is the smell of freedom!"

Hela closed her eyes, opened her arms, and exaggeratedly breathed the air in the Dream.

Qi Jun saw with keen eyes that in the driving control room, Hela's breath even caused a small whirlwind. "This is Hela, the goddess of death in the Asgard pantheon. Please record her identity."

Qi Jun said this to Taibai.

"What a taste of freedom, have you tasted it?"

This is what Qi Jun said to Hela.

"Okay, sir, recorded!"

Taibai responded.


Hela opened her eyes and looked at Qi Jun with gratitude in her eyes, "Feeling freedom again, that feeling, as if the entire universe has been purified!"

“As long as you are satisfied!”

Qi Jun nodded, "You can have a good rest and play for a few days, and then help me bring the soul gem back!"

"rest assured!"

Hela rolled her eyes at Qi Jun, suspecting that this guy seemed like a straight man. "Follow the spirit of the contract, and I will bring back the soul gems you need!"

"Where are you going?"

Hela turned her eyes and observed the sci-fi style driving control room, "Is this your spaceship?"


Qi Jun smiled happily, "I built this myself, and I named it Dream!"

"Thousands of years ago, I destroyed countless spaceships with my own hands!"

Hela rolled her eyes. It's just a spaceship. What's so strange about it? The most indispensable thing in the universe is this thing! Qi Jun glanced sideways at Hela and didn't say much. Do you want to throw this guy away? Go out into space and let her see the difference in size between the Dream and the spaceships she has chopped down... "We This time’s destination is destination No. 1, the Polar Star Territory.”

As a temporary ally, Qi Jun didn't hide anything from Hela. Although, there was nothing to hide. "The Nine Realms are not suitable for development. I am going to investigate and find a site."

"Haha, is it because I offended Odin?"

Hela laughed, as if she knew why Qi Jun left the Nine Realms. Likewise, Hela's eyes also flashed with deep murderous intent! The murderous intent for Odin.

"Not really!"

Seeing Hela's unhappy look, Qi Jun changed his mind, "Okay, maybe there are some reasons!"

"Although I can't defeat Ding wearing the Destroyer Armor, I'm not afraid of him either!"

Qi Jun shrugged, "I just feel that those who want to develop their own power are not the only ones in the Nine Realms."

Think about what the earth will experience, the various bosses of various dimensions, the planet devourers of the main universe, the purple potato spirits who want to farm the land with just a snap of their fingers, and the interstellar pirates who are always eyeing the earth.

Wait wait! There are so many big guys fighting against the earth, who the hell is still developing their own power on the earth! Even during this trip to the Nova Empire, Qi Jun even learned that there is a universe on the earth. The elders are coveting, and by the way, there is also a spherical god peeping in the dark! With so many forces, the bosses are all focusing on the earth. It would be abnormal if there were no troubles on the earth! Qi Jun will definitely also make arrangements on the earth. , will also participate in the carving up, or even monopoly, of something, something, something on the earth one day in the future! But now is not the time! Qi Jun still needs time to develop, and Qi Jun’s power also needs time to grow. .

However, the earth's meager resources and even the solar system in which the earth is located are not enough for Qi Jun to take a second look.

If you want to cultivate the kind of huge super space fleet that Qi Jun had thought of before, the resources required are not something that a mere solar system can afford.

Just a cosmic fortress would have to be as big as a planet, and if you want to defend your own territory, more than one cosmic fortress is enough, plus a huge cluster of space battleships, even if all the resources of the solar system are drained. Less than!........................"Hmph!"

After hearing Qi Jun's words, Hela's expression turned cold again. "The Destroyer Armor is a super battle armor created by Odin by gathering the blessings of all the gods in the nine realms. It has the ability to enhance the user's ability to a higher level." The super powerful effect of the level! When Odin wears it, he can temporarily reach the strength of a single universe level! Let alone you now, even if you advance again, you still can't beat him!"

"This hypocritical guy, in order to build this armor, promised the other gods so many... benefits. But when the Destroyer Armor was built, he immediately turned against him. In a battle between gods, how many... gods died! The entire Nine Realms have probably not recovered yet!"

Hela's face was full of ridicule and hatred.

"Isn't that thing made to deal with gods?"

Hearing Hela's words, Qi Jun's expression was filled with shock. What's going on? Why did the plot take such a big turn? Could it be that the butterflies came into play again? "God"

Hela sneered, "That's right! Odin did build the Destroyer Armor under the banner of fighting against the gods.

But in fact, since the generation of god kings above Odin, we have never seen the gods, so where can we fight against the gods?"

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