"After that divine war, these gods... who had disappeared for at least a hundred thousand years, took a big blame!"

Hela chuckled sinisterly.

That's not necessarily true! At least... Star-Lord is... a half-god, and his father is also a real god, although he is the most rubbish among the gods...! However, for... The story told by Hela also has a bit of a toothache. I never expected that this guy Odin has such a side! Sure enough, history is written by the victors! Just like the current murals in Asgard, history !........................"Okay, don't think so much."

Qi Jun shook his head and was too lazy to care about Chen Cha's bad things in Asgard. Well, it's mainly because he doesn't have the strength to care about it now. 233 "Why are you thinking about those... bad things?" Now that you have come out of the seal, think more about good things!"

Qi Jun smiled, "For example, come with us to play in the Polar Star Territory."


As expected, Hela's attention was diverted. "I really want to have some impression of the Polar Star Territory."

"let me see......"

"Is it that..., the one where all resources are very common and cannot be developed without external force..., the one where even the interstellar pirates don't bother to visit... the rubbish star field?"

“You go there to investigate elderly care”

Hela looked at Qi Jun in shock.

Qi Jun:...Glare with dead fish eyes! To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 168 Arrival at the Polar Star Territory

Thanks to brother [] for your reward support! Thanks to brother [18,], [] for your monthly ticket support! The polar star field is famous for its numerous stars.

It seems that in the entire known universe, no star field has seen so many planets.

From the data, Qi Jun discovered that the Polar Star Field was similar to what he had seen in one of the thousands of dimensions he had observed.

It's just that one has many satellites, and this one has many planets! However, inversely proportional to the common rule that 'the more planets, the better the resources', the resources in the polar star field are actually It has always been so ordinary.

There are indeed a lot of resources, but they are all ordinary resources. They are also extremely common resources in other star fields. The polar star field just has more quantity, and there is no qualitative change from quantity to quality at all.

However, it is not necessarily true that there are no interstellar pirates visiting.

Although it is difficult to grow and develop due to mediocre resources, it is impossible to say that even interstellar pirates will not patronize it.

Because of the large population here, the Polar Star Territory is a major source of space slaves. Small and medium-sized interstellar pirates especially like to come here to have fun, whether they are captured for their own entertainment or sold to people in need. A trade that won't make you lose money.

In fact, all the forces in the universe know these things, but no one wants to avenge them.

Because the universe is inherently rational with fists.

Until due to certain things, empires, federations, forces, etc., large and small in the galaxy, formed the Galactic Alliance.

Under the constraints of the Galactic Alliance, these... interstellar pirates who forcibly plunder populations rarely happen.

..................... "I can give you a chance to re-formulate your language!"

Qi Jun looked at Hela emotionally and said slowly.

Gulu "Ah!"

Hela was glanced at by Qi Jun's emotionless eyes, and she suddenly felt cold all over, and she immediately became desperate for survival! "I mean, it's so beautiful here! Look at those... so many No matter which planet it is, it looks like twinkling big stars. The sky is full of stars. How beautiful! How suitable for being a base for the development of forces! No one would have thought that there would be people traveling on this kind of journey. Establishing power in the galaxy! This is definitely a natural protective layer!"


Qi Jun continued to glance at Hela with emotion, then turned his head and ordered Taibai, "Let's go!"

"Why are you being cowardly? You are obviously following your heart!"

Seeing Qi Jun turn his head back, Hela breathed a sigh of relief and murmured quietly.

Hela would never admit that she was frightened by Qi Jun’s emotionless eyes. Absolutely not! I! Hela! I just don’t want to go back to the seal! That’s right! That’s it! “Okay, sir! "

Taibai will not care about the murmurings of Hela, the only tourist.

"The curvature engine starts, starts the main propulsion engine, allocates energy supply, locates the target space coordinates, and has captured the target space positioning!"

"All thrusters are turned on, and the dream is accelerating!"

Following Taibai's voice announcements, the Dream, which was already swimming in the universe, quickly accelerated.

........... Passing through the wormhole channel that was almost the same as the previous one, the Dream came to the polar star field of the cosmic civilization. .

However, compared to the last time it slowed down and stopped after passing through the wormhole, this time the Dream was under Taibai's control and was cruising at sub-light speed along the proven safe channel.

Although the security of the Polar Star Territory has been greatly improved due to the establishment of the Galactic Alliance, it is inevitable that some interstellar pirates will come here to fight and sacrifice. Qi Jun does not want to park the Dream where it is and use it as a target.


While Taibai was controlling the Dream cruise, Qi Jun was thinking about the information he had just explored in the wormhole channel.

The last time was too short and there was no preparation. Although Qi Jun noticed something strange, he didn't know what it was.

But this time, Qi Jun was fully prepared. When passing through the wormhole, Qi Jun tried his best to detect the surrounding light.

This time, Qi Jun clearly sensed that behind these......... streamers, there were indeed smaller wormholes one after another! So small that they could only accommodate people passing through. There are so many tiny wormholes that even people can’t get through []! Glancing at Hela who was marveling at the side, Qi Jun suddenly remembered that in the original plot, Thor, the God of Thunder, and Loki, the Evil God, were not the ones who were... Did Hela escape from the Rainbow Bridge passage and shuttle to Gao Tianzun's playground? Thinking of this, Qi Jun had a slight thought again. It seemed that he could try it. After all, Qi Jun had [Teleportation] Yes, no matter...

Wherever they go, they can come back with just a thought! However, the wormhole passage seems to be affected by time. Thor and Loki were kicked out of the Rainbow Bridge passage one after another. Although they both arrived at Gao Tianzun's territory, the two of them were mutually exclusive. There is a difference of a thousand years in the arrival time! What if I go through it, and when I come back, Sunset Zishu snaps his fingers, what should I do? Of course, Qi Jun was not sent the Dream It’s time to give it a try, because the Dream has arrived at the Polar Star Territory! “That’ll be next time! Let’s wait until we get the Power Stone!”

After taking a look through the porthole, he could almost see bright stars everywhere, Qi Jun decided silently in his heart.

........................ "I didn't expect that this polar star field is quite beautiful!"

Hela also stood by the porthole, watching the wonderful scenery outside.

Visible to the naked eye, there are stars everywhere in the field of vision. If you are close, you can see the general outline, but if you are far, you can only see some reflected starlight.

"So, in recent years, although the resources of the Polar Star Territory are insufficient..., they have also been developed by these local forces with the support of the Galaxy Alliance. It has become a tourist star area”

Qi Jun used his super vision to look far away, and even saw many shiny crystal planets, diamond planets, etc...

These... things that were extremely valuable when the planet was civilized, are placed in the universe, but they are an eyesore even if they are used to cover a table! "However, it is not really nothing. Development potential."

Looking at the metal planets in his field of vision, Qi Jun thought of the Mechanical Throne and Cybertron... To be continued: Feilu reminds you: three things to read when reading, recommend

Chapter 169: Building a Mechanical Empire?

Qi Jun suddenly felt that it would be pretty good to create a mechanical empire. The most important thing is that Qi Jun found that this thing seemed to be possible! Qi Jun didn't need the Transformers to be as powerful as soon as they came out. , you can fight against the Kree Empire, the Skrull Empire, the Nova Corps and so on.

The newly born Transformers don’t all need to be made of vibranium, Uru metal, etc....... Top-grade materials can be used to make their bodies. Ordinary steel alloys can also be used! Look! Look at the countless metal planets in this polar star field, how many can be created... Transformers give... this Transformers a fire source, how can it be The entire Polar Star Territory is not going to turn into a country of mechanical life in a minute. You must know that the Transformers are a race that can upgrade themselves! If there is no upper limit for them, they are an intelligent race that can learn and evolve on their own. !Especially in this deep space where there are cosmic star networks everywhere, the top technological knowledge cannot be learned, and popular knowledge is definitely something that every Transformer can master! Good guy, you have mastered the cosmic star network. The top technology Transformers on the Internet, just from the level of knowledge, any one of them can knock the earth down! It seems that Taibai can be transformed into the leader of the Transformers clan first. To be honest, Taibai and Qi Jun are very easy to use. To become a Transformer, it seems that you still have to give up. It is easy to make one or two Transformers, but it is not easy to make a tribe of Transformers! Originally, the creation of the fire source and energy replenishment in "Transformers" required each time But they will absorb a whole sun! A whole sun! What a huge energy that is! You know, Qi Jun has grown to this level, and the energy absorbed from the sun is only a drop in the bucket. At most, it’s just a drop in the bucket! You can imagine how terrifying the energy of an entire sun is! If you want Qi Jun to manifest a fire source that can create an entire tribe of Transformers, you might as well call him Qi Jun It's faster to swallow the sun by yourself! However! There is no way! Qi Jun can manifest a fire source with no energy, or only a small amount of energy! Then, use Samuel Stern to create it The 'Black Hole Energy Concentrator' charges the fire source.

Or, it is also possible to directly embody a machine like the one in "Transformers" that can extract solar energy! Charge it for a period of time and create a small group of Transformers. Charge it for a period of time and create one! Charge it for a period of time and create one. ! Even if he is very cruel, Qi Jun can manifest a few more empty shells of fire and find a few more suns to absorb energy! The universe is so big, can't we find the sun even if we don't go to those with wisdom? If we can't find those galaxies where there are living beings... galaxies where there are no intelligent creatures, we might as well be more ruthless and just take a sun and extract the energy into a fire source, although it will cost a lot. Some time, but you can also get a fire source full of energy. If you think about it carefully, hell, it won't be long before you can have a super mechanical empire that can defeat the entire galaxy. It's so exciting! ................."What are you doing"

Hela looked at Qi Jun who was giggling with a confused face. What kind of operation was this? Just now, she had no emotions, but now she smiled like a fool and said, "Yeah."

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