Qi Jun wandered slowly while thinking in his heart.

Whether it is the information seen from Taibai or this personal observation, the results obtained are so surprisingly consistent.

"Except... there are only about a dozen countries on Aquamarine, and besides the fact that Aquamarine has become technologically advanced because it joined the Galaxy Alliance, and the sphere is a bit larger, in other aspects, it is really special and harmonious. It’s almost the same as Earth!”

Qi Jun thought, "Could it be that this is also one of the experimental bases of the so-called Tianshen Group?"

Looking around, there are only... strange tourists who are obviously from extraterrestrials, and the locals of Water Blue Planet are really the same as the people on Earth! "Especially this Yunpeng country, It’s almost a replica of...!”

Qi Jun looked at the words on the surrounding storefronts, "Except... the history is different, the special codes are... the universal characters, but they also use Chinese characters."

Looking at these square characters, Qi Jun was still a little dumbfounded.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 171 Steel Star

"Boss, what fun things are there in Yunpeng City?"

Sensing the strangeness, Qi Jun directly found a store and walked in to ask.

"Brother, is this from another place?"

The boss was... cheerful and introduced it directly to Qi Jun, "Except... Zifu City is the royal residence of the king's family, other places are acceptable. For those who visit, let me tell you, especially Flag-raising Square, Fangmingyuan, Xishan Garden, Little Great Wall..."

Perhaps because he saw that Qi Jun looked the same as someone from Aqua Blue Planet and spoke authentic Mandarin, he thought Qi Jun was from Aqua Blue Planet and was traveling from other places. The place of introduction was called Shunliu.

However, when Qi Jun listened to these introductions, he felt a strange feeling. Didn't this special code refer to the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, Summer Palace, etc... and so on. ...........It's such a shame. How many light-years away from the earth, there is actually a sister planet of the earth. "It seems that the water of this aqua blue star is not the same." So shallow!"

Qi Junxu squinted his eyes and thought.

"However, compared to the earth, this water blue star is much simpler."

Qi Jun is a space mage, and he is a great mage who has learned the Weishan Emperor's series of spells. However, Qi Jun did not sense any magic network constructed on the Aquamarine Star. In other words, Qi Jun did not sense it at all. To the unique fluctuations of the Magic Network.

It seems that this water blue star is just a 1 material planet. Although I don’t know whether this Yunpeng country has changed because of the previous time travellers, or whether there is a hidden hand behind it. For the time being, Qi Jun doesn’t care much. .

After all, Qi Jun has not visited all three alternative locations, and Qi Jun will not make a decision so quickly.

If you really decide to set up a base here, it won't be too late to learn more about it! "However, no matter what, this water blue star can be captured even if it is not used as a base.

After all, it’s not bad to be a good place for leisure!”

Qi Jun silently made a decision in his heart.

Emperors in ancient times had summer resorts. I am the inevitable emperor in the future. What’s wrong with having a relaxing planet? I just bought a high-end object as a thank you. After bidding farewell to the hospitable store owner, Qi Jun took success with him. Hella, who became a foodie, started a travel mode of shopping and eating.

It seems that there are more and more foodies around me. Think about Skye on Earth, Hulk on Zaidar, and Hela next to me. They are all developing in the direction of foodies. However, let alone , although there are some things on this alienated version of the Earth, Aqua Blue Planet, that are inextricably related to the Earth.

But more importantly, there are local wonders that Qi Jun has never seen before.

Hela and Hela were walking and sightseeing all the way, but they saw some beautiful scenery that we can’t usually see! ........................A day later, Qi Jun and the two returned to the Dream again.

The Huangquan New Star Corps discovered the Dream at the first time. Compared with Qi Jun's Dream, which stayed above the Aquamarine Star for a whole day, no one discovered the Hidden Dream. It can actually be seen from the side that this How low is the strength of this water blue star?

Of course, as long as it is no longer the direct space war like before: jumping in other people's faces, Taibai has absorbed a large number of more advanced technologies from the cosmic star network and is constantly making improvements. Even if he goes to Zhaidar Star again, I am afraid that those Guys can't 'see' the Dream anymore either.

"Okay, the rest time has passed, it's time to get ready to hit the road!"

Qi Jun said this to Hela the first time he returned to the Dream.


Rolling her eyes at Qi Jun, Hela's good mood of going shopping and traveling with Qi Jun on the Aqua Blue Star suddenly disappeared.

Fortunately, Hela didn't know the meaning of the phrase "it's time to hit the road" in Chinese, otherwise Hela wouldn't have given it a big look.

Those are,,, two eye rolls! Hahaha, cough, in short, under the emotionless glare of a certain steely straight man, Hela finally curled her lips and left.

By the way, I took away a ‘Vibranium Uru Antimatter Dark Energy Space Battleship’ that Taibai had just built using the latest technology! “Taibai is making rapid progress!”

Feeling that this 'Vibranium Uru Antimatter Dark Energy Space Battleship' didn't even need to preheat the gliding sprint, and directly used the space to fold and jump away, Qi Jun couldn't help but be filled with emotion. This seemed to be his son growing up. I had the same emotion: "However, this consumption is a bit too intense!"

Taking a glance at the materials and energy Taibai consumed to build this brand new space battleship, Qi Jun was really stunned.

"His nana! He actually used up more than half of his energy and material reserves."

........................ "Taibai, go directly to the Steel Star!"

Although the speed at which Taibai consumed materials was somewhat beyond Qi Jun's expectations, Qi Jun was still very happy.

When the energy is gone, just use the 'Black Hole-like Energy Concentrator' to absorb it. That thing absorbs and stores energy very quickly! The materials are gone. The ordinary ones are everywhere in the polar star field. The high-end Qi Jun directly manifests them. That’s it, left and right: It’s just a matter of spending some energy and time, but it frees Qi Jun from the ‘manufacturing industry’, and he can recharge his energy while increasing his strength. How great! “Yes, sir!”

"Anchoring the Steel Star..."

"Space Fold: The jump system starts charging..."

"Zhe:The jump starts counting down..."


"Two 2"


"Start fold: jump!"

With a burst of space fluctuations, the scenery outside the Dream's portholes changed... and a huge, dark planet appeared in Qi Jun's field of vision.

And around this dark planet, there are also a large number of planets of various strange colors.

And the huge dark planet surrounded in the middle is...the planet named Steel Star by Taibai.

It is also the initial base where Qi Jun is preparing to take the lead in realizing the first generation of Steel Transformers! This galaxy is made up of all kinds of metal planets. Strangely enough, there is not even a single planet that can survive life, but it is exactly the same. It is the best hiding base for the first generation of Transformers! "So!"

Looking at this steel star, Qi Jun's eyes began to shine, "Let us create a race!!!"

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 172 The leader of Transformers - Taibai!

Thank you to brother [1,] for your monthly ticket support! Thank you to brother [Kaneki Ken, the One-Eyed King of Ghoul God] for your rewards and update support! Creating a race is not something that can be done simply by talking.

Even Qi Jun, who possesses mutated gems, prepared carefully.

After adjusting the state to the best and replenishing the energy, Qi Jun began to manifest the Transformers.

In order to facilitate easy management, Qi Jun is going to materialize Taibai, the leader of the Transformers! That’s right! Qi Jun is planning to materialize Taibai into a powerful and invincible super Transformer! In fact, when Qi Jun first started , is preparing to transform the entire Dream into Transformers.

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