However, when I thought about it later, it was unnecessary! Just like Thanos’ Temple 2, it is not designed to be used for combat! It is a symbol! Whether it is strength or power! When others see the Temple No. 2 2, you will know that this is Thanos' car! This is Thanos's mobile palace of the universe! Even though this Temple No. 2 2 contains countless fighter planes and battleships, others will not take it for granted. Treat it as a weapon of war, but as a king! Even Temple No. 2's own force strike capability is not weak at all! The same goes for Qi Jun! Qi Jun also wants that one day, people in the entire universe will see it Dream, what immediately came to mind is that this is the throne of Emperor Qi Jun! Not a space battleship with powerful attack capabilities! Qi Jun has not thought about changing the name. Even if the Emperor sounds better than the Dream, so what! Sunset Purple Potato's Temple No. 2 Isn't it so good that most people in the universe are still afraid of it!......................Qi Jun prepares for Taibai His new body is a battleship body that is a mixture of various high-end and top-quality materials owned by Qi Jun! In fact, the space battleship that was taken away by Hela was only Taibai’s first It was just a sample battleship, and its capabilities were far from reaching the peak of Taibai's design! Qi Jun easily simplified this process.

With the mutated gems, materials, and design, Qi Jun easily materialized the space battleship he named 'Taibai'! With just a thought, the whole thing was formed in an instant! The Taibai is not big. , or not as big as that! Dozens of Taibai ships can be easily docked in the Dream, but the Taibai's combat effectiveness is not... fake! It can be said that the Taibai's combat effectiveness completely overwhelms the Dream! In order to destroy the Taibai at once Armed to the strongest level, Qi Jun integrated all the abilities he possesses into the Taibai.

Vibranium, Uru, various top rare and advanced materials in the universe, small antimatter manufacturing fields, small black hole-like energy extraction devices, small dark energy absorption devices, space generation devices, space control devices, antimatter engines, curvature engines, dark Energy engines, nuclear reaction chambers, energy field shields, energy weapon systems, kinetic energy weapon systems...and so on! It can be said that in order to realize the Taibai, Qi Jun directly drained them all at once Reserved energy.

That's a full 100 million points of energy! .................. "Sir, Taibai is reporting to you!"

In the driving control cabin of the Dream, a metal robot with the same height as Qi Jun bowed slightly towards Qi Jun.

"Not bad! Really good!"

Qi Jun walked around Taibai and found that Taibai, except for the shiny metal shell, was almost the same as a human being! Qi Jun believed that Taibai was covered with a layer of bionic human beings With the leather coat, no one can tell that this guy is not a human at all! Although all the energy has been consumed, Qi Jun will never lack energy on the Dream. After replenishing the energy, Qi Jun asked Taibai to Immediately after his main program was transferred to Taibai, he used mutated gems to transform Taibai into the all-metal robot in front of him! Of course, a figure as tall as Qi Jun is definitely abnormal, but the transformation King Kong can even transform into smaller and larger ones, so how could he not be able to do so! "How do you feel now?"

Looking at the respectful 'Taibai' Transformer in front of him, Qi Jun asked curiously.

Super artificial intelligence, no matter how super it is, is just artificial intelligence, not... intelligent life, let alone the Transformer in front of Qi Jun! "It feels amazing, I seem to truly understand the meaning of life!"

Taibai rolled his eyes, thought for a while, and said.

As Qi Jun's "personally transformed" Transformer Taibai, he is naturally different from Optimus Prime, Megatron and other coquettish bitches.

Taibai looks more like a human being than the conventional Transformers! Especially as a space battleship.

Taibai doesn't even have the kind of fire in the chest of guys like Optimus Prime and Megatron, and there is no trace of it! Taibai, who is manifested through mutated gems, has a real soul, not one given by the source of fire. Consciousness! Of course, Taibai, who manifested through the mutated gemstone, is absolutely loyal to Qi Jun! However, Qi Jun is still not completely at ease with using the dark soul magic that belongs to Qi Jun even though it is harmless. .

No matter what, in Qi Jun's opinion, it is always good to have more control! It is best not to put eggs in one basket. Qi Jun understands this truth better than anyone else! He also understands it more deeply! ... ........"Take these..., go to Steel Star and create a real Transformers race. Bar!"

He patted Taibai on the shoulder, bang hard! Qi Jun pointed to a few cubes in the corner outside, as well as a lot of special-style missiles, and said.

Those gadgets are naturally several fire sources waiting to be charged that appeared after Qi Jun restored his energy! As well as a lot of special deformation missiles that can turn a huge steel mountain into deformation elemental materials! For Qi Jun, what's the point of asking him to embody Transformers one by one? What's the point of Qi Jun's efforts to embody 'Transformers leader Taibai'? Isn't it just for the sake of liberating himself? Shall we manifest 'Transformers Taibai' first? "Okay, sir!"

Transformer Taibai looked at Qi Jun with a firm look on his face, "Taibai will definitely live up to the leader's expectations!"

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 173: Big changes in Steel Star

When Qi Jun was comfortably absorbing energy in the energy absorption room, and sprinting towards a stronger state, the Steel Star suddenly suffered huge damage! More than a dozen towering steel mountains were hit by a strange missile Very quickly, these... majestic mountains quickly turned into fluid-like liquid metal.

In just a few dozen minutes, dozens of towering mountains and nearby mountains all disappeared, and turned into dozens of extremely wide and huge liquid metal lakes! Then, one by one, strangely shaped spaceships emerged from the dream Flying out of the ship, led by an extremely special space battleship that seemed to have a terrifying power, it flew towards the dozens of huge liquid metal lakes on the Steel Star.

........................One day later "Sir, the Steel Star base has been initially completed and the primary Transformers have been born. Would you like to go and check it out?"

After Qi Jun came out of the energy absorption room, Taibai's voice sounded in the Dream.

One thing does not bother two masters, Qi Jun still left the work of the Dream to Taibai.

Although Taibai has now become a living Transformer and is the leader of the Transformers family, this does not mean that Taibai cannot manage the Dream.

Because Qi Jun specifically strengthened Taibai, it will only be easier for Taibai now to manage the Dream than before.

Even, Qi Jun is still there: Space Battleship Taibai has built-in a large number of various communication methods, and quantum communication is just a basic operation. With the powerful ability of mutated gems, Qi Jun is still there: Space Battleship Taibai It has built-in dark energy communication system, subspace communication system, black hole communication system, space-time communication system, etc...

It can be said that as long as the Taibai space battleship is not destroyed, Taibai can maintain normal contact with Qi Jun no matter when and where in the Marvel universe, and he can also manage the entire Dream anytime and anywhere! As a leader in the world of lazy people The representative figure, Qi Jun, has used his laziness to play new tricks! With the new version of Taibai, mom no longer has to worry about increasingly complicated management matters! ........ ........."Of course I have to go see it!"

Upon hearing Taibai's words, Qi Jun's eyes suddenly lit up.

Well, when it really lit up, Qi Jun's front was instantly pierced by the super rays shot from Qi Jun's eyes.

This super ray even destroyed a nuclear energy reaction chamber along the way and finally plunged into a 1 metal planet, melting out a very deep pit! However, these... Qi Jundu didn't care, Taibai was the one to take care of it anyway, right? Although his strength surged again, a little uncontrollably, Qi Jun's mind was already on what Taibai said about the Steel Star Base and the first generation Transformers.

"Quickly, project a picture and take a look!"

Qi Jun shouted.

"Okay, sir!"

After Taibai turned into a Transformer, his voice seemed to become even more magnetic. As Taibai, who has been following Qi Jun for a long time, he knew that Qi Jun had the ability to teleport to the real scene when he saw it.

A real-time screen projection appeared in front of Qi Jun, but the next second, Qi Jun had disappeared and reappeared in the projected screen.


Qi Jun looked at the surrounding scene, as if he had arrived in the future world, "The construction here has been completed so quickly."

Bang!!! A sonic boom sounded, and Qi Jun had already flown into the sky.

"It's unimaginable that just overnight, you turned a dark steel star into a completely modern city of science and technology. No, it should be called a modern technology star."

Standing high in the sky, Qi Jun could clearly see that almost half of the Star of Steel had been transformed into a star of steel technology with a strong mechanical science fiction style! The towering steel mountains had long since disappeared, and the liquid steel The lake has completely disappeared.

There are towering building complexes, a constant flow of various mechanical sci-fi transportation vehicles, and even a lot of first-generation, oh, no, junior Transformers also pop up among them from time to time, and then quickly disappear. Go down.


Taibai suddenly appeared next to Qi Jun. "Isn't the development of science and technology just for mass production on a large scale and quickly?"

Qi Jun was not surprised by Taibai's operation that appeared next to him instantly. This was originally Taibai's ability to warp and jump in space.

Even with sufficient energy, Taibai can create an artificial wormhole leading to any place out of thin air at any place! In fact, in the bottom of Qi Jun's heart, for a moment, he seemed to be thinking, this Taibai , seems to be more like a space mage than himself, except... he can't mirror magic, and all abilities complement each other: Taibai seems to be able to do everything that other space mages can do, and even do more Better: "Fortunately! Taibai is the subordinate he created and will always be loyal to him!"

Qi Jun comforted himself, "Otherwise, if others are not autistic, I will become autistic myself first!"

....................."These.........junior Transformers are because they have not yet been blessed by the AllSpark." "

Looking at those... junior Transformers who each had the ability to transform, but only had their own form but no spirit, Qi Jun asked Taibai.

But just because of these...the primary Transformers are controlled by Taibai, rather than changing independently, just like the artificially created Galvatron in Transformers 4. A variety of primary Transformers.

"Yes, sir!"

Taibai's anti-gravity system was working, and he hung beside Qi Jun. He nodded and replied, "The energy of the fire source is extremely insufficient. It cannot be used to activate the real Transformers until a certain level of energy is absorbed."

"Sir, if you want to see a real Transformer that can act independently and have self-intelligence like me, you still need to wait a few days."

"I have sent those empty shells of fire sources to several different star systems and built solar energy extraction machines. We just need to wait quietly and we will have a steady stream of real Transformers! "

"Wow, that's really something worth looking forward to!"

Qi Jun looked through the sky at the countless metal planets in the starry sky.

It’s as if Qi Jun has seen countless Transformers empires that are so huge that it’s scary! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

Chapter 174: Reaching the Heavenly Father Level!


An all-metal planet with no signs of life at all, Taibai suddenly appeared next to Qi Jun. "The experimental project you asked me to pay attention to about Dr. Reed Richards and others has been officially launched!"

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