"At this moment, a group of five of them have boarded the Federal Space Administration aircraft and are preparing to take off to the space station in Earth orbit!"

Taibai spoke respectfully.

For Taibai, Qi Jun is his maker, his heaven, and his god! You need to be respectful to Qi Jun at all times! "Oh"

Qi Jun closed his eyes and turned off the more powerful super melt-penetrating ray he was testing. "Is it so fast? What day is today? By the way, the last time I saw Bruce Banner, he said it was a week later. Look, It’s been seven days since I arrived.”

In order to make himself lazy, Qi Jun transformed Taibai into a real mechanical creature, but it cost a lot of energy! Qi Jun's energy storage of 100 million points was not enough, and he even used it many times It was only after he acted as a power-up treasure that he finally manifested the Transformer Taibai beside him, who was as powerful as Heavenly Father! And when he served as a power-up treasure many times, Qi Jun also discovered that after he manifested the adaptation of Doomsday, After the evolved physique and the lifting of restrictions, the physical strength has been greatly enhanced! After the act of serving as a power bank for many times ended, Qi Jun's strength has doubled again! Even more! Qi Jun now only has the reserves of his body The energy has reached a huge amount of 30 million points! And the reserve energy of the mutant gem has reached a huge reserve of 300 million points! Of course, these energies are still secondary. Qi Jun discovered that his strength, He has reached the true [Heavenly Father Level] in the Marvel world! Qi Jun discovered that it would be easy for him to use the space collapse magic that forced him to retreat and seriously injured Ancient One when he was on Earth. It’s done! It’s no longer something that requires the assistance of mutated gems.

Moreover, Qi Jun's physical strength has also been greatly enhanced. Whether it is the super brain power is more powerful, the super strength can even push a 1 metal planet. Even when Taibai came to find him before, Qi Jun was still there: testing, he had just evolved. Can the completed super melt-penetrating ray directly penetrate a pure metal planet? Moreover, Qi Jun discovered that the "Dragon Ball Magic Combat Power Detection Glasses" he had previously demonstrated could no longer detect his own strength! As long as he detects it, he will definitely get a series of question marks. In other words, Qi Jun's strength has exceeded the limit that the "Dragon Ball Magic Combat Power Detection Glasses" can detect! Of course, the most important thing is that Qi Jun discovered The energy distribution ratio between him and the mutated gems has changed dramatically! Before, the energy absorbed by Qi Jun through the mutated gems was 50:5 with the mutated gems! But now! Qi Jun discovered that he Able to get 60%! Qi Jun is very, very sure! This is because his strength has increased to a certain extent! Before, Qi Jun had a planet-level strength. Although he had the same ability, he was almost within the planet, but now, Qi Jun has even Being able to push one planet to collide with another planet has completely reached the Heavenly Father level! It has definitely exceeded the planet level! Qi Jun couldn't help but make an analysis of this ratio, but finally found out helplessly, He actually has to reach the omnipotent universe level before he can control the mutated gem planet level, 5:5 points:! Father level, 64 points! Single universe level, 73 points::! Multiverse level, 82 points: !Super cosmic level, 91%! Almighty cosmic level, complete control of mutated gems! Even Qi Jun is not sure whether his calculations based on this level are really consistent with the speculation of mutated gems. Of course! No matter what, at least , this 64-point change allowed Qi Jun to finally see the opportunity to completely master the mutated gems! And all Qi Jun has to do is to continue to be strong!...... .........."Yes, sir!"

Taibai bowed slightly, "It has been a week on earth since the last time you saw Master Bruce Banner. Moreover, you have asked me to pay attention to the cosmic radiation project of Dr. Reed Richards and others before. It’s officially started.”

"Time really flies by!"

Qi Jun sighed with emotion. He really didn't feel anything at all. It's only been a week. "Samuel Stern, where is our Dr. Lan?"

Qi Jun turned his head and asked Taibai, "Where is he and what is he doing now?"

Qi Jun only influenced them through dark soul magic, subtly implanting all the rules that put Qi Jun's interests first from the side, rather than directly and roughly subduing these subordinates as his soul slaves.

Therefore, Qi Jun cannot always know the whereabouts of these people.

But all this is too simple for Taibai, the leader of the Transformers who is a super super mechanical creature.

Although it has only been three days since Taibai became a real life, Taibai has already planted countless secret doors and seeds in the entire cosmic star network. It can be said that as long as it is a place that can connect to the cosmic star network, Taibai will can be included in your own reconnaissance scope.

Not to mention, all Qi Jun's men, Qi Jun has equipped this group of people with two or even more communication methods, just to... no matter...

In that... corner of the universe, everyone can easily communicate with each other! And with these... communication devices, it would be extremely simple for Taibai to find out the whereabouts of Dr. Lan and others. .

"Dr. Blue, Hulk, and the Abominations 3 are currently heading to the Sovereign tribe's home planet of Korra, sir!"

Taibai replied.


Qi Jun was stunned. "They are no longer on Zaidar. What are they doing on Cora? They want to get in touch with those... arrogant Sovereigns."

"Yes, sir!"

Taibai nodded and replied, "Dr. Samuel Stern, after using his top-notch smart mind to conquer most of the Zaidar Star scientists, listened to the recommendation of a Zaidar Star scientist and prepared to go to Sovereign." ethnic contact.”


Qi Jun frowned, "Why are they talking about this recommended person? Have they... investigated?"

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 175 A little guess

"Yes, sir."

Taibai nodded, "The first time this scientist made a recommendation to Dr. Samuel Stern, he himself had been arrested by the Nova Corps who had been hiding around Dr. Blue and the others."

"In other words, there is something wrong with this guy."

Qi Jun raised his eyebrows, but was not too surprised.

"Yes, sir."

Taibai nodded and continued, "After screening by the Nova Corps, it was discovered that this...scientist is not a scientist from Zaidar Planet, but a Skrull pretending to be one! Because he used the most advanced technology to cover it up, he was not detected. Discovered immediately."

"As we all know, although the Sovereign tribe is extremely advanced in biotechnology and energy technology in the universe, due to its racial characteristics, making a fuss out of molehills and retribution, it is not well received by people in the universe."

"After interrogation by the Nova Corps, the Skrulls, a senior spy hiding in Zaidar, confessed that he was aware of Dr. Samuel Stern's unusual position on Zaidar and in the Nova Empire. After a brief observation, he decided Use Dr. Samuel Stern's thirst for knowledge to guide them towards the Sovereigns, and prepare to intercept them on the way!"

"According to his explanation, even if he fails to successfully intercept, the target will still contact the Sovereign clan.

However, due to the xenophobic nature of the Sovereign clan, Dr. Samuel Stern and his team will inevitably offend this small but technologically advanced and difficult clan in the universe, which will also weaken the Nova Empire's strength from the side! "

Taibai narrated.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"What a great show!"

Qi Jun was a little stunned. What kind of hatred and resentment could there be between the Nova Empire and the Kree Empire? A way to curb the growth of the new star empire. "In other words, this is the key to the long-term longevity of a cosmic empire."

Qi Jun was a little disdainful. What's the use of conspiracies and tricks in the face of real strength... "Wait...!"

Suddenly, Qi Jun frowned, as if he thought of something.

"The last time I had contact with Nick Fury, this guy seemed to give me a very strange feeling."

"At that time, my strength was low and I had not thought about it."

"Now that I think about it, that...Nick Fury is probably not a Skrull."

"It's interesting!"

Qi Jun squinted his eyes, and there was a dangerous light in his eyes, "Could it be that the real Nick Fury is not on Earth?"

"Or, simply put, Nick Fury himself is not from Earth."


"Skrulls! Marvel! Kree!"

"I always feel like there is some kind of horror story behind this!"

"The Skrulls need Mother Marvel's protection"

"Amazing Auntie really restored the health of the people on earth"

"The Kree really are fighting the Skrulls to the death"

"If this was all a show"

"Tsk tsk tsk"


"really interesting!"

Thoughts were swirling in Qi Jun's mind, but Qi Jun did not reveal them to Taibai.

Although it is said that if Qi Jun tells his own speculation and then Taibai calculates it, he can easily find loopholes in it.

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