But in the end Qi Jun didn't do it.

Some things have to be slowly fermented, and they will be best when it finally becomes clear in broad daylight.

Especially, when Qi Jun discovered some clues, it became a kind of enjoyment for Qi Jun to wait and see.

........................ "I guess the Nova Empire must have persuaded Dr. Samuel Stern not to go to the Sovereign tribe's planet Cora easily!"

Qi Jun asked.

"Yes, sir."

Taibai nodded.

"I guess again, our Dr. Blue must not have listened to the Nova Empire's advice, and will definitely find a way to go to the Sovereign tribe's Cora planet!"

Qi Jun said almost certainly.

"Yes, sir."

Taibai nodded again and said, "The Nova Corps and even the Nova Supreme came forward in person to warn Dr. Samuel Stern of all the matters involved, but Dr. Samuel Stern insisted on going to the Sovereign clan's home planet of Korra. And borrowed an unnumbered and unpainted Nova Corps spare space battleship."

"And now, the battleship should be in the continuous shuttle of one hundred and eight short and midway wormholes []. It has passed through forty-three wormholes [], and there are still sixty-five wormholes left. 【】Needs a shuttle, which will take about two Earth hours.”

"Do you need me to pause their progress?"

Taibai asked Qi Jun.

With the various communication systems specially designed by Qi Jun for Taibai, not to mention the spacecraft in the impulsive shuttle, even in the black hole, as long as it is not torn to pieces by the huge pressure of the black hole, Taibai can smoothly connect and control.

"never mind!"

Qi Jun shook his head, "Let them go!"

Despite the fact that the Sovereign tribe's biotechnology and energy technology are extremely powerful, and they are even very rich, even the Sovereign Legion's operations are all conducted using remote-controlled space fighter aircraft, which is extremely luxurious.

But in fact, the strength of the Sovereign clan is not too strong in the universe.

With the strength of Samuel Stern and his team, as long as they are not hunted down directly in space, if the Sovereign clan dares to let these three 3'Hulks' land, the only one who will be blasted by the hammer is Sovereign. It’s just a clan! What’s more, in order to ensure that his top scientist will not be exposed to accidents, this guy also has a lot of Qi Jun’s treasures. Qi Jun is not worried about them at all. In fact, Qi Jun wants to On the other hand, if you worry about the Sovereigns, don’t be so bad-tempered that you let Hulk undergo multiple transformations! If you really make Hulk angry enough to undergo multiple transformations, the Sovereigns, then you’ll be lucky. 233 As for Adam's thing, it's just an idea now. As for the Sovereign clan, they are also the party being calculated, and they can also be considered victims. Qi Jun said, "Let's find out if you want to help relatives or not. Of course, if you dare to scheme against your subordinates like this, Qi Junmi" Squinting his eyes, he had already written down this account to the Skrulls in his mind! .................. "Taibai, do you want to go to the earth to see it?" "

Putting Samuel Stern's trio aside for the time being, Qi Jun asked Taibai beside him.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 176 Return to Earth

"Taibai, do you want to go to the earth and see it?"

Qi Jun asked Taibai beside him.

"The earth is always under my control, sir!"

Taibai tilted his head and looked at Qi Jun in confusion.


Qi Jun was stunned for a moment, then realized: "I know you have been monitoring the earth."

"I mean, you are now a truly intelligent life, do you want to go to the earth in person?"

Qi Jun raised his eyebrows and asked.

Taking Taibai away will delay the construction progress of Steel Star! Will Qi Jun leave such an obvious loophole? Obviously not! Let alone go to the earth, even if he goes to the edge of the universe, Taibai can still be real-time at any time Handle various matters under Qi Jun's hands.

"Can I go too?"

Taibai's two mechanical eyes flashed with lightning, and his tone was full of joy, "Thank you, sir!"

For Taibai, after having a complete soul and a real body, Taibai is actually very new to everything.

However, everything Taibai does is based on Qi Jun's interests.

Although Taibai himself can travel to and from Earth at any time, Taibai still stays on the Iron Star as a supervisor and has not gone anywhere.


Qi Jun grinned and laughed, "As long as you can manage everything well, you can go wherever you want. I'm not the kind of black-hearted boss who will lock you up and squeeze you."

"Thank you sir for your permission!"

A happy smile appeared clearly on Taibai's face, and he solemnly promised, "Taibai will definitely deal with everything about Mr. Taibai before he gets to know what Taibai is interested in!"

"Ha ha!"

Qi Jun smiled with satisfaction, "I can rest assured that you will do the work!"

Taibai was 'created' by Qi Jun himself, and he was also the 'subordinate' who had followed Qi Jun for the longest time. Moreover, under the influence of dark soul magic for a long time, Taibai was Qi Jun's biggest loyalist, and he would immediately self-destruct if asked. That kind of...! "How about, come with me to the earth to play"

Qi Jun asked.

"Sir, Taibai plans to stay at Steel Star until all the first-generation Transformers troops that sir need are produced, and then go to Earth to observe."

Taibai changed his decision and looked serious.


Qi Jun was stunned, but he immediately understood that Taibai was more loyal and motivated because of what he just said.

"Oh well"

Qi Jun nodded and agreed.

Anyway... this is a good thing for me! Qi Jun has no reason to refuse.

However, I originally wanted to take someone to see what the so-called ejaculation is all about, but I didn’t expect that Dr. Lan was not available. Taibai was directly promoted to a workaholic, and he was alone again. "Thank you sir!!"

After Taibai obtained Qi Jun's consent, he immediately jumped through space and returned to Steel Star.

Qi Jun clearly saw that the work efficiency of the primary Transformers of Steel instantly increased a lot.

“This is too white”

Qi Jun shook his head and laughed.

But Qi Jun didn't expect that just because of what he said, Taibai directly raised an invincible iron army for Qi Jun! Invincible in the entire universe,! Of course, that is all things later. Now Qi Jun Junke doesn’t know this yet......

.....................Teleporting back to the Dream, first replenishing energy, Qi Jun then tidied it up, and then teleported, We arrived on the space plane where the 'Future Fantastic Four' were located as given by Taibai.

With Qi Jun's current strength, there are naturally many ways to prevent others from seeing him. He no longer has to create a prop that cannot be discovered like before.

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