Qi Jun seemed to be sitting on the seat of the space shuttle, but in fact, Qi Jun placed himself in subspace, changing his position all the time as the space shuttle flew.

Qi Jun looked at these five guys, scientist Reed Richards, Susan Stone, Susan's brother Johnny Stone, pilot Ben Grimm, and the famous future Doctor Doom Victor Von Doom.

Qi Jun discovered that the Fantastic Four were all wearing special high-tech space suits, while Victor Von Doom was wearing a space suit that was completely different from the Fantastic Four. Think about it carefully,' The four Fantastic Four guys all touched the metal walls of the space station when cosmic radiation arrived, but none of them had anything to do with metal.

On the contrary, Dr. Doom Victor Von Doom did not wear the same space suit as the Fantastic Four, but the superpower he was born with transformed himself into a full-metal body! Hiss!!! Could it be, What kind of strange properties does the space suit of the Fantastic Four have? "Should we scratch the space suit of the Stone Man and turn this stone man into a metal man?"

Qi Jun suddenly thought with some wickedness.

"A metal man is better than a stone man"

Qi Jun maliciously guessed, "Perhaps, becoming a metal man can also stimulate electrical energy or something."

........... However, after a while..., Qi Jun helplessly discovered that these guys are still just ordinary people. We are just human beings, and we need to do our best to resist the strong load brought to the body by the ascent of the spacecraft.

"Hey, there's nothing interesting about five 55-year-old wooden men."

Qi Jun shook his head and stopped keeping pace with the spacecraft.

In an instant, the space plane that had been taking off at its maximum power suddenly flew far away, while Qi Jun was hanging in the air, frowning at the exhaust smoke 'surrounding' him! Of course, Qi Jun himself is in subspace. Although it seems that these... disgusting smoke has wrapped Qi Jun, in fact, it will not cause any harm at all. of.

With a snap of his fingers, the long flue disappeared instantly, but Qi Jun directly used space magic to erase it.

"Forget it, let's go see the Cosmic Cube first!"

Qi Jun then thought about it, cosmic radiation and other things would be there for at least several hours, and when he returned to Earth, he had to do something, otherwise he would always feel empty.

Sou Qijun recalled the location of the previous dark energy base, teleported, and disappeared into the sky.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 177 Odin’s black hand!


Looking at S.H.I.E.L.D. completely buried in rubble in front of him.


....Dark Energy Base, Qi Jun even uttered a curse word.

If Qi Jun wasn't still in the subspace, Qi Jun might have teleported directly into the rubble.

"What the hell"

"The Cosmic Cube was stolen"

With a thought in his mind, Qi Jun teleported to the sky above the 'original dark energy research base', only to find that the entire dark energy base had long been in ruins. The dark energy base and its surroundings were all destroyed, and even sank. More than ten meters deep! "What's going on?"

"Could it be that Hydra attacked this place?"

"Did the base self-destruct or is the Cube out of control?"

"This scene, it's a bit like the scene after Loki appeared in "Avengers 1""

"Loki has come to Earth"

"No, probably not!"

Qi Jun frowned, thinking, "Thor was seriously injured by Thor, and Odin should have fallen into Odin's sleep. In addition, the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed. Loki cannot be so low-key when he comes to Earth. Taibai will definitely be able to detect some traces. There’s no way he won’t report it to me.”

"That's right! Why didn't Taibai report the situation here?"

Thinking of this, Qi Jun was suddenly stunned again.

Qi Jun does not doubt Taibai's loyalty.

To prevent Taibai from discovering the anomalies here, there must be something unique here.


Qi Jun calmly sensed it for a while... and sure enough he sensed something unusual! "This place is actually isolated by space!"

Qi Jun swallowed his saliva and was extremely surprised. He didn't notice this spatial fluctuation. Whose handiwork was this? It's impossible for Gu Yi or other demon gods to really be Hydra! Shaking his head, Qi Jun immediately said The Hydra was eliminated.

If Hydra had this ability, it would become an underground organization that everyone shouts "Wait a minute...!"

After careful inspection, Qi Jun discovered more abnormalities.

"This is actually a magic similar to the mirror space but completely opposite to the mirror magic."

"Mirror magic projects reality in, but reality is not affected!"

"And this space magic, well, it should be space magic, but it directly wraps the real world in. Instead, it leaves a projection in the real world as usual."

With a thought in his mind, Qi Jun teleported away from this space and looked over from a distance. Sure enough, Qi Jun found that from the outside, nothing had changed. Even the guards were still standing guard loyally.

With a teleport, Qi Jun entered this space again. Sure enough, the real world inside had been destroyed long ago. Unless time magic was used to go back, it would be impossible to be consistent with the external projection! "In this world, there is indeed something All kinds of magical abilities!”

"No wonder even Taibai didn't notice this."

"After all, it's just surveillance, and it's surveillance. Taibai didn't notice it.

It’s not surprising.”

"So, who did this result?"

"What can be done to this extent is something that ordinary people can do."

"Either he is a tyrannical space mage like Gu Yi, or he is very likely to be a dimensional demon from thousands of dimensions!"

After all, it is related to the Cosmic Cube and the Space Gems. Anyone with enough strength or force may be able to attack S.H.I.E.L.D.


....to start this dark energy base, Qi Jun could not think of the real mastermind behind the preparations for a while.


Suddenly, Qi Jun sensed a faint wave flashing past.

It was extremely faint, but it felt a little familiar. "In other words, I have seen the person who did this behind the scenes."

"Could it be that he really is the Dimension Demon?"

After all, Qi Jun had copied and embodied Gu Yi's magical ability. Qi Jun also knew that Gu Yi did not know this type of magic. What's more, this kind of spatial fluctuation was not consistent with the magic of Weishan Emperor.

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