Otherwise, Qi Jun would not have discovered it at the first time.

After excluding the Ancient One, the remaining ones are naturally the bosses of thousands of dimensions.

However, they have said that they are the bosses of thousands of dimensions. There are too many of them, so how can Qi Jun find them? However, the space gems are the treasures that Qi Jun is determined to obtain, and Qi Jun cannot give up! But, how on earth are he going to find them? A person who is hiding is still a person who is proficient in magic in space. "Eh"

Suddenly, that extremely weak but somewhat familiar aura of Qi Jun appeared again.

"This is!"

"The power of Odin!"

"How can this be the power of Odin!"

Qi Jun was shocked! Being chased by Odin and running away in thousands of dimensions, how could Qi Jun fail to remember the unique manifestation of Odin's power? "That's wrong!"

"This is not pure Odin power!"

"What prevents me from noticing it immediately is that it must be Odin's power mixed with other powers!"

"This seems to be somewhat like the power fluctuations on the god-king of Vanaheim."

"That's right! Queen Frigga was born in Vanaheim, so it doesn't seem unreasonable that Odin would have the power of Vanaheim!"

"The power of Odin, the magic of Warner..."

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"Even I almost didn't notice it!"

"Odin, this old guy is hiding very well!"

Qi Jun had a cold face and looked unhappy, "It's a shame I thought Odin wouldn't take action against the Cube!"

"Hmph, but in this case, it can indeed explain the reason why the Cosmic Cube was robbed."

"Without the deterrent of the Rainbow Bridge, we can still send troops through space gems, once again deterring the entire Nine Realms!"

"Odin is indeed an old fox!"

Qi Jun guessed, "Although it will be difficult to build the Rainbow Bridge for a while, as long as we have the space gems in hand, we are not afraid of the rebellion of the entire nine realms!"

"In fact, because of the infinite energy of the gem, whoever holds the space gem can completely overwhelm the entire nine realms!"

"I just don't know whether this thing is in the hands of Odin, who has probably fallen into Odin's sleep, or whether it has fallen into the hands of Queen Frigga."

Qi Jun frowned, thinking.

.........But at this moment, a circle of light was drawn in front of Qi Jun.

As the transmission aperture took shape, a bald woman came out.

"Ancient One!"

Seeing Gu Yi appear, Qi Jun's eyes narrowed severely.

Qi Jun could clearly see that the strength of this Ancient One had actually improved again. She was not afraid of being swallowed by Dormammu. To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 178: The Changes of Ancient One

"Hello, Master Qi Jun!"

Stepping out of the teleportation circle, Gu Yi showed her signature smile to Qi Jun and said hello.

"Hello, Ancient One Supreme Mage!"

As the saying goes, don’t hit the smiling person with your hand, Qi Jun returned the favor with a smile.

"It seems that all this was not caused by Master Qi Jun."

After looking around, Gu Yi had already gone through the scene, and he already knew what was going on.

Speaking of which, Gu Yi's background was deep enough, and his strength had increased again. Qi Jun didn't find the problem immediately, but Gu Yi discovered it immediately.

"I don't know what the Ancient One Supreme Mage saw."

Qi Jun asked knowingly.

"It's just an old friend who took away something he had previously placed on Earth."

Gu Yi shook his head, as if he didn't see the broken limbs in the pit.

"Haha, so even if he kills everyone in this base at the same time, it doesn't matter."

Qi Jun said with a bit of sarcasm.

Qi Jun... knew very well that this dark energy base was probably destroyed by Odin with a punch because he couldn't find a place to vent his anger because the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed.

"Some things are destined to be a tragedy from the moment they are studied!"

The Ancient One Supreme Mage understood what Qi Jun was sarcastic about, but he didn't care.

Similarly, Qi Jun also understood that Gu Yi, who had lived long enough, no longer cared about this kind of death. Gu Yi, who had lived for too long, was already used to this kind of thing.

For Ancient One, as long as it does not concern the entire human civilization or the safety of the earth, Ancient One and the mages of his faction will not care about matters in the material world.

After all, the mysterious world is enough to keep them busy.

However, how did this Ancient One become stronger again? Does this guy also have the property of 'upgrading when injured'..."I wonder whether the Ancient One Supreme What kind of luck did the mage get and his strength actually increased so much?"

Qi Jun was quite interested in Gu Yi's changes.

Qi Jun, who copied and embodied Gu Yi's abilities, knew very clearly that although the Weishan Emperor's line of magic was very powerful, it also lost many of its effects. At least, the power of the Weishan Emperor's lineage was not enough to make Gu Yi Immortality.

In order to ensure that he lived long enough, Ancient One forcibly extracted energy from the dark dimension, which was also the fusion of the entire dark dimension, Dormammu, to maintain his vitality.

But in the same way, people who are stronger because of the dark power will also be corroded by Dormammu because of the stronger dark power. At least, in Qi Jun's view, the guy Gu Yi who appeared in front of Qi Jun , his strength can be said to have directly reached the peak of the Heavenly Father level. Logically speaking, his entire mind should have been corroded by Dormammu.

However, this guy Mao Guyi still has a very clear mind. "Is there something wrong with the dark dimension, or more?"

Qi Jun couldn't help but frown.

........................"Master Qi Jun's strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes!"

Gu Yi did not answer Qi Jun's doubts, but looked at Qi Jun solemnly.

The last time I saw Qi Jun, what kind of strength was this guy? Although he suffered some hidden losses due to his carelessness, if he really wanted to take down Qi Jun, in Gu Yi's opinion, it could still be done.

But now, seeing Master Qi Jun again, Gu Yi was completely shocked! Because Gu Yi discovered that Qi Jun had actually reached the same level of strength as himself! Although he had only entered the Heavenly Father level for the first time, he was the same as the little transparent one before. For Qi Jun, it is completely different.

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