Even though Gu Yi's strength has skyrocketed, the increase is completely incomparable to Qi Jun's! Before, Qi Jun's small and transparent strength was already able to seriously injure someone in Gu Yi's inadvertent 'sneak attack', but with Qi Jun's ability now If the father's strength was to use the original move, it would be difficult for Gu Yi to guarantee that he would still be able to survive... The time stone is indeed powerful, but someone is using it! If Qi Jun takes advantage of Gu Yi's inattention At that time, when the time gem was not used, with a real sneak attack, Gu Yike would really overturn Xiao Transparent, Heavenly Father level, the difference is huge! "Haha, it's just a small improvement!"

Gu Yi had no explanation for... and Qi Jun didn't care either.

It was nothing more than using some means to steal a large amount of dark energy from Dormammu again. Whether it was said or not, Qi Jun didn't want to learn and didn't care at all.

What Qi Jun wants to know more is what happened in the dark dimension, or in other words, Dormammu. Otherwise, Dormammu would be so kind and let Ancient One cut his flesh and eat it, and still allow Ancient One to go further. ..Single universe-level super flesh-cutting, this time, I am afraid that the entire dark dimension will be seriously injured!!...................... "Could it be, It’s because of Odin”

Qi Jun made a guess.

Looking at the changes in the dark energy base that has become a ruin and is unknown even to the outside world, you know that Odin is not a good person.

In order to ensure that Asgard can still deter the entire Nine Realms, when the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed, the Cosmic Cube that was originally thrown to the earth was recaptured, and S.H.I.E.L.D., which was studying the Cosmic Cube, was conveniently appointed.


....The dark energy base was destroyed.

According to this way of doing things, it is not difficult to guess that in order to prevent Asgard from being invaded by thousands of dimensions, it is not impossible that Odin the Destroyer directly severely damaged Dormammu! No! It can even be said that this is inevitable ! In order to ensure that Asgard would not be invaded by thousands of dimensions after falling into Odin's sleep, Odin directly used Dormammu in the dark dimension as a representative to scare the monkeys and scare thousands of dimensions. This is definitely what Odin can do. Things! Think about Asgard. After Odin fell into Odin's sleep, the queen needed to take care of his sleeping body. Thor, the god of thunder, was seriously injured and did not wake up. The whereabouts of the second prince Loki was unknown. Even if he were alive, Loki would not be allowed to take charge of Asgard. Gad, in this case, it is not impossible for Odin to be directly seriously injured, or even directly destroy the dark dimension as a warning! Of course, judging from the huge but still stable dark energy in Ancient Yi, the dark energy It couldn't have been destroyed, otherwise it would be implicated. It wouldn't be strange for Gu Yi to die on the spot, let alone upgrade.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 179 Qi Jun’s guess

"I hope Master Qi Jun will not do anything that will endanger the earth!"

Gu Yi took a deep look at Qi Jun and warned, "Otherwise, even if you are more powerful, the Kama Taj lineage will not let you go easily!"


Qi Jun smiled meaningfully, "What if it's Kama Taj's people who provoke me first?"

"Then you don't have to hold back, of course!"

Gu Yi frowned, not sure whether it was because of Qi Jun's words or Qi Jun's attitude, "That's naturally the best."

Qi Jun smiled and nodded, as if to say, you'd better go back and restrain your disciples, otherwise, if you fall into my hands, I won't return you alive.

"I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave now!"

Gu Yi nodded towards Qi Jun, then stepped into the circle of light and left.

........................"There is something wrong with this Gu Yi!"

Seeing the teleportation aperture disappear, Qi Jun frowned and said to himself.

Although this was only the third time he came into contact with Gu Yi, Qi Jun didn't know what kind of person Gu Yi actually was.

However, this third contact, compared with the previous two contacts, Gu Yi seemed to be a completely different person, giving Qi Jun a great sense of awkwardness.

"Go to the dark dimension first"

Qi Jun frowned.

Just do it as he thought, and with a thought in Qi Jun's mind, he disappeared from the dark energy base and appeared in the dark dimension.


Feeling the changes in the dark dimension, Qi Jun's eyes flashed with a look that was indeed the case.

"The dark dimension was actually pushed to the edge of fragmentation"

Seeing that the deep space of the entire dark dimension was filled with cracks that were difficult to recover, even if Qi Jun had reached the Heavenly Father level, he could not hide the look of shock on his face. "Moreover, I can't feel Dormammu." That breath is everywhere."

"This Odin is really ruthless!"

A trace of solemnity flashed across Qi Jun's face. Although Qi Jun himself is not afraid of Odin, the power he has just started to establish must not be discovered by Odin. With this guy's ruthlessness and Chuya's power, he will definitely He was torn to pieces by Odin! "As expected, he was the one who made Sunset Purple Potato wait until he died before daring to take action. Odin, wearing the Destroyer Armor, is so cruel!"

"It seems that Dormammu was severely injured, and Ancient One... took this opportunity to increase the absorption of dark power. No! It should be robbing!"

"Even Gu Yi seems to have some intention of replacing Dormammu."

Qi Jun suddenly felt confused when he thought of this.

Qi Jun saw the tendency of assimilation from Gu Yi. It may even be Gu Yi himself who wants to assimilate into the dark dimension. This is like defeating magic with magic. To defeat Dormammu, He first became Dormammu and took advantage of Dormammu's severely injured sleeping machine to forcibly seize the resources of the dark dimension, further integrate into the dark dimension, and even eventually devour Dormammu. "Fuck,!"

Qi Jun was also shocked, "Nah, Gu Yi won't turn into another Dormammu in the end and try to eat the earth."

Compared with Dormammu who is blocked by the Ancient One, it is very difficult to swallow the earth.

If Ancient One merges into the dark dimension and becomes the new will of the dark dimension, and wants to swallow the earth, no one can stop it. Swallowing the earth will only take a matter of minutes! ... ............."If Ancient One becomes the new will of the dark dimension, then who else can stop her?"

"Using the dark dimension as a body, it is ten thousand times better than her previous mortal body, and has huge development potential!"

"Plus having the Time Stone in hand, holy shit, he's the next villain!"

The more Qi Jun thought about it, the more horrified he became. Damn it, I just robbed Odin of a steel drill. It was necessary for so many and such big changes to happen. "So, Doctor Strange is definitely out of the question." "

"Well... Ancient One is about to incarnate into the will of the dark dimension. It's impossible to find a so-called successor."

"The horses are so stupid!"

Qi Jun suddenly felt a little irritated, "These...infinity stones cannot stay on the earth obediently."

"If the Time Stone was brought to the dark dimension by Ancient Yi, it would be extremely difficult to snatch it away!"

"The Cosmic Cube was taken away by Odin. I don't know if Odin hid it himself or gave it to Queen Frigga. Anyway...it's hard to get it!"

"Yeah, if I had known earlier, I would have snatched the Cosmic Cube from the Dark Energy Base beforehand."

Qi Jun frowned, "It's not good to be too forward-thinking. You'll let the Cube slip away from your hands."

"I don't know if Hela can bring the soul gem back smoothly or should I send the pet wolf Fenrir to Hela?"

"Well..., let's get the power gem first!"

"When Morag Planet is discovered, I'd better go there myself and take away the cosmic spirit ball to avoid further mishaps!"

Previously in the Nova Empire, Qi Jun had already obtained information about the planet Morag.

However, the planet Morag has been abandoned for thousands of years. Based on the information from the Nova Empire thousands of years ago, Qi Jun cannot use [Psychic Teleportation] to teleport directly there.

However, Qi Jun also asked Taibai to control a small team of intelligent reconnaissance spacecraft to explore. As long as the planet Morag is found and a real-time video is taken, Qi Jun can teleport there in minutes and get the cosmic spirit ball.

........................"After you have the power gem in hand, you can start various waves, then you will have no worries at all."

"When the time comes, even if Odin the Destroyer appears in front of me again, I can just fight him!"

"By the way, you can plan to see if...the wormholes in the wormholes can connect to some weird places."

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