Smoothing Skye's wrinkled eyebrows, Qi Jun smiled, "That guy might be on vacation in a certain scientific research ship."

"This guy has a lot of cards. He is deeply involved with alien forces, but he will always show up. It won't be too late to deal with him when the time comes!"

Qi Jun thought of the Kree research ship that had been hidden between the earth and the moon in the plot of Aunt Surprise. He didn't know if Aunt Surprise... would the scientific research ship still be hidden between the earth and the moon if it was driven back. Now that he's back, will Black Braised Egg always be hiding inside? If not, where will Black Braised Egg hide? "I won't talk about him anymore, is there anything else going on during this time?"

The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge. As long as Black Braised Egg is still thinking about things on earth, it will appear again sooner or later. Qi Jun simply changed the topic and diverted Skye's attention.

......................"Other things"

Skye's beautiful big eyes blinked, "Oh, Wakanda's matter is a relatively big thing!"

"You can never imagine what the result would be if the United States Federation united with more than a dozen countries to launch a war against Wakanda."

Skye said to Qi Jun in surprise, "Wakanda actually won!"


Looking at Skye who still looked surprised even now, Qi Jun could completely imagine how shocked Skye was when he just learned the news.

Skye didn't pay attention to Qi Jun's smile, but said excitedly, "However, the United States Federation united with the coalition forces of more than a dozen junior countries, and it is not without some gains."

"The true face of Wakanda is actually wrapped by a super giant virtual holographic projection 33 and a super large energy shield! It was not until they were jointly attacked by the United States Federation and a dozen younger countries that they were destroyed. The fact that Kanda is in fact the most technologically advanced nation on earth has been exposed!”

"It is unimaginable that in that remote place, a backward third-world chiefdom that everyone in the world knew was transformed in an instant into a super country with more advanced technology than the United States Federation!"

"I heard that the United States Federation is working with those... younger countries to define Wakanda as a terrorist organization and is calling on the world to eliminate Wakanda."

Speaking of this, Skye's whole person was filled with disdain.

"But, hehe"

Skye suddenly laughed again, "In order to deal with Wakanda's high-tech methods, the U.S. federal military is here to help us.

..The group placed a large number of orders for high-power weapons, and we fought two consecutive wars.

..The group has been devastated!"

"War money is always the best to earn! It is also the most profitable!"

Qi Jun was not surprised by this. Otherwise, why would he take over the weapons research and development department of Stark Group in the first place? "Speaking of which, where are our potions?"

Qi Jun didn't care that it was destined to be a long and protracted war between the United States Federation and Wakanda. Instead, Qi Jun was more concerned about the development of his cheap group.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 182 Skye’s efforts

Thank you [131] brother for your monthly ticket support! “Hey hey”

Skye chuckled, "Speaking of potions, this is us.

..The group has been able to develop very smoothly into an important trump card of a super multinational group!"

"After research and analysis by the group's scientific research team, we have divided the pharmaceuticals into three levels, namely: high, medium and low!"

"In fact, these three different grades are just different proportions of dilution.

However, in order to prevent others from researching the prescription, through the efforts of the scientific research team, we mixed a large number of messy medicinal materials and chemical preparations into it without affecting the efficacy of the medicine."

“The low-end ones have the highest degree of dilution and the lowest efficacy, but they can also quickly cure common headaches, colds, and the like.

The pricing is basically the price for ordinary people to go to the hospital to see a cold.

Although it may seem a little expensive, compared with the hospital, it may not be able to treat a cold well, and it may even make your cold more serious, and it will take more time.

Our low-end medicine can 100% cure the disease in a short period of time, virtually saving patients a lot of time and a lot of trouble! Once launched, it has been widely praised by various countries!"

"The mid-range ones are used to treat those...moderate-level conditions that can be treated well in the hospital, but it takes a lot of time and money, and the person will suffer a lot... ...The symptoms and charges are also at an average level, and it also received various praises once it was launched."

"The high-end ones are used to treat severe illnesses and terminal illnesses, such as AIDS, cancer, etc. Of course, these are no longer so cheap, and we also sell them in limited quantities.

There are only countries and us.

..The group has reached a strategic cooperation, and we will provide them with these... high-end pharmaceuticals."

The corner of Skye's mouth turned up slightly, "Well, this is also the key factor why we can still live well and even develop better after our medicine was launched and caused a dimensionality-reducing blow to the global pharmaceutical industry."

"Everyone is afraid of illness! Not to mention the top bosses in those countries. With high-end potions, they have the opportunity to live a stable life without illness or pain until the end of their lives. With high-end potions, they don't have to I no longer have to worry about whether the various Haitian feasts will be infected with any weird diseases."

"I heard that the sales of the medicine have even led to the development of a large number of small pill companies around the world, because the medicine can cure various diseases. During this period of time, various feasts are popping up all over the world! "

Speaking of this, Skye's eyes were full of contempt.

Qi Jun grinned. He had no idea that the potion he had manifested could actually lead to the booming sales of some small pills. Even Qi Jun could imagine that kind of... Picture: On various roads, there were groups of fat and big-headed people. The boss-level figures who are obsessed with eating pills take pills one by one, and then perform various indescribable behaviors.

After that, a group of big bosses took out a potion and drank it in unison. Each big boss went about their own affairs very easily. The picture was so beautiful that I didn’t dare to look at it... ..... "Of course, in addition to these three levels of dilution with different ratios, there is also a raw solution of the medicine without any dilution, as long as it is not dead , any disease can be completely cured in a very short period of time.

We call it the Almighty Liquid! The Almighty Liquid is not sold, it is only circulated internally, such as rewarding employees, senior executives and scientific researchers who have made significant contributions to the development of the group..."

"Well, by the way, we also give a limited number of gifts to the leaders of various major countries every year to support us.

..the group’s interests around the world!”

"Of course, there are also jealous forces."

Skye pursed his lips and looked disdainful. "However, with Taibai's cooperation and the relationship that the enemy of the enemy is... a friend, these unstable factors were quickly calmed down."

"Now, with just this potion, we.

..We are already the top multinational group in the world, and Wilson and Alibaba can only follow us and eat dust!"

Skye's chin rose, and there was a look of pride on her face that couldn't be concealed.


..Groups can influence the direction of each country to a certain extent!”

"Of course, because of your instructions, we must avoid being targeted by the river crab beast, so we have not actively interfered in any internal affairs of the country."

Skye concealed the expression on his face and shrugged.

......................"well done!"

Qi Jun nodded with satisfaction.

Although after traveling around the universe, Qi Jun's vision is no longer limited to a small ball like the earth.


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