..The group, under the leadership of Skye, has been able to achieve such fruitful results on Earth, which is also very impressive! Although Skye is just a general.

..The troubles encountered by the group were easily dismissed in one sentence, as if it was really no big deal, but Qi Jun could fully imagine how much trouble this would cause.

Forget about dealing with those... coveted.

..The power of the group, just by negotiating with various countries to reach some kind of strategic alliance of common interests, you can already imagine the troubles involved! "Don't think about it.

..The group goes into the universe”

After thinking for a while..., Qi Jun asked Skye.

Taibai is Qi Jun's butler, and he has been transformed into a living leader of Transformers by Qi Jun. He is destined to manage the home front while holding the sword in Qi Jun's hand to fight against foreign enemies! And Skye, Qi Jun decided to He was trained into a business and foreign exchange specialist of his own power.

Compared with Skye's combat ability, Qi Jun valued Skye's management ability more.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 183 Skye who wants to be quiet【Revised】

Skye took over.

..The group's time is extremely short, but it is able to put...

..The group has developed into the top multinational group on earth today, and its ability is absolutely unquestionable! Even if...

..The group itself is already strong enough! Even if.

..The group itself has powerful enough resources! Even if...

..The group itself has strong enough channels! Even behind Skye, there are Taibai, Harris and other capable people assisting.

But none of these... can hide the fact that Skye has powerful abilities.

Although the pig standing on the wind can indeed fly, how to fly, how high, how long, and how long it can fly without falling are all very important tests! Obviously, Skye successfully proved his Ability, this is why Qi Jun wants Skye to continue to serve.

..the position of president of the group, and even to develop the interstellar market! Qi Jun believes that with Taibai’s information support, even if it is to enter the interstellar market that has never been done before, Skye will still be able to do it.

..The group has developed into an interstellar group that is even more terrifying than the Difan Group!........................ "Ah"

Skye suddenly heard Qi Jun say this and was immediately... stunned.

What the Lun family is thinking about right now is how to do it.

..The flag of the group is planted all over the earth, but you tell the Lun family to go into the universe. Pikachu coughs and says, "Well, do we have a spaceship?"

Skye stuttered a little, "We don't seem to have the speed of the spaceship, the star map of the universe, etc."

"Just tell me whether you want to do it or not.

..The group goes into the universe”

Qi Jun held Skye's trembling little hand and asked.

Gu: "I think so, of course I do."

Skye swallowed "But..."

“Nothing but”

Qi Jun laughed and interrupted Skye's stammering, "As long as you think about it, nothing is impossible!"

"Isn't it just to enter the universe?"

Qi Jun waved his hand, "What's so difficult about this?"

So handsome! So domineering! Seeing Qi Jun scolding Fang Qiu, Skye's eyes were filled with stars. She had completely forgotten about entering the universe.

This is the person worthy of my following! Looking at Qi Jun, Skye's whole body was about to tremble.

Qi Jun naturally noticed Skye's eyes full of admiration and admiration, and he felt extremely proud.

Hum, do you see it, your goddess, my...cough cough! Qi Jun, whose steel attributes were about to explode, did not think about the matter of rectifying the Fa on the spot at all, and instead used his thoughts to use his thoughts on Zaidar Star. What I saw and heard was projected.

........... Hey, a holographic projection 33 appeared, all kinds of weird aliens and strange architectural styles, finally making Skye wander. The thoughts were brought back.


"Is this the scenery of an extraterrestrial planet?"

Skye had no doubt about the authenticity of Holographic Projection 33.

Nowadays, Skye himself has the ability to travel back and forth between Venus and the Earth at any time. Naturally, he thinks that Qi Jun, who is more powerful, can naturally travel back and forth between the Earth and the planet where aliens live at any time.

"Yes! This is a galaxy relatively close to the solar system. It is only a few dozen light years away from the earth, but it is the closest to the earth and the most prosperous galaxy."

Qi Jun looked calm and introduced to Skye.

But Skye was startled by Qi Jun's plain tone of voice, "tens of light years"! Brother! Do you have any misunderstanding about "tens of light years"? Light has to travel a distance of decades, why is it in your mouth? You become the 'just' big brother! Although you can open a space channel to travel between the earth and other planets at any time, have you really considered the distance of dozens of light years and how much energy it costs to go back and forth? Now Skye is no longer the Skye who is hiding everywhere like a lost dog.

Even Hulk can learn to the level of an ordinary college student on earth through a virtual teaching helmet in a very short period of time, not to mention Skye who is smarter than Hulk! Through the virtual teaching helmet left by Qi Jun, it can be said that ,Skye has already become the top doctor on the earth, and can still defeat many professionals, a multi-faceted doctor! How could Skye not know the concept of a distance of dozens of light years! ,Nima, How could such a long distance become "just" in Qi Jun's words? It would take tens of thousands of light-years to be called a slight distance...... ..."This is Zaidar Planet, the capital planet of the Nova Empire, and also their birth planet!"

Qi Jun naturally noticed Skye's shocked expression, but Qi Jun did not explain much, and even felt a little happy in his heart: "The Nova Empire has signed a strategic alliance cooperation covenant with us, and it can be regarded as our interstellar alliance force."

"I plan to let you go to this Zaidar planet to establish our...

..The first extraterrestrial branch of the group! And use this as a springboard to officially enter the universe and become a true cosmic interstellar group!"

"Of course,.

..The group has been handed over to you to manage. I am only responsible for being your strongest backing. You are the one.

..President of the group,.

..How the group marches into the universe and the starry sky will be changed, and it will still be up to you!"

As a lazy man, Qi Jun is very successful! He has Taibai in the big base, Dr. Lan in scientific research, Skye in business, and even the three million symbiote super warriors in the near future, Qi Jun decided to hand them over to Taibai. To lead.

Qi Jun only needs to continue to be his hands-off boss, and only needs to improve his strength, and that's it. In this crisis-ridden Marvel universe, he can live happily!...... ............"Zaidar Star"

"Nova Empire"

"Strategic Alliance"

Regarding what Qi Jun said..., Skye was confused, even shocked! The Guilun family originally thought that you, boss, were traveling to a planet. Well, it turns out you went to Watt to form an alliance with an interstellar empire, so... we...

..The group is now a super interstellar force that is allied with the Star Empire. He looked at Qi Jun blankly. Based on Skye’s experience as a president of a large multinational group that has become very mature, Si Kai Kai still expressed that he wanted to be quiet. To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 184 Osborne?

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