Thanks to brother [Black Wolf Castle] for his monthly ticket support! Thanks to brother [Kaneki Ken, the One-Eyed King of Ghoul God] for his reward support! "When we were still in various wars on the earth, you had already made a breakthrough in the universe. Is there such a big sky?”

Staring blankly at Qi Jun's handsome face, Skye suddenly lost all interest in watching the war between the United States Federation and Wakanda.

Just kidding, the United States Federation is so powerful, has it left the solar system now? Wakanda is powerful enough, and the United States Federation cannot kill it, but can they contact the forces in the universe, especially the Nova Empire? This is obvious at first glance Very awesome cosmic empire, can you! But obviously! We can! Skye suddenly discovered that these achievements on earth......... seemed to be amazing achievements before , after entering the universe, there is absolutely nothing worthy of applause.

Interstellar force! This is an interstellar force! An interstellar force that can cover an incredibly wide starry sky!

..The group actually became an interstellar force without making any noise! ​​Thinking of Qi Jun appointing himself...

..Interstellar Group still serves as the president, and Skye's heart beats even more violently.

........................"By the way, where is our fire magician Bruce Banner"

Qi Jun asked Skye, "Is this girl still on Venus?"

Skye is in charge.

..The position of president of the Interstellar Group is a foregone conclusion, so Qi Jun will naturally stop taking care of it. Anyway...after that, just take the time to fix a space transmission channel connecting the earth and Zaidar Star in the manor on Liberty Island. Well, what happened next, naturally Taibai assisted Skye to establish the real one.

..of the Interstellar Group.


Skye was imagining the beautiful scenery of flying through the stars in his mind, and suddenly he still hadn't come back to his senses.


Seeing Skye's silly look, Qi Jun scratched the bridge of her nose in a funny way and repeated it again.

"Oh, you mean Dr. Banner.

Feeling the feeling on the bridge of her nose, Skye finally came back to her senses and said with a slight blush, "Dr. Banner...was... staying on Venus and didn't want to come back, but yesterday the group A biological research project in the scientific research team was stuck, and Dr. Connors was transferred back by Austria, so I brought Dr. Bruce Banner back from Venus."

"Oh, didn't Dr. Connors terminate his contract with Osborne?"

Qi Jun asked in surprise.

If we say that when Qi Jun traveled through time, Stark Industries, Osborn Group, etc....... were all behemoths.

But for now.

..As far as the group is concerned, the Osborne Group is also not worth mentioning! Kidnap Dr. Lizard and sign him in.

..The group is not difficult at all.

That guy Osborne simply dares to be angry and dare not speak out.


Skye brushed her hair and smiled slightly and said, "We have given Dr. Connors a generous salary, but Dr. Connors seems a little grateful. After all, the Osborne Group invested in him when he was in the most difficult time. In addition, , According to him, one of his research projects at Osborne has reached its most critical stage, and he has no plans to resign from Osborne for the time being."


The corners of Qi Jun's mouth twitched, and he was so grateful! Chairman Osborne is a real capitalist who eats people without spitting out their bones. When necessary, he can lift you up to the sky. It's worthless. Immediately Just letting you clean up and leave the house, or even being a little more ruthless, in order to prevent the possibility of leakage of the group's interests, directly sinking into the Hudson River is a normal operation.

"Since he doesn't want to, then forget it!"

Qi Jun had an indifferent attitude, "Taibai, let our fire magician come over, and the group's research can be put aside for now."

"Okay, sir!"

Although Taibai's real body is in the Polar Star Realm, he exists everywhere in the entire universe.

If Qi Jun was still very interested in people like Dr. Connors at the beginning, he doesn't care much about it now.

After seeing Dr. Lan's incredible scientific research brain, Qi Jun really didn't pay much attention to the so-called scientists on Earth like Connors.

Not to mention, Dr. Lan, following Qi Jun's orders, has recruited many interstellar scientists in the universe, and Dr. Connors is unwilling to comply.

..The people recruited by the group will regret it in the future.

Presumably after Skye has seen the interstellar scientists, he will no longer be interested in these so-called scientists on Earth... who have "limited knowledge" and are very old.

If one day, earth scientists like Dr. Connors know what kind of opportunity they have missed, I wonder if they will regret it and want to explode on the spot. "However, there is the Osborne Group, Spider Xia is still not a Dutch brother"

Qi Jun silently thought, "Dr. Connors' experiment has entered an important stage again. Is this the time when Spider-Man will appear?"

"Do you want to intervene?"

Qi Jun thought for a while, "Forget it, let nature take its course. If you encounter it, just intervene for a while. If you don't encounter it, just ignore it."


Bruce Banner walked into the president's office and was immediately... stunned "You're back"

When Taibai notified him before, he was doing experiments and didn't pay too much attention to what Taibai said. He originally thought that Taibai asked him to come to the president's office because Skye planned to let him return to Venus to continue practicing magic, so he came in a hurry Skye's office, unexpectedly found that it was.

..The real boss of the group, Qi Jun, is back.

"Why did I feel unhappy when I saw it was me?"

Seeing Bruce Banner's expression, Qi Jun pretended to be angry and said.

"Ah, no, I'm very happy."

Bruce Banner was startled. The performance of Qi Jun's casual wave and stomp on Venus was still in front of his eyes, but he did not dare to offend the boss in front of him, even if he obviously knew that Qi Jun was joking, Bruce Banner But he puts himself very low.


Qi Jun shook his head boredly, but he also knew that this was the sequelae of Bruce Banner's previous transformation into the Hulk. "I called you here. Firstly, I want you to stop practicing so nervously. Secondly, there happened to be someone." Opportunity to experience the magic of this universe!"

[Unknowingly, I have been scrolling through Douyin all night, and I will finish a chapter tonight] To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 185 Shock! Vibranium? Vibranium!

"By the way, set up a separate security hiring company within the group, but don't associate it with the group's name."

Before setting off, Qi Jun said to Skye again.

"This security hiring company recruits a group of capable desperadoes who dare to blow up the Hexagon Building if they are paid...!"

Ignoring Skye's sudden opening of his mouth, Qi Jun said without changing his expression, "This security hiring company is... used to make a one-time deal and find opportunities for them to join the team to conquer Wakanda." !”


Skye was a little confused, and even Bruce Banner looked stunned.

"Vibranium is a good thing!"

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