Qi Jun also did not hide Skye and Bruce Banner.

"This time, I took a trip into the universe and discovered that there is a super top scarce material in the universe on our planet!"

"Not bad! It's... vibranium!"

Qi Jun squinted his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, "The value of this thing is too great. Putting it in the hands of Wakanda is simply... a waste! As long as you know that this thing can create a galaxy annihilation cannon, you can understand How precious this thing is!"

Although Qi Jun knew that behind Wakanda, in addition to the so-called Black Panther God, there was also an elder of the universe who had been alive for who knows how long and was planning something.

But Qi Jun is not vain at all! You know, Qi Jun has now reached the level of Heavenly Father. With the combination of various methods, even a single universe level can dare to fight, just a mere universe elder. , whether there is... a single universe-level strength is another matter.

What's more, Qi Jun doesn't want to personally destroy Wakanda and rob the entire vibranium mine. That would feel like bullying the small, and Qi Jun is too lazy to do it.

In fact, Qi Jun wants to seize the vibranium mine. First of all, there is indeed a factor that Qi Jun himself said is that vibranium is very valuable in the universe, but this is not true for Qi Jun who has the ability to realize anything. Secondly, it's because Qi Jun is lazy. He doesn't want to keep using it as an energy treasure to obtain vibranium. Since there is so much vibranium right in front of him, he can grab it. ,Uh, no, just bring it over and it will be fine! This feud:.

..If the group is involved in any security hiring company, Qi Jun will only use it for a while and throw it away after use. Anyway...you, an elder of the universe who doesn't know where you are hiding, can find me if you have the ability. Qi Jun said otherwise, If you can't find it, then go play with these desperadoes!........................ .."Vibranium is the top rare material in the universe"

"Vibranium can create galaxy-annihilating cannons. Galaxies are not planets."

Qi Jun's words frightened both Skye and Blue.

The secret that Wakanda appeared in front of the world due to the sudden attack by the United States Federation is no longer a secret, not to mention that Skye and Bruce Banner are...

.. To the two of them, vibranium is no secret.

Especially Bruce Banner, as...

..The chief scientist of the Earth Group has access to vibranium at any time.

After the magic of vibranium was revealed, Bruce Banner even made a wand out of this material. Not to mention, this thing has different and unique properties in terms of energy storage, energy conduction, and even energy isolation. It is hard to imagine how the same material can perfectly integrate these different properties.

"Of course, this thing is in the universe, and it is a good thing that every interstellar empire wants."

"However, in the universe, this material has always been in the hands of a powerful person in the universe."

Qi Jun was inoculating Skye and Bruce Banner, fearing that these two guys would be cruel, so he directly went to it himself. Qi Jun himself was not afraid of the elder of the universe, but that did not mean that Skye and Bruce Banner Being able to ignore "This vibranium vein on the earth originally came from the meteorite falling from the sky. There may be a plan by this powerful man in the universe behind it."

Therefore, we will not take action in this matter ourselves!"


Skye and Bruce Banner nodded to express their understanding, and there was a hint of solemnity.

However, if Qi Jun had not given a final warning, Skye and Bruce Banner might actually have taken action to snatch it themselves. A shockwave powerhouse and a fire magician both happened to have the ability to mine vibranium mines easily. Coupled with the space powers that Qi Junju has given to Skye, if these two guys really take action themselves, Wakanda will really not be able to keep their little vibranium mine.

........................"In that case, there is something on earth that even the powerful man in the universe wants."

Skye asked.

"Not necessarily"

Bruce Banner frowned, "After the true situation in Wakanda was exposed before, the information about the vibranium vein has been exposed. It crashed on the African continent at least a thousand years ago! The strong man of the universe Why does planning take so long?”

"To be honest, I'm not very clear either."

Regarding... this, Qi Jun also frowned. "But, judging from various circumstances, the earth does have something that attracts the attention of the powerful in the entire universe."

"But no matter what, we just need to make our own layout and stay the same to cope with the ever-changing situation!"

Qi Jun continued, "Similarly, as the earth continues to develop, the development in the universe cannot be left behind."

"I got it!"

Skye nodded.

Bruce Banner also nodded to show his understanding.

"Just remember to do this quietly. Get as much vibranium as you can from Wakanda without exposing yourself. Vibranium."


Qi Jun smiled slightly and said, "Come with me to see the magical landscape in the upcoming universe."

Qi Jun stepped forward and put his hands on Skye and Bruce Banner respectively. Then, with a thought, the three of them followed.

..disappeared from the office of the group’s president.

......................"here it is"

"Outer Space"

Skye looked at the spaceship whizzing by in front of him and asked.

In the orbit of the earth, in the subspace, Qi Jun and the others 3 appeared here without anyone noticing.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 186: Dr. Banner, the biological boss!

With Qi Jun's current strength, it would not be difficult to bring everyone on the earth to outer space, let alone two people.

Of course, Qi Jun would not do that.

"Reed Richards, a smart scientist, discovered a strange cosmic radiation in the universe and conducted research on it, hoping to explore the secrets of human genes and use it in human medical research and other aspects."

Ignoring the probing glances of the two guys who were curious that he could still breathe normally in outer space, Qi Jun talked to himself.

Although they clearly know that they are in the universe, they are able to breathe freely, hear clearly what Qi Jun is saying, and do not feel weightless. This feeling is still a bit novel for Skye and Bruce Banner. of.

"If it weren't for us.

..group, maybe their research can change the world."

Hearing Qi Jun's words, Skye couldn't help but laugh.

"Not always!"

Bruce Banner shook his head. The scientific thing is, how you want to study will determine the result. "In fact, whether it is Reed Richards's scientific research project or Victor Von Doom's company, us.

..The group has invested capital.”

Bruce Banner saw the looks cast by Qi Jun and Skye and couldn't help but explain, "Although I have been addicted to magic practice before, I have also communicated with Dr. Reed Richards before. Regarding his desire to use cosmic radiation, Energy actively promotes biological mutation, and intercepts fragments that are beneficial to human beings in the mutation, thereby eliminating diseases and changing the current living environment of human beings. Originally, I admire him, but unfortunately, I do not support his decision."

Bruce Banner, ever since Qi Jun solved the Hulk's big trouble and became a great fire magician, his path has been completely distorted.

Now Bruce Banner is only interested in magic and biological sciences.

Especially after looking at the problem from a magical perspective, Bruce Banner has enough authority to talk about Dr. Reed Richards' research project.

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