Bruce Banner fully agrees that this time cosmic radiation will bring different changes to different living individuals, such as causing the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom, but Bruce Banner does not agree with what Reed Richards has studied... .....Mutation can eliminate diseases and even change the human living environment.

In Bruce Banner's view, there are inhumans, mutants, superpowers, and even magicians on the earth..., not to mention too many, but definitely a lot.

Even if you want to study it, there are absolutely enough samples on the earth, so why go to space and sacrifice everything. "However, if a few of them dare to face this cosmic radiation personally, it will not be impossible for a few more superpowers to come out on the earth. possible."

Bruce Banner, who has plunged into the bottomless pit of life sciences, is very sure that as long as Reed Richards and others dare to try it personally, the experiment may be useless, but one by one becoming superpowers will not a problem.

Regarding...this point, Bruce Banner is very sure.

........."This trip to space was originally for them to walk in space, collect data, and lay the foundation for the next real experiment."

There was no comment on Bruce Banner's words, and he shook his head, "But unfortunately, they made a mistake in their calculations. There are no absolute things in the universe. This time, the cosmic radiation was earlier than Dr. Reeds expected!"

"In a little while, that magical cosmic radiation energy will be here!"

Qi Jun clasped his hands behind his back and looked into the distance.

As early as the moment when Qi Jun, who is now a Heavenly Father, returned to Earth, he had already sensed a large amount of energy surging towards the Earth.

Of course, this energy is still very far away. Except for Qi Jun, who is already at the level of Heavenly Father, no one else can feel it at all.


Skye finally reacted, "You said, let us come to watch this cosmic spectacle, just... come and see this."

"of course"

Qi Jun glanced sideways at Skye, "Otherwise, do you think I am free to take you to see the spaceship or the space station?"

While Qi Jun 3 was talking, the spaceship carrying Reed Richards 5 approached the space station, fine-tuned relatively still, and began to dock slowly.

"Ah, then this time, aren't we here to witness the birth of these five mutants?"

Skye raised her eyebrows, her eyes filled with curiosity and interest.

After all, Skye is only at the age of just entering college, even because...

..The experience of the group president and the many strange experiences that followed Qi Jun, but he is still interested in these things. This is nature! "Perhaps, there are more than just the five of them 55"

Bruce Banner was muttering to the side.

Bruce Banner didn't believe that Qi Jun brought them to watch this spectacle of cosmic radiation, and he really just came to watch it.

If Qi Jun was originally on the earth, it makes sense that Qi Jun was interested in seeing the wonders of cosmic radiation this time.

But Qi Jun just returned to the earth from the universe. It can even be said that he came here specifically for this cosmic radiation. Naturally, it cannot be as simple as just enjoying the beautiful scenery.

........................And in fact, it is indeed the case.

If at the beginning, Qi Jun was thinking about how to absorb energy from this cosmic radiation.

So now, Qi Jun's purpose has long since changed from absorbing energy to conducting experiments! In line with the principle of keeping the good news from outsiders, Qi Jun originally wanted to bring all his men to experience this universe radiation.

Anyway...Qi Jun has the mutated gems in hand, so he is not afraid that his men will undergo any bad changes in this cosmic radiation.

Even if it got bad, I could just use mutated gems to modify it, but when I thought about it later, there was no need for that at all.

Too many people are too tiring. Qi Jun is a person who is afraid of trouble.

Of course, by the way, Qi Jun also wants to do some unique experiments.

For example, if you temporarily dig out the old popsicle and accept the baptism of cosmic radiation, without the unique space suits of the Fantastic Four, will the old popsicle become the "Ice Man"? To be continued: Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading, push

Chapter 187 Tony’s reaction

In fact, Qi Jun was very interested in this cosmic radiation, the mutants who mutated into superpowers and gained superpowers had anything to do with wearing the special clothes of the Fantastic Four.

You know, in the original plot, except for... Victor who became Doctor Doom because he was in contact with metal without wearing those clothes, others also came into contact with metal, but they were different. Superpowers! Especially Stone Man Ben. This guy was the first to be exposed to cosmic radiation and was also the one who was radiated the most. However, he turned into a stone man without a penis. It’s so boring to think about it! Without a penis, What's the point of life? Even if Stone Man Ben later found a blind girl who didn't dislike him, Qi Jun seriously doubted it. Anyway... he couldn't see whether a little finger would be enough. I'm going too far.

In short, in order to verify these conjectures, Qi Jun is not only preparing to temporarily dig out the old popsicle, but also preparing to dig it out.

..The group’s top action team was brought here, and Tony Stark was even prepared to experience the magic of the universe! Uh-huh! Yes! Qi Jun not only made the famous Iron Man completely different from the original plot, but even , Qi Jun is also planning to mutate this unlucky kid! Compared to Victor Von Doom's partial lifting... the metal has turned into a metal man. Qi Jun is also very curious about Tony Stark. What will the unlucky child mutate into? Directly mutate into a robot or a Transformer? Qi Jun is looking forward to it! Of course, in order to avoid being discovered by observers and turning into a thriller story, Qi Jun is not prepared to directly mutate into a robot or a Transformer. Bring that guy up.

Although Qi Jun did a series of things in Asgard and basically confirmed that there is no so-called observer, Qi Jun is not prepared to expose too many abilities in front of Tony Stark.

..................... "Taibai, inform Tony Stark that in half an hour, a magical story will happen on this space station, just ask him , are you interested in taking a look?"

Just do whatever comes to mind, Qi Jun directly ordered Taibai to convey his words.

"If he asks about something, don't say anything and just block him."

By giving him a bait without telling him the details, Qi Jun believed that Tony Stark would take the bait.

The most important thing is that this news was conveyed to him by Qi Jun. How could Tony Stark not be interested! Half an hour, no matter what Tony Stark is doing now, is enough for him to transform from earth into steel. Xia, I have flown to this space station.

With Taibai constantly monitoring the earth, Qi Jun is still very aware of Tony Stark's changes. This guy even developed a Space Mark suit early and flew to the space station. For... He has already used the Krypton Gold Ark Reactor For Tony Stark, it’s not difficult at all! S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Tucker was also the beneficiary of the battle with Hydra. Not only did this guy take back all his father's belongings, he even directly dropped Hydra's belongings! Directly for his parents Revenge has been taken! Even the destruction of Snake and Shield was indispensable behind this... the new Iron Man's mastermind.

It can be said that under the guidance of Qi Jun, the plot development line of Marvel World has already been in a mess.

Hmm... I don't know what kind of expression Lao Bing will have after he wakes up and finds out that his old gay friend was beaten to death by Tony Stark. Should he put down the butcher's knife and let go of his grudges with a smile, or should he have a mutant fight? A fist-to-flesh contest between... Earth, an entertainment club. Due to the influence of Qi Jun, Tony Stark did not behave like the original In the play, he is full of worries and lives a busy superhero life every day.

Although Tony Stark still goes out to fight crime, more importantly, this guy still behaves like a playboy, well, or rather, like a capitalist! Not... by Nick Fury Controlling, guiding, and deceiving became S.H.I.E.L.D.


....The one with the thug...Iron Man.

At this moment, Tony Stark did not transform into Iron Man and go out to fight crime. Instead, he was wearing a lightweight Mark suit and was like a diligent bee in this entertainment club: working hard to collect honey.

", Mr. Qi Jun sent you a message."

The voice coming from the headset immediately caused Tony Stark to wrap his arms around his small waist and pause:.

"Okay, it's time to say goodbye again."

Tony Stark calmly took his hand back, raised a glass of red wine, raised it high above his head, and shouted, "I wish everyone a good time! Today's consumption will be paid for entirely by the famous Iron Man!"

Oh oh oh. In a burst of cheers, the helmet fell down, covering Tony Stark's entire body.

Bang! The famous Tony Stark left in an unusual way.

A big hole was punched out of one side of the wall of this luxury club by the famous Iron Man.


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