Bang! With a sonic boom, the famous Iron Man quickly disappeared from the horizon.

Everyone in the entertainment club had completely unsurprised expressions, and quickly got caught up in the carnival.


Tony Stark, who quickly returned to his home base, put on the Space Mark suit with the help of Jarvis, while complaining, "That guy Qi Jun, what does it mean that there is something magical about the space station? Why can't I just send a message?" After replying, he actually dared to block my famous Iron Man. This is the work of a human being."

........... Of course, Qi Jun in space did not know that someone was madly complaining about him.

After making sure that there would be no accidents in the cosmic radiation transit in half an hour, Qi Jun began to carefully search the space around the earth.

Of course, Qi Jun's main purpose is to find the invisible Kree research ship that may have been brought back by Aunt Marvel! The Nick Fury Qi Jun saw before was probably a Skrull pretending to be a Skrull. , the Nick Fury that Skye killed was confirmed to be a Skrull pretending to be a Skrull, Qi Jun wanted to know if there was a real Nick Fury... On Earth, where could the real Nick Fury, a human from Earth, be hiding between him and outsiders? What kind of relationship do the stars have? To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 188: The Horror of the Lunar Inhumans


Qi Jun frowned, "Could it be that Aunt Surprise hasn't brought that scientific research ship back yet?"

After carefully searching the space between the earth and the moon and even the space near the earth several times, Qi Jun did not find any hidden scientific research ships or even battleships in space.

But Qi Jun discovered several invisible reconnaissance ships in the asteroid belt. Or rather, they should be called small reconnaissance ships. Qi Jun... didn't react for a moment. After Taibai explained, Qi Jun Juncai knew that these small reconnaissance spacecrafts actually flew from the Zaidar Star. "Haha, sure enough, there are some forces, whether they can't leave the planet, or they can already... No one walking among the stars can escape this kind of operation that wants to secretly monitor others and even investigate them!"

Qi Jun shook his head and laughed, and conveniently took these... Whether they were the big families on Zaidar, the Nova Legion's reconnaissance ship, the Nova Empire's reconnaissance ship, or even the Kree Empire. All the surveillance spacecraft that were under surveillance were blown up! Since we said we want to be an alliance, we still have to show off our strength a little bit! As for these... the reconnaissance spacecraft and even the surveillance spacecraft were inexplicably... If it explodes, will those... forces who come to monitor it be secretly furious? Then Qi Jun won't take care of it.

It’s really fun to kill and bury whatever you want! .................. "But"

Qi Jun looked towards the direction of the moon, "The Inhumans seem to have discovered some secrets."

With Qi Jun's strength, he can naturally sense the movement on the moon. Considering that Qi Jun is a space magician himself, and considering Qi Jun's current Heavenly Father-level strength, Qi Jun is still on the moon. Far away, but in fact, the movement on the moon seems to be happening in front of Qi Jun. It is extremely difficult to go to the sky without being discovered by Qi Jun! "Those people on the moon, what did they discover? "

After all, Bruce Banner is just a fire mage, but Skye has the space power that Qi Jun has given her, and the movements on the moon can't be hidden from her.

Although Skye must not be able to clearly perceive the real situation on the moon, the frequent spatial fluctuations on the moon would be extremely difficult to avoid attracting Skye's attention! What's more, Skye has been popularized by Qi Jun. Kai knew clearly that there were her "people" on the moon.

Of course, these...'tribesmen' are not recognized by her.

Although Skye also hopes to be cared for by the tribe and hopes to integrate into the tribe, it is obvious that Skye's life experience of being on the move since childhood has made Skye not recognize this at all... ..The lunar aliens who abandoned the Earthlings.

Although the moon is not very beautiful, the aliens on the moon are much happier than the aliens on the earth.

Sometimes, Skye felt that the Inhumans on Earth had a worse life than she did. Even though they had powerful abilities, they had to hide everywhere for fear of being caught and sliced ​​for study.

Thinking about the aliens on the moon, they still have the feeling of being royal, they are almost like sunken dogs.

Therefore, Skye not only has no sense of identification with the lunar aliens, but has even maintained a wary mentality.

Skye was also afraid, afraid that these people would show up and take him away to serve their royal family.

Although with Skye's current ability, a shock wave can directly pass through and the moon will be shattered by you, but Skye hates it.

His life was in great chaos.

Skye is enjoying her current life very much. It is not the arrogance of the CEO, but the freedom, calmness, peace and tranquility. Skye obviously enjoys her current life very much. She no longer wants to live in the past, where she was like a lost dog and had no peace. Skye does not want to live in peace anymore. Allow the aliens on the moon to appear and break his peaceful life! At least, in Skye's view, there is not too much intrigue, not too much war and killing, even...

..The position of president of the group will make her busy and tiring sometimes, but it can really make Skye feel calm and peaceful! .................. ."Um"

Bruce Banner was stunned. Why can’t I understand what you are saying? “There are people on the moon.”

Bruce Banner was confused.

"Of course! You don't know that you haven't read the information in Taibai."

Qi Jun glanced sideways at Bruce Banner, "Besides, it seems like they really discovered something."

Whether it was dictated by Qi Jun or discovered by Taibai's own investigation, the secrets on earth are not secrets to the people under Qi Jun.

At least, people at the level of Bruce Banner and Skye have permission to view it.

But obviously, Bruce Banner didn't check it carefully.

Of course, this may also have something to do with the fact that the data is too large.

After all, as far as Qi Jun knows, the information stored in Taibai, as far as the earth is concerned, has been stored since... "Do you have any ideas?"

Qi Jun ignored Bruce Banner who was picking his head with a silly smile, and turned to ask Skye.

After all, he is an Inhuman, and he can barely be considered the same ancestor as Skye. He considers himself a humane boss, so Qi Jun is still going to ask Skye what he thinks.

"I don't want to have anything to do with them!"

Facing Qi Jun's question, Skye's answer was very decisive, that is... she didn't want to have contact with the lunar aliens.

Not to mention the Inhumans on the Moon, even the Inhumans on Earth, Skye didn’t have much contact with.

The only few fellow Inhumans on Earth, like Skye herself, were killed by S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Design and 'train' Inhumans with superpowers, in S.H.I.E.L.D.


....After the destruction, he was picked up by Skye.

..It’s just a group.

Well...Qi Jun is also planning to accept cosmic radiation with Lao Bing Gui later.

..The main member of the group's top action team!........................ "Oh"

Qi Jun nodded, "I understand."

Snap! A finger snap sounded.

The aliens on the moon suddenly discovered with horror that all of them were frozen! They were completely unable to move at all! "This is space confinement!!!"

"And it's still a higher level of spatial confinement than us!!!!"

The lunar aliens with space powers roared in horror.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 189 Qi Jun’s little bad taste

Thanks to brother [18,,] for your monthly support! The Lunar Inhumans are all able to speak, naturally because Qi Jun only restricted their ability to move and did not prohibit all their actions.

Especially Black Bolt, the Emperor of the Lunar Inhumans, although his body is imprisoned, his abilities can still be used.

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