Jarvis responded.


Tony Stark slapped his forehead, "It seems it really needs to be upgraded and optimized!"

........While Tony Stark and his artificially retarded Jarvis were talking nonsense to each other, Reed Richards and his team had already done After getting ready, Ben Gram, the EVA pilot, also put on his equipment and prepared to leave the cabin.

As the cabin door opened, the air in the isolation cabin was instantly vacuumed out, and Ben Gram, who was wearing a space suit, was also sucked out of the cabin.

"Everyone ready"

As Bengrem walked out of the cabin, Qi Jun could clearly 'see' the huge and surging cosmic radiation energy group, rushing towards their direction at high speed. "One minute countdown!"

Hearing Qi Jun's words, other people in the subspace were shocked.

Being able to come here, these people are all aware of the cosmic radiation energy cloud.

Moreover, following Qi Jun's instructions, he began to wildly imagine the superpowers he wanted in his heart! That's right! Qi Jun's experiment was not... simply to observe the difference between the mutations of the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom.

In fact, Qi Jun wants to see if the experimenter's subjective consciousness has the superpowers he wants and expects, then under the irradiation of this cosmic radiation energy cloud, whether his wishes can come true... ........... Just when Qi Jun was about to open a hole in the subspace and wash away the cosmic radiation energy cloud to everyone in the subspace.

Reed Richards finally discovered that his calculations were wrong! The cosmic radiation energy cloud is about to arrive! Not the previous six months! Not even six minutes! But under the influence of Qi Jun, it directly became one minute !When Reed Richards told this information, the five people on the space station immediately became confused.

For safety's sake, the future Doctor Doom directly turned on the space station protection device to protect himself firmly.

The other three people began to scramble to save Bengrem, who was floating outside the cabin.


A desperate call was made.


Tony Stark, who had watched all this, was stunned by all this! "This is the magical thing Qi Jun said."

The hero complex broke out, and although he was disgusted by everything he saw, Tony Stark still stepped forward, quietly gave him a boost, and quickly rescued Ben Grimm back to the space station.

Although it was a bit strange that Bengrem returned to the space station so quickly, the panicked Four 4 didn't think much about it.

But just when Four 4 wanted to hide in the protection cabin, they found in despair that Victor had completely sealed the protection cabin.

In desperation, the four of them could only stand blankly by the porthole of the space station, waiting for the judgment of fate! "Well..., the unknown cosmic radiation energy cloud"

Tony Stark thought for a while and decided to avoid it for the time being.

"Little lives matter!"

The famous helmsman of Stark Industries, Tony Stark still cherishes his own life very much! But the goose is "decided"

Why couldn't Qi Jun see that Tony Stark was trying to escape and used a simple space confinement technique to easily keep the Space Mark suit in place?


"Jarvis! Are you broken?"


"Magel! Faq!"

Tony Stark was naturally the first to discover the anomalies in the Space Mark suit.

In a panic, Tony Stark tried to save himself, but Tony Stark found out that it was useless! The distance between the Space Mark suit and the space station did not change at all, they were completely still! "I shouldn't have listened to Qi. If you are handsome, why are you coming to space to join in the fun?"

After many attempts failed, Tony Stark roared in despair.


"Qi Jun"


At the critical moment, Tony Stark even came out with the national curse of the Chinese. Apparently, he did a lot of research behind the scenes, "Jarvis, contact Qi Jun quickly and ask him to find a way to save me!!!"

In Tony Stark's opinion, since Qi Jun knows that something magical is happening here, he must be able to save himself. It's best! If you can't, you have to be able! However, looking at the red man who has appeared in his sight The cosmic radiation energy cloud, Tony Stark finally could only let out a desperate cry: "!!!"

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 191 The old popsicle transforms into an immortal

Tony Stark had no idea that the reason why his Space Mark suit was completely unresponsive and unable to move was entirely because of Qi Jun.

Tony Stark didn't even know that at this moment, the person he was hoping to save could appear and save him. In fact, it was... the real culprit who caused him to be unable to move in space! "Manulife Shet!"

When the red cloud of cosmic radiation visible to the naked eye collided and washed away at Tony Stark, Tony Stark only had time to let out a venting roar.

Then, Sugar Iron Man Tony Stark fainted! Sugar Sugar Iron Man Tony Stark did not realize that at this moment, while the red cloud penetrated his body, it also penetrated his body. , undergoing an incomparable transformation! ............. In the subspace, because Qi Jun opened a space channel, all the people in the subspace People also encountered the impact of the cosmic cloud in an instant! Visible to the naked eye, everyone was being pulled by the cosmic radiation energy cloud, and various magical changes occurred.

For a moment... it faded, and for a moment... it solidified. If Qi Jun hadn't known that no one's life was in danger, Qi Jun would have used the mutated gems to change everyone back to their original appearance.

At the same time, Qi Jun also felt the cosmic radiation energy cloud that was also washing over his body.

Qi Jun discovered that whether he was too strong or too strong, this cosmic radiation energy cloud could not cause any changes to his body.

Even! These... radiation energy not only cannot mutate Qi Jun's body, but is also directly absorbed by Qi Jun's body! But! In this process, Qi Jun also Discovered the secret of this so-called cosmic radiation energy cloud! Qi Jun discovered that although these energies do have the effect of mutating the radiation of intelligent life, in the deepest part of these energies, in fact, there is a lot of original energy of the universe. !This is the original energy of the universe! Qi Jun found that after he absorbed it for such a short period of time, his strength, which he had just upgraded to the Heavenly Father level, actually increased slightly. Of course, Qi Jun, who was already at the Heavenly Father level, , if you want your strength to skyrocket again, it can no longer be satisfied with just a little energy. What's more, in this cosmic cloud, although there is a trace of the original energy of the universe deep in every radiant energy, it is not enough for Qi Jun's strength. Growth is of little use. Qi Jun only felt that his level of strength had only loosened a little, and after a small improvement, there was no movement at all.

However, Qi Jun also knew the reason why no intelligent life that had been impacted by this cosmic radiation energy had ever died! This is because, in the deepest part of every ray of radiation energy, there is a trace of the original energy of the universe hidden! That is... .Such a trace of the original energy of the universe not only protected their bodies, but also greatly strengthened the power of the mutant abilities they acquired! ............................. After understanding the secret of this cosmic radiation energy cloud, Qi Jun naturally stopped paying attention and instead looked at his subordinates in the subspace.

As expected, it was as expected by Qi Jun, whether it was Skye, Bruce Banner, or those few.

..None of the Inhumans in the group's top action team suffered secondary mutations in this cloud washout.

But! Qi Jun could see clearly that the strength of these guys had all improved by one level! Even the Inhumans in the action teams had all improved by two levels! They had even reached the previous level of Skye's strength! If we break down the planet-level strength, at this moment, the strength of Skye and Bruce Banner has reached the peak of the planet-level. If they take another step forward, they will be the Heavenly Father level! Of course, if you want to reach it, Heavenly Father level, there are two people who have gone to practice.

Not to mention, there is a sub-Heavenly Father level between the planet level and the Heavenly Father level! They are not... Qi Jun, who has the ability to lift... the restrictions of the realm, and can directly cross Pass the sub-Heavenly Father level and directly reach the Heavenly Father level.

Not surprisingly,.

.. The other members of this top action team also achieved the mutation abilities they wanted to achieve in this energy washout. They used the Dragon Ball Magic to modify combat power detection glasses. Qi Jun looked over in order, everyone They all mutated and had the superpowers they wanted! "I didn't expect it to actually work."

Qi Jun was a little stunned. "Whatever ability you want, you can mutate it. What ability is so good?"

"But some restrictions are not good. Only ordinary people can be effective..."

Qi Jun thought a little greedily.

"I don't know if the mutated gem can manifest such a radiation cloud. You know, the biggest secret here is the original energy of the universe hidden in the deepest place!"

Qi Jun guessed, "However, based on the level of the mutated gems, this is higher than that of the Marvel Universe. It should be possible. Well, it must be possible!"

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