Qi Jun seemed to have seen a way to mass-produce an army of superpowers. He created a control room filled with radiation clouds, and then asked his subordinates to mutate in order. Think about it, a huge army with With various abilities that are optimally matched to each other, what a powerful force it will be! ........................After seeing his subordinates, Qi Jun turned his head and looked at that... old popsicle brought out from the depths of an iceberg in the Arctic.

"Well, what the hell are immortals?"

When Qi Jun saw that the old popsicle's ability was actually 'immortal' as shown on the Dragon Ball Demonic Combat Power Detection Glasses, Qi Jun was completely stunned.

Although he was not the ice superpower that Qi Jun expected, Qi Jun was not too surprised because he had an understanding of cosmic radiation clouds. However, Qi Jun did not expect that this guy actually mutated into some kind of immortal. Could it be that Super Soldier Serum , is not considered an ability or a cosmic radiation cloud. It can continue to mutate immortals on the basis of the super soldier serum: it can almost coexist with the universe without being interfered by external factors, without disease or pain! The corner of Qi Jun's mouth twitched. Why did it mutate into this thing? Is it really because he slept for a long time? Qi Jun thought of it inexplicably. This old popsicle seems to have been sleeping for more than sixty years! To be continued: See no Please download Fei Lu Xiao for the underlined version of the novel.

Chapter 192 Tony Stark’s mutant ability!

Because he slept for more than sixty years, he mutated and became an immortal. Qi Jun looked at the content displayed on the Dragon Ball Demonic Combat Power Detection Glasses and expressed surprise.

When the Dragon Ball Magic Combat Power Detection Glasses first appeared, Qi Jun gave them the ability to see through the essence of the universe. This is why Qi Jun himself was able to know what abilities these subordinates had awakened without personally investigating. root cause.

Although the detection limit of the Dragon Ball Demonic Combat Power Detection Glasses is...the peak of the planet level, and it cannot be detected at all when it reaches the Heavenly Father level, and countless question marks appear, but obviously, the current old popsicle is not among this list. .

Is the Immortal formed by mutation under the cosmic radiation cloud, or is it actually the cosmic radiation cloud that strengthens Lao Bingluo's super soldier serum? It seems that just in this aspect, many experiments can be done. He shook his head. Qi Jun gave up this idea for the time being.

Qi Jun chose to take the old popsicle out to receive radiation. Initially, he was just out of curiosity and wanted to try it out to see if the cosmic radiation energy cloud could bring about changes in the old popsicle.

But this does not mean that Qi Jun will attach great importance to this experiment, especially for the changes in the old popsicle, Qi Jun actually does not like it at all.

Although immortals can almost live with the universe, they have no other abilities except... long life, and their physical strength has not increased at all.

This kind of ability is useless in Qi Jun's eyes.

This ability may be something that ordinary people would greatly envy, but Qi Jun is obviously not one of them.

For Qi Jun, this is completely... rubbish ability, not even as good as Skye's mother, who can live forever by absorbing the lives of others! After all, one has offensive abilities and the other does not, they are completely different. language.

Of course, despite his disgust, Qi Jun still collected genetic blood samples specifically for this so-called immortal.

Without the excavation of external factors, Lao Bingluo wanted to wake up again, but he didn't know how many years it would take. He was a little disappointed and stuffed Lao Bingluo back to the place where he 'slept' before through a space passage. Qi Jun was too lazy to do so. Please pay more attention.

After sending Skye, Bruce Banner and other subordinates who fell into deep sleep back to Earth, Qi Jun turned his attention to the space station.

There, there are the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom who have initially awakened.

And, what Qi Jun is even more curious about, is Tony Stark, the candy Iron Man! ............. In fact, the cosmic radiation energy cloud comes and disappears strangely Earth.

After mutating and awakening the original five five people in their destiny, and also awakening and enhancing more than a dozen 'odd numbers', the cosmic radiation energy cloud has disappeared from the solar system.

From entering the solar system to leaving the sun, in just a few seconds, the intelligent life infected by the cosmic radiation energy cloud has completed the mutation and evolution that other intelligent life cannot complete in a lifetime, or even dozens of lifetimes. Of all the forces on the earth, except... Kama Taj, no force can detect this fleeting opportunity! Even if Kama Taj's mages noticed this change, they still couldn't. It was too late to take action.

In other words, this opportunity that could quickly shorten the evolution of the entire civilization by decades or even hundreds of years was ultimately enjoyed by only a dozen or twenty people20.

This is only the case if Qi Jun has arranged it in advance. Otherwise, only five people will enjoy this opportunity in the end.

From this aspect, it can actually be seen that Reed Richards is indeed an extremely smart talent! Faced with this opportunity, he not only discovered it, but also seized it! Teleporting to the space station, After some observation using the Dragon Ball Magic modified combat power detection glasses, I found that the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom had indeed undergone the same mutations as in the original show.

Although it is slightly different from the original one, it just changes from "cannot control this stone man" to "can freely control the transformation of this stone man", that's all. .Since there are no additional changes to the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom, Qi Jun naturally no longer pays attention.

After snickering, Qi Jun used the dark soul magic that had a calming and concentration effect on the five of them several times, and then turned his attention to Tony Stark, who was still in a coma.

As the grand master of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Tangtang Iron Man is a kind of existence with various avatars, but Qi Jun is still very curious about what this guy can mutate into under the erosion of this cosmic radiation energy cloud... .................."Kryptonium element energy body"

Looking at the completely energized Tony Stark who was unconscious in the Space Mark suit, and then looking at the Dragon Ball Magic combat power detection glasses in his hands, Qi Jun looked even more confused.

Compared to Lao Bingguo who did not mutate into an ice superpower, but instead became a so-called immortal, Qi Jun was even more puzzled that Tony Stark did not mutate into a mechanical leader, but instead mutated into a 'Kryptonium elemental energy body' .

If the immortals were born based on the increase in the super soldier serum, then what is this so-called 'krypton element energy body'? With the description of Dragon Ball Magic's modified combat power detection glasses, Qi Jun himself also said Turning on his mental power, he began to observe Tony Stark from all angles. Finally, Qi Jun came to a conclusion with a strange look on his face.

Kryptonium element energy body: Based on the kryptonium element, the whole body is completely energized. Moreover, since the kryptonium element is extracted from the Universe Rubik's Cube, the kryptonium element has become entangled with the space gem. In other words, in the kryptonium energy After transformation, as long as the space gem is not destroyed, it will have unlimited energy! "It seems that the mutation of the cosmic radiation energy cloud, if it is not a subjective idea in the heart, is indeed closely related to the mutant's contact with objects unconsciously!"

Qi Jun thought of the one on Tony Stark's chest...the Kryptonium Ark reactor! "So, Captain Marvel who is energized by the 'Kryptonium elemental energy body'"

"Tony Stark Marvel"

"Aunt Tony"

Qi Jun was confused. To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 193 Inspiration

Qi Jun didn't care about the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom. After all, they had an accident and rescued them immediately, so Qi Jun stopped intervening.

Qi Jun released the confinement on the Space Mark suit. Jarvis noticed this change immediately, and then quickly made his own judgment, and returned to the earth with the unconscious Tony Stark in stealth.

Qi Jun did not wait for Tony Stark, but returned directly.


Compared to those few, they are completely new and mutated.

..The top action team members of the group were still asleep, while Skye and others who already possessed super powers quickly woke up.

The body's reaction mechanism is different between the enhancement of abilities and the new abilities. Skye and others who absorbed energy and strengthened their abilities soon woke up. Tony Stark and other newly awakened and mutated superpowers, at least He will also be in a coma for a few days before slowly waking up, which is why Qi Jun doesn't care about Tony Stark's affairs for the time being.

Even if Tony Stark's ability is energized and he wakes up earlier than others, it can't be done in a day.


..The office of the group president is already in a mess! "I'm going!"


..The group president’s office and even the entire floor were turned into ruins. Qi Jun couldn’t help but twitching at the corner of his mouth.

It’s “nothing” to do things as soon as we return to Earth.

Qi Jun felt some space fluctuations and raised his eyebrows, "Fortunately, I knew how to create a mirror space first."


Hearing Qi Jun's words, Skye chuckled and jumped to Qi Jun's side. "You taught me this well, right?"

"If you hadn't taught me that whenever and wherever a change occurs and nothing is clear, I should first expand a mirror space to protect myself, our...

..I’m afraid the group has completely turned into scum.”

Skye held Qi Jun's arm and shook it, seeming to say coquettishly.

"Ha ha"

Qi Jun likes to hear this: "Well done!"

Qi Jun gave Skye a thumbs up, definitely not because Skye was holding Qi Jun's arm and shaking it.

Qi Jun was praising Skye for his intelligence and studiousness! Boom!!! At this stall, a violent explosion sounded, and the whole building.

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