..The group building is gone. Although it is a mirror space,...

..The group building collapsed, and everyone instantly began to fall toward the ground.


Everyone's falling momentum condensed, and they were all in the air.

"What is that"

Seeing everyone turning their attention to him, Bruce Banner scratched his head honestly and said, "I just tried the fireball technique."


Seeing everyone's disdainful looks, Bruce Banner said anxiously, "I really just tried a small fireball!"

"Do not believe"

Bruce Banner - Pull, a small fireball appeared at the fingertips, Bruce Banner threw it towards an adjacent building, "You will know when you look at it!"

Boom boom boom!!! A huge explosion exploded the moment the small fireball came into contact with the building.

In the violent explosion, the fierce fire and sound waves made everyone believe that Bruce Banner was not lying.

Because, the power of this small fireball not only collapsed this building, but also exploded several surrounding buildings! Except... Qi Jun, watching those buildings rumbling When it collapsed, both Skye and other members of the action team were stunned.

What a small fireball! "This power is too scary."

As Skye, who often opens space channels to Earth and Venus for Bruce Banner, how could he not know Bruce Banner’s strength! However, in Skye’s perception, although Bruce Banner is super powerful in fire magic, he is not It's so abnormal that any small fireball can be used as a missile! Not only Skye, but also the... members of the action team all nodded subconsciously, They all looked at Bruce Banner like a monster.

In fact, let alone them, even Bruce Banner himself was stunned by the small fireball he threw casually. This power was much more violent than when he transformed into the big green guy before! ............. Qi Jun was the only one who was not surprised.

The pinnacle of planet level, I really think this description is used to play house. What's more, fire magic is famous for its explosion. If the power of fire magic is not great, then what kind of powerful wood magic is there? Throw the breath of wood over, Not to mention that the building collapsed, the plants and flowers in the building will only grow better... "Tell me about it!"

Qi Jun clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention.

"This time, everyone performed very well in the wash of cosmic radiation energy!"

"Especially Skye and Bruce Banner, they have absorbed huge amounts of energy, and their strength has reached the peak of planet level!"

"Of course, although the planet-level peak is powerful, it has only officially embarked on the road to becoming a strong person in the universe. You still need to work harder."


Qi Jun turned to look.

..The top action team of the group "You are also good. Everyone has awakened their abilities. In this cosmic radiation cloud, some people even upgraded two levels in a row, almost reaching the level of the president and chief science officer before this." strength."

"To this end, I can reveal a little information to you in advance so that you can familiarize yourself with the strength of the newly promoted one. The entire universe is waiting for your exploration!"

Qi Jun's words made everyone's eyes flash with gold! The planet level is just the entry point for us to enter the universe, here we are! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 194: Interstellar Pirates

In fact, even Qi Jun himself had not thought of it.

He had just announced to his men that they would go to the universe to hone their skills, and asked them to practice well and not to be inflated by their sudden increase in strength.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, something happened here.

........................"Sir, a group of interstellar pirates have been discovered in the Polar Star Domain! Through comparison with the data of the Universe Star Network, this is a small group of interstellar pirates. "

A projection appeared in front of Qi Jun, a mighty and fierce robot, and said respectfully to Qi Jun.

This is why the Transformers leader is too white.

As for how Taibai can contact Qi Jun in the mirror space through quantum communication, let’s learn about space communication and understand the various equipment supported by Qi Jun’s physical presence. No matter where he is, even in a black hole, Qi Jun can still communicate with Taibai normally.

"Besides, Dr. Lan and the others seem to have some problems."

Taibai said again.

.........Gulu This is a.

..The members of the group’s top action team subconsciously swallowed their saliva.

When Taibai explained to Qi Jun, he also projected the scene of what he said.


.. These guys from the top action team of the group are not surprised that their subordinate has a robot that can speak independently. After all, Iron Man has already appeared. Is it strange for a robot to appear? What's more,.

..It is strange that such a powerful group does not have robots! This group of people, surprisingly, is the picture of the so-called small interstellar pirates that Taibai projected at the same time! This interstellar pirates are indeed very small, in total There are only four spaceships, only one of which is a battleship, and the other three are actually universal models of the universe! However, in the eyes of the 'turtles' and others who have never seen a space battleship, this is simply an invincible fleet.

Especially, with the few small stars surrounding this interstellar pirate, it looks even more powerful.

If this fleet attacks the Earth, the Earth will definitely be destroyed in minutes.

For those who have not yet left the earth, this small group of interstellar pirates is indeed unmatched.

A space battleship is, after all, a space battleship.

Although these warships are not equipped with star destroyer cannons, it is still easy to destroy a country on the earth with one shot of the main gun! Of course, star destroyer cannons are used in the entire universe, at least among the forces of the Galaxy Alliance. Within the scope, it is also a controlled weapon, and it is not accessible to ordinary pirates.

Otherwise, when Ronan attacked Zaidar Star, he would have used his car to break into Zaidar Star to fight the cosmic spirit ball. Even if Zaidar Star was annihilated with one shot, there would not be any damage at all. Well! Without special skills, the cosmic spirit ball cannot be opened at all! .................. "Dr. Samuel Stern"

Qi Jun didn't care at all about the powerful-looking 'small interstellar pirates'. Instead, he was very curious about what happened to Dr. Lan and his party, "What could happen to the three of them?"

This interstellar pirate fleet is like a younger brother in front of the Dream. Qi Jun doesn't even bother to look at it. What's more, Taibai is already a qualified leader of Transformers. Steel Star has been built by Taibai to look like iron. The bucket is a piece. It would be better if this pirate doesn't provoke Taibai.

If Taibai is provoked, don't look at this 'small pirate'.

..The top action team of the group was trembling with fear, but they would be hung up and beaten by Taibai in any minute! "By the way, we just take advantage of this opportunity."

Seeing the trembling appearance of the action team, Qi Jun was very unhappy, "I'll be there later.

..In the underground hive of the group, build a fixed space channel to connect the Earth and Steel Star. I will leave these guys to you, train them well, and let them adapt to space combat!"

"Okay, sir."

Taibai in the projection, towards.

.. Several people from the top action team of the group looked at it and nodded to Qi Jun.

"Well, that's it then."

Qi Jun nodded and asked, "Continuing with the topic just now, what happened to Dr. Lan and the others?"

"Okay, sir"

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