........................"This Sovereign tribe is not that powerful!"

After some buffering, Skye finally resumed her routine.

..The group’s chief female president became more confident.

Shockwave, a super power that has been developed to the extreme and can shatter time and space, is very powerful in Skye, and it also brings extremely strong self-confidence to Skye.

Skye, who has never made a move, only has a great grasp of her abilities through practicing on Venus. In fact, Skye has no idea about the strength of her own strength.

And this trip to Corinth Planet also completely made Skye understand how powerful her ability is! She just shattered all the attacks of the steel army, but she did not exert even 10% of her strength! This is also Skye was very confident that even if the military robot fighter planes and so on were more powerful than those used by civilians and police, they would never be able to withstand Skye's 20% strength shock wave attack.

"Ha ha"

Looking at the expression on Skye's face, Qi Jun couldn't help but smile.

"You're right!"

Qi Junle said, "The Sovereign clan is really not that powerful."

From the information collected by Taibai on the Universe Star Network and the Sovereign clan's own database, Qi Jun knew that the Sovereign clan itself was not actually that powerful.

Almost all of them are the face of the cosmic elder behind the Sovereign clan in all corners of the universe.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the Sovereign tribe lives in a corner and does not go out to cause trouble in the universe.

If you stay in the Corinthian planet honestly, others won't have any good excuses for not doing so.

However, although Qi Jun said that the Sovereign clan was not very powerful, it was still relative.

Compared to the Earth, the Sovereigns can easily crush them, and even compared to Zhaidar, the Sovereins have a certain degree of advantage.

But these... advantages, in front of Skye, all turned into paper tigers, the kind that could shatter in one shock...

........................"Let's go"

Qi Jun greeted everyone, "Let's go see those... the real Sovereigns who are hiding behind and controlling those robots and drones!"

"Let's have a close contact, just to see how powerful the Sovereign clan is, aside from these... things that no one controls."

Following the route guidance projected by Taibai, Qi Jun took action directly.

In fact, Qi Jun, who possesses great superpowers, also wants to see if this so-called Sovereign tribe, which was completely cultivated by artificial genes, is as powerful as... Kryptonians! From the upper level Sovereign tribe What a difference there is between controllers, leaders, down to the ordinary people of the Sovereign tribe, the managed, and Kryptonians! .................. .."The Hulk is going to smash their strongest man into a pulp!!!"

With a roar, Hulk, who had not yet had enough of fighting, took the lead in following Qi Jun's footsteps.

"Taibai, control their robots and collect more Sovereign genetic samples. I'm quite curious about this!"

Following Hulk, Samuel Stern gave instructions to Taibai through the communicator.

As the chief scientist under Qi Jun, Samuel Stern has secondary permission to use Taibai.

Of course, that was the authority before Taibai had turned into a Transformer, but even if Taibai had become a Transformer, Samuel Stern still had secondary authority over the huge fleet of machines that Taibai controlled.


Taibai's voice came through the intercom, "By the way, Taibai has completed the package download of the Sovereign tribe's scientific and technological information. You can check it at any time, Dr. Lan!"

"Haha, that would be great!"

A big smile appeared on Samuel Stern's face.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 202 The Sovereign clan was shocked!


Looking at the group of Sovereigns in front of him who were all covered in golden bodies, Skye frowned and felt like goosebumps all over his body.

"How could someone in the universe control their whole body to become a golden race?"

Seeing this... When the Sovereign tribe's skin color and hair color were all golden, and even their pupils were golden, Skye still felt a little unacceptable.

"Just show off"

Qi Jun shrugged, not taking it seriously, "The Sovereigns, who claim to have the ability to control genes, think that by dyeing their race golden, they are... the top race in the universe."

After hearing Qi Jun's words, Samuel Stern 3 on the side didn't have much expression.

Unlike Skye, who has just come into the universe and contacted aliens, Samuel Stern has already seen too many aliens of all kinds, and even alien creatures.

Not to mention the golden color all over the body, even the alien species with messy colors all over the body have seen it.

For Samuel Stern, the appearance of this Sovereign tribe is nothing to complain about except that it is a bit dazzling.


Skye, who transformed into a fan girl, completely believed Qi Jun's nonsense, "It's so ignorant that the top race in the universe is golden!"

............. "Invaders from extraterrestrial space!"

Qi Jun and the others5 were walking forward casually, but the Sovereign army on the opposite side was looking at them with seriousness, and even calmly positioned Qi Jun and others as enemies invading the planet Corinth.

2. These guys may have forgotten that Samuel Stern and three others entered the planet Corinth, but they personally reviewed and approved the entry.

"According to the laws of Corinth, the crimes you committed on Corinth will be sentenced to death!"

"However, the Sovereigns are a tolerant race. If you lay down your arms and surrender, we will give you a chance to be lenient!"

Standing in the real Sovereign army, a Sovereign soldier who obviously had a high status shouted loudly towards Qi Jun and his group of five people.

In fact, through the previous battles between the so-called 'Steel Army' and Hulk and others, the Sovereign clan has roughly analyzed the combat effectiveness of Qi Jun and others.

To be honest, the Sovereigns are a little confused.

Before Qi Jun and Skye appeared, the Sovereign tribe was very determined to take down Dr. Blue and the other three, even though the power of Hulk and Abomination seemed to have no upper limit, even if Samuel Stern had been hiding In a pile of super thick turtle shells, the 'big guys' of the Sovereign tribe are confident that they can capture Dr. Blue and his three men.

Everyone in the Sovereign tribe is precious, even the lowest commoners are not... a threat to the Sovereign tribe.

Naturally, there are not many others in the Corinthian planet, but... no one wants to throw them away as garbage, and it takes up space! Don't look at the initial 'Steel Army' that has been unable to do anything with the three doctors and three, but for these. ...........For the 'big men' of the Sovereign tribe, they don't care much. No matter how strong they are, their power is limited. No matter how thick the turtle's shell is, it can be worn away.

Naturally, there are almost endless unmanned machines that are controlled by humans. From the perspective of a group of big guys from the Sovereign tribe, it is only a matter of time before Dr. Blue and the other three are captured.

.........................But! But the two people who appeared after that completely shattered the Sovereign clan’s perception! That man didn’t take action because , the Sovereigns didn't analyze anything, but it was obvious that these people were headed by the man who appeared later. They were obviously not ordinary people, and the Sovereigns would not carelessly think that this man was not a threat.

The other woman who had taken action was regarded as the biggest threat by the Sovereign tribe! The energy monitor had already set off the alarm frantically, and the shock wave with just one wave not only eliminated all the 'steel army' invisible, but even It also followed the direction of the shock, shaking everything along the way to pieces. Satellites in orbit, space factories, space stations, etc... As long as they were in the direction of the shock wave, no one could be spared! This It is simply a miracle that the special code can be an ability that a person can possess! It is no exaggeration to say that this hand's shock wave ability, coupled with the detected energy response of the Sovereign tribe's people who shook the earth and panic, this woman is The special code is a humanoid self-propelled star destroyer! What’s even more terrifying is that this woman, who in the eyes of the Sovereign tribe is a humanoid self-propelled star destroyer, can’t detect that... no matter how she monitors it, she can’t detect it. A strong man listens to his words.

This shocked the Sovereigns even more! Ordinary people are making fun of Nima's ghost! How can ordinary people suddenly appear in the form of space teleportation? How can ordinary people remain indifferent in the face of the overwhelming 'steel army'? What kind of ordinary people can make the other four 44s listen to the words of the universe-level super master at a glance? What kind of ordinary people can completely mess up the defense of the entire Corinthian planet after appearing? What kind of ordinary people can appear after they appear? After that, the communication system of the entire Corinthian planet completely collapsed. It can be said that after determining the route of Qi Jun and his party of five people, ...After taking the position of the supreme leader of the Sovereign clan, the entire Sovereign clan was in panic.

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