Even though the Sovereigns are hunting and killing people throughout the universe without any scruples, when faced with a cosmic-level powerhouse like Qi Jun, the Sovereigns are also panicking.

Even though the Sovereign tribe quickly assembled a real Sovereign army and blocked Qi Jun and others' progress, these... Sovereign tribe soldiers , in fact, they are quite panicked! It can be said that these Sovereign soldiers have been shouting in their hearts: Sister! Please let me go! Sister! Don’t be shocked. Compared with the soldiers of the ancient Eastern countries, This Sovereign soldier had lost the special equipment that a soldier should have had in the process of the Sovereign tribe's "rampant" existence in the universe.

It can be said that this large army blocking Qi Jun and his party will collapse unconsciously even if Skye raises his hand. To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 203 Genetic Weapons!


"I told you to stop, did you hear me?"

Seeing that Qi Jun and his party did not listen to his call and were still walking forward unhurriedly, a trace of panic flashed on the face of the leader of the army, but he was soon suppressed by himself.

Even though over the years, the troops of the Sovereign tribe have no longer regained the majesty of thousands of years ago, but as the leader of an army, he must not panic before the war.

What's more, they also have big weapons, don't they? "Last warning!"

"Stand where you are and accept the control of the troops!"

"Otherwise, we will regard you as provoking the army and will carry out the most brutal blow to you!"

!If we hadn’t judged from the previous images and surveillance that these people were not easy to mess with, how could he, the general of the Tangtang Sovereign tribe, be so easy to talk to these five people? The Tangtang Soverein tribe army, in In the universe, there is no place where you can come and go freely. Well, those... can only come and go freely after actively avoiding the key defense areas of the cosmic forces.

But doesn’t this just illustrate the strength of the Sovereign clan in the universe! “Hahahahahaha”

With Taibai translating, Hulk burst out laughing after hearing the words of the Sovereign general.


Hulk exaggeratedly winked at Qi Jun, "They can actually shout!"

"I'm so scared!"

Hulk slapped two palms as big as cattail fans, turned his head, faced the Sovereign general, and shouted with utmost mockery, "You.........hit me! No." You say that Soverein, the weirdo of the universe, is the one who doesn’t take people seriously? Come on, act like you are running rampant in the universe!"

"If you want to be beaten, then beat me. Mother-in-law is screaming like shit!"

Hulk's two palms as big as cattail fans directly raised his two middle fingers. I don't know if the Sovereign tribe could understand the hidden meaning... ........"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

The Sovereign general was absolutely furious.

"Since you are seeking death! Then we have not given you a chance!"

To be honest, the Sovereign General really doesn’t know what Hulk’s two middle fingers mean.

However, the two parties do not look like they can reconcile. This gesture must not be a friendly greeting. Since Hulk dares to taunt him, he, the Sovereign general, is not a vegetarian! You want to fight! I’ll fight for you! ............. "Everyone is ready!"

The Sovereign general shouted loudly.

"Activate the ultimate biochemical defense!"

"Activate the most powerful virus weapon!"


The Sovereign general shouted loudly! At the same time as the Soverein general shouted, everyone in this large group was instantly wrapped in a layer of liquid metal, and instantly turned into a An 'Iron Man'! The Sovereign General is no exception. He even transformed into a fully armed and more advanced 'Iron Man' mode faster than those soldiers! Boom! Boom! Boom!!! At the same time, a series of explosions sounded around Qi Jun and the others.

The buzzing came from nowhere, and countless large blowers blew strong winds towards Qi Jun and his party.

Soon, Qi Jun and his group of five people5 were quickly enveloped in thick smoke.


"These guys actually use genetic weapons!"

Qi Jun finally couldn't hold it back and started scolding! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 204 Hulk digs a hole for himself!

What can Qi Jun say? This Sovereign tribe is indeed a strange group of people who are advanced in biochemical technology! They are special coded. If they can't be defeated at first sight, they will just use 'nuclear weapons'! Biochemical genetic virus weapons! As long as you find the right one If you don't know the direction, even Thanos' Titan clan can still easily wipe out the ultimate weapon! However, when this weapon is used against yourself.

Qi Jun was not happy at all!......................"Special code!"

Qi Jun's eyes were cold: "The Sovereigns want to destroy themselves!"

With a wave of his hand, the mirror space magic was activated.

Gan! Gan! Gan! As the space folded: Qi Jun and his party of five people perfectly avoided the smoke caused by all the virus weapons in the main plane.

"As expected, they are indeed a tribe that has been running rampant in the universe for many years. In terms of ruthlessness, they are still stronger!"

Samuel Stern, on the other hand... did not appear to be angry at all, but instead commented highly on the Sovereigns' actions.

"Are all the forces in the universe so cruel?"

With Taibai as the translator, Skye naturally knew what was happening on the other side. Seeing the biochemical virus smoke filling the sky, Skye was horrified, and his whole body was about to fall into Qi Jun's arms.

"Um, is this a biochemical virus?"

Hulk curiously grabbed two handfuls of the air in front of him, "It doesn't look very ferocious, it's just that the color is a bit ugly!"

Gan! Qi Jun and the other four turned their heads and looked at Hulk blankly.

I didn’t expect it at all! Hulk, you are actually such a Hao. “What’s wrong with you guys?”

Hulk was stunned. I said wrongly, "You don't know what biochemical disease is."

Skye looked at the stunned Hulk in horror, completely unable to imagine how this big guy could be so ignorant! Didn't it mean that this guy had received virtual education? Didn't it mean that this guy had the same level of knowledge as an Earth university monk? "Uh... .”

Hulk looked at Skye and scratched his head, "I know."

"I know you still say you're not cruel."

Skye glared angrily.

"I really don't feel how cruel it is."

Hulk scratched his head again and said with a little doubt, "I also feel that these things are delicious."

The four of Qi Jun and Qi Jun were petrified again! Hulk, want to eat, biochemical virus zombie Hulk, Green Shang Hulk Thinking of Green Shang’s record, Qi Jun couldn’t help but shudder.


Samuel Stern became interested, walked up to Hulk, reached out and poked Hulk, "You can feel that you can absorb these things."

As Qi Jun's chief scientist, Samuel Stern doesn't care about fighting or not. Now, Samuel Stern's interest has completely shifted from the Sovereigns to the Hulk. .

After all, the scientific and technological knowledge of the Sovereign tribe has been packed away by Taibai. When we go back, we can just ask Taibai to project it instead of "it seems to be so."

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