Hulk was completely unaware of Samuel Stern's "evil intentions" and smiled innocently at Dr. Blue.

Poor Hulk has no idea that Samuel Stern is already imagining in his mind how to trick the easy-to-deceive Hulk into being a guinea pig in his laboratory... ................"poor guy"

Seeing Samuel Stern's eyes shining with light, Qi Jun didn't know what his Dr. Lan was thinking. He glanced at Hulk, who had no idea that his tragic life was about to begin, and Qi Jun shook his head. He shook his head and said nothing more.

With Qi Jun's current strength, even if Samuel Stern really creates a zombie Green Sword, so what! Qi Jun will be afraid. What's more, with the subtle image of dark soul magic, even if the Hulk transforms into a Green Shang, Isn't it still the strongest sword in Qi Jun's hand?

Now, the most important thing is to deal with the Sovereign clan's affairs.

Watching the virus smoke slowly dissipate, Qi Jun's eyes turned cold as he looked at the Sovereigns! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 205: Treat others with their own medicine.

"Biological and chemical virus weapons!"

"This is a deterrent-level weapon that is absolutely prohibited by the Galaxy Alliance!"

"I didn't expect that you Sovereigns would dare to release it so unscrupulously!"

Seeing the Sovereign tribe's large army preparing for battle, Qi Jun shouted coldly.

It has not been lifted... The space mirror magic refers to the magic traces Odin left on the earth before. Qi Jun improved his own space magic by the way. The Sovereign clan can see Qi Jun and his party. People 5 can also hear the words of Qi Jun and his party of 5 people.

But in fact, the two parties are not in the same space.

Qi Jun and others were able to pass through the Sovereigns, and the Sovereigns were also able to pass through Qi Jun and his group of five people. In fact, there was no impact at all.

It can be said that except weapons and space-based superpowers, it is impossible for the Sovereign clan to touch Qi Jun and his party of five.

........................ Qi Jun received a lot of knowledge transmitted by Taibai when he was on Zaidar Star. He naturally knew that biological and chemical extermination weapons were used in the Galactic Alliance. , its use is absolutely prohibited.

This kind of genocidal weapon, once it breaks out in the universe, is much more powerful than poison gas bombs and other biochemical weapons on Earth! The first thing the Galactic Alliance did after its establishment was to directly promulgate ban on biological and chemical weapons.

But obviously, the Sovereign tribe doesn't care about this prohibition.

In other words, the Sovereigns believe that they can control all influences under their control.

The leaders of the Sovereign tribe have reason to believe that there is no strong man on their own territory that they cannot take down! As long as all traces are cleaned up afterwards, how can the Galaxy Alliance know these things? Even if they know it, so what? There is no direct evidence. Considering the elder of the universe behind the Sovereign clan, how could the Galaxy Alliance come to trouble their Sovereign clan... ..."impossible!"

"How can this be!"

"This is fake, this must be fake!!!"

Qi Jun's cold drink did not frighten the general of the Sovereign tribe. In fact, when he saw Qi Hou appearing in front of him and others intact after the virus smoke dissipated, the general of the Soverein tribe was even more frightened. Confused.

Even the other Sovereign sergeants, who were fully armed and took protective measures, all looked at Qi Jun and his group of five people with confused expressions on their faces, but most of them were indifferent... .....Confidence.

You know, it’s not like there are no cosmic powerhouses who can invade Planet Colin. Although the major cosmic forces give face to the cosmic elders behind the Sovereign clan, some lone ranger-like cosmic powerhouses don’t know this... .........Information that only the big powers know.

As a result, there are many cosmic powerhouses who can't stand the Sovereign clan, and there are even some cosmic powerhouses who have been affected by their actions, but these... come to Colin Planet Those who seek trouble will never leave Corinth again.

What they rely on is the biggest killer weapon, the biochemical genetic virus weapon! But Qi Jun and his party of five people showed no signs of injury, which naturally made everyone look confused.

"Could it be that the biochemical virus damaged it and made it expired?"

"Could it be biochemical virus immunity?"

The Sovereign general murmured to himself.

"No! Impossible!"

"In all these years, I have never seen anyone immune to the strongest biochemical genetic weapon of our Sovereign tribe!"

"The opponent must be too strong and our quantity is too small."

"Yes, there must be not enough weapons...!"

"They say that if you are poor, you will use tactics to intersperse them; if you are good, you will be bombarded by me!"

"Yeah, give me ten times, no, fifty times the amount!"

"I can't believe it, these groceries can still be carried!"

The Sovereign general shouted.


Soon, sergeants followed the order and prepared to mobilize more quantities of biochemical and genetic virus weapons.


"You will not live if you do your own evil!"

"Too white!"

Qi Jun said coldly, "Invade their protective armor, and when the biochemical genetic virus weapons are released, remove all their protection!"

"This is called treating others with their own medicine!"

"Yes, sir!"

Taibai takes orders.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 206 Born in Colin, Returned to Colin

Boom! Boom! Boom boom! A new round of biochemical weapon bombs have all been detonated! Biochemical genetic virus weapons that are fifty times more powerful than before were detonated. With such a roar, even those... .... The Sovereign sergeants all wore metallic liquid armor, which was inexplicably shocking! Of course, compared to them, Qi Jun just moved his mind and directly isolated the sound from the space. The deafening sound from the outside world, Qi Jun and his party of five did not even hear it, let alone feel anything.

At the same time, Taibai also followed Qi Jun's order and directly invaded the combat systems of all the soldiers on the opposite side. All the Sovereign sergeants did not even notice that their 'war armor' was quietly 'melting' .

Even in this "smoke" of genetic viruses that filled the sky, no one noticed that those... countless blowers blowing wind in the direction of Qi Jun and his group of five people, quietly, Changed direction.

........................ "Ahhhh!!!"

"what happened!!"

"Why is my armor gone?"

"Ahhh, my eyes! My nose!"

"Ahhh, my face! My lungs! My heart!"

Just when the General of the Sovereign Tribe was hoping that fifty times the amount of biochemical genetic virus weapons would be able to keep Qi Jun and his party alive, screams came out one after another, making the General of the Sovereign Tribe suddenly horrified.

Biochemical genetic virus weapons were attacking the enemy. Why did his soldiers scream? And, most importantly, it seemed as if some peerless beast was targeting him. Inexplicably, the Sovereign general felt even more miserable. I felt an overwhelming feeling of panic.


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