The Sovereign general frowned, "Why does it feel uncomfortable to breathe? Why does my respiratory tract feel a little itchy?"

In the sky full of 'smoke', even when he looked down upon himself, after living a long and comfortable life, the Sovereign general did not even notice that his 'liquid suit' was gone! "Hiss"

The Sovereign general blinked hard, "Why are my eyes feeling uncomfortable? Could it be..."

"How can it be!!!"

The Sovereign general suddenly raised his hand, but was shocked to find that the 'liquid armor' that should have been covering his body was there! "Ahhhhh"

"It hurts! It hurts so much!!!"

"Why why is this happening!!"

The Sovereign general, who is stronger than the average sergeant, finally felt the power of the biochemical genetic virus! But also, because he holds a high position and has been injected with more advanced body strengthening liquid, he can resist the biochemical virus better than the average sergeant. Invasion of genetic viruses.

But! Under the erosion of this sky full of biochemical genetic viruses that are fifty times more powerful than before, this more powerful body cannot successfully block it. On the contrary, it will be much stronger than those... The ordinary sergeant who quickly turned into a puddle of blood wanted to 'enjoy' the pain for a longer time! "No!!!"

Seeing his arm begin to rot and decay, enduring the severe pain in his eyes, seeing his vision becoming increasingly blurry, and finally losing all light, General Sovereign couldn't help but let out a final miserable roar, Then there was no more sound.

A biochemical genetic virus weapon that can kill even the most powerful people in the universe can't be resisted by General Soverein, who is rampant on the planet Corin. What's more, this is a weapon that he personally ordered and increased by fifty times. Come on! Not long after, the Sovereign general followed in the footsteps of his subordinates and completely turned into a puddle of sewage, seeping into the strata of Planet Corinth.

Not long after, all the Sovereign sergeants in front of Qi Jun 'disappeared'! It can be said that he was born on the planet Corin, and eventually returned to the planet Corin!...... ..........."Tsk tsk tsk"

"This biochemical genetic virus is so disgusting!"

The smoke that can blind a group of sergeants naturally cannot stop Qi Jun from observing. Seeing the disgusting looks of the Sovereign sergeants in front of him, who were instantly eroded by the biochemical genetic virus and experienced various tragic and fatal deaths, Qi Jun He couldn't help but frown.

"As expected of the most powerful force in the universe playing with biochemical technology, this Sovereign tribe's biochemical genetic virus weapon is actually so cruel to its own people!"

In Qi Jun's mirror space, other people can naturally see these scenes. Samuel Stern couldn't help but sigh when he saw such horrific scenes.


", let's go quickly"

Compared to the expressionless Dr. Lan, little Skye looked as if he was terminally ill. He looked pale and weak. He collapsed directly in Qi Jun's arms and closed his eyes tightly, as if he had opened his eyes. The eyes purgatory, "so scary, so scary, vomiting"

"Hulk! Not scary!"

Hulk turned his head and roared.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 207 Chaos

In response to Hulk's roar, Qi Jun could only give a blank look.

Damn it, are you two on the same channel? "Let's go"

Shaking his head, Qi Jun said no more, and walked away without removing the mirror magic.

After all, it is fifty times the amount of biochemical genetic virus before. In this short time, Qi Jun is sure that it will never dissipate so quickly. In fact, under the nourishment of the Sovereign army, it will be born. There are many more ferocious variants.

How to clear these... What a joke are biochemical viruses! Qi Jun will only help the enemy clear them when he is full and full of weapons that others use to fight him. Even if these... .....The biochemical virus has spread, and the entire Corinth Planet has become a purgatory. So what does it have to do with Qi Jun?'s not like Qi Jun made these things, right? "It's just...a pity" Got this equipment!"

Having 'passed through' the formation of the Sovereign army, Hatred, who had been silent all this time, said with some pity.

As a combatant, especially one with a military background, Bronski was very interested in these...'weapons' of the Sovereign tribe.

It's... it's a pity, because in the subspace of mirror magic, even if Bronsky reaches out to touch these weapons and equipment, he can only look at his own hands and 'pass' through these equipment. Passed, no feeling at all.

"Under such a horrific biological and chemical attack, these equipment were... well preserved."

Samuel Stern finally looked away from Hulk. Hearing the disgusted sigh, he couldn't help but shrugged, "This is the purpose of technology!"

........................Under Qi Jun's order, Taibai forcibly shut down all defense systems of the entire Corinthian planet, not only Defense systems ranging from planet-level to defense programs as small as a small office software have all been forcibly shut down! Don't think that weird races like the Sovereigns don't have bad apples.

The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds. At this time, the network of Corinth is completely chaotic, even dark! In the Sovereign tribe's strict hierarchy, once the people who have been crushed by it are liberated, The destructive power is overwhelming! With all defense systems shut down on the star, the entire planet is in chaos.

The main hall is the true headquarters of the Sovereign clan! The place that is usually orderly is now even more chaotic.

The headquarters database is like a bitch who can do anything. Anyone can look through it. The originally well-organized information has long been mixed into a mess. Even if the Sovereign tribe has overcome this obstacle, they want to It took more than ten years to restore the data without even thinking about it. The various core data that were exposed would suffer heavy losses.

But in all of this, Ayesa, the high priest of the Sovereign tribe, did not want to recover the data at this moment.

"Disconnect all links!"

"Block everyone from accessing the database!"

"Cut off the information link of 'Adam's Cultivated Cocoon'!"

"Also, can the communication be restored?"

"Why haven't the battle reports from the front been received yet?"

"Have those intruders... been dealt with?"

"Have you... found out who attacked us?"

"Are the people in the Star Network defense department all trash? Is there a solution?"

The queenly demeanor she usually puts on was completely gone at this moment.

At this moment, from the most powerful high priest of the Sovereign tribe, one could only see incomparable panic and embarrassment! There was no longer any trace of calmness.


While walking as if walking, while looking at the real-time image of the Sovereign clan's main hall projected by Taibai, Qi Jun chuckled, "Ayesa, who is used to being arrogant, probably wouldn't have thought that all this was just because of her. !”

"Convicting people randomly will bring you trouble. It's too late to regret it!"

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 208 Dr. Lan’s excitement

"Perhaps, people have never thought about why they were attacked."

Looking at the projected picture, Ayesa roared hysterically, and Samuel Stern silently recited, "The Sovereigns are equally famous and infamous in the universe. They have been attacked countless times. I'm afraid Ayesa's In my heart, these five 55 intruders like us are simply insignificant."

Of course! I just recited it silently, Samuel Stern did not dare to say it in front of Qi Jun.

After all, wouldn't that be a slap in Qi Jun's face as the number one singer who puts Qi Jun's interests first in everything... It is impossible for the number one scientist, Samuel Stern, to do such a thing!... ....................."There is a mutation in the biochemical culture cocoon of artificial man Adam, sir!"

Taibai suddenly made a sound, and the projected picture also changed instantly.

I saw that the biochemical culture cocoon of the artificial human Adam, which was supposed to be completely golden in color, actually had a trace of black light for some reason. The golden culture cocoon was also eroded with traces of dark lines.

"This is going to mutate"

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