Qi Jun was stunned.

Even through a projection, Qi Jun could feel the traces of dark aura emanating from this cultivation cocoon that was gradually beginning to turn black.

"Could it be that some evil god is secretly preparing to corrode this biochemical weapon?"

Before the so-called Adam was born with complete autonomous consciousness, this biochemical man could only be called a biochemical weapon that could be controlled.

"But how come this dark aura is different from the Dark Demon Gods like Dormammu and Sithorn?"

Qi Jun frowned and thought, "Is it possible that there are some evil gods that I don't know about?"

According to part of Gu Yi's memory, Qi Jun has seen thousands of dimensions and found that this dark aura is similar to these thousands of dimensions, but it is not the same! "Could it be that... Jun, the so-called elder of the universe, suddenly thought of the mysterious existence behind the Sovereign clan. "This is interesting!"

This cosmic elder is really mysterious. Apart from some confusing and ambiguous information, Taibai did not find any useful information in the cosmic star network.

Even the national information databases of major forces such as the Taibai Invasion State and the Shi'ar Empire could not find specific information about the cosmic elder behind the so-called Sovereign clan.

I don’t know whether this information was false, or whether the big forces knew it but didn’t record it. Of course, in Qi Jun’s opinion, the probability of the latter is higher.

After all, even in places on Earth where... computers and the Internet connect the world, there are still some top-secret information that can only be recorded by hand, or only stored in physically isolated servers, or even, more cautiously, only in some leader-level bosses. Word of mouth spreads among old and new.


Samuel Stern, as soon as he saw this scene, he immediately felt unable to take his eyes away.

"Is this energy invasion, information tampering or genetic invasion?"

Samuel Stern was as excited as if he had discovered a new world.


Samuel Stern shouted excitedly to Qi Jun, "I think this thing can be used for research!"

........................"bring it"

"research research"

Hearing Samuel Stern's words, Qi Jun rolled his eyes speechlessly. Do you really think this is your home? Believe it or not, I will teach you how to be a human being in minutes. I really think that biochemical weapons that can reach the Heavenly Father-level combat power are just for decoration. Okay! Actually, Qi Jun also wanted to study it.

If the cost is acceptable, this is a great prospect for cultivating a large number of Heavenly Father-level subordinates! To be continued: Feilu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommended

Chapter 209: Excited Dr. Lan

"Then, study and study"

Qi Jun rolled his eyes, glanced at Samuel Stern, and said.


Samuel Stern didn't notice Qi Jun's gaze at all, most of his attention was already focused on the projected image.

After all, in the blink of an eye, some more black lines appeared on Adam's biochemical culture cocoon. As a scientist, Samuel Stern did not want to miss this opportunity to observe.


As if he was waiting for these words from Samuel Stern, Qi Jun smiled, nodded, and waved his right hand, "Then let's just go there!"

............................Buzz Five 5 eyes blurred, the scenery in front of them, well, the scenery in front of them changed from a virtual projection to a real thing! Qi Jun Directly using the ability of [teleportation], Samuel Stern and four others came to the biochemical cultivation cocoon laboratory of the artificial man Adam.

Although it would cost a lot more to teleport with people, at this short distance on Planet Corinth, this consumption, for Qi Jun today, is simply...a drizzle, or even a light breath. Kungfu and the energy consumed were restored directly. Due to Qi Jun's order and Taibai's methods, the Sovereign tribe's Colin Star had already been completely in chaos.

The same is true for the biochemical culture cocoon laboratory of artificial human Adam.

Even, due to the silent invasion of dark power, in the entire laboratory, except for... the biochemically cultivated cocoon of the artificial man Adam, there is no one alive at all! "Hulk, Bronsky."

Come help!"

Feeling the space transformation, Samuel Stern's face was immediately overjoyed. He directly kicked away the corpse of the Sovereign experimenter who was blocking his way, while taking out various items from the space ring presented by Qi Jun. All kinds of weird experimental equipment, while calling Hulk and Bronski for help.

Perhaps they had already formed a conditioned reflex. In short, after hearing Samuel Stern's greeting, Hulk and Bronski stepped forward without thinking and took Samuel Stern's hand with sparks and lightning. A lot of strange experimental equipment came out, and I started to install and start it in a familiar way.

........................"Are these two guys deceived by Le Cordon Bleu?"

Seeing that Hulk and Abomination, who were supposed to go to the front line to fight as soon as their brains got hot, actually moved all kinds of monitoring and experimental equipment in a familiar way under Samuel Stern's obedient, skillful and light manner. When it was installed and started, the corner of my mouth couldn't help but twitch.

What kind of scientist is this? Hulk. The author hates my darling, brainless Hulk. Where did it go? The grumpy old man hated it. Where did it go... "Wow"

Skye looked at this scene in amazement, "Scientists with such skills are perfect for scientific research."

Skye didn't know about Qi Jun's complaints, let alone the point of Qi Jun's complaints. After all, from the time Hulk appeared in Skye's sight, it didn't look like the original plot at all. The... violent and ruthless look in the movie instead showed a sense of innocence that seemed to be a cute thing. Deep in Skye's heart, she even felt that Hulk had some cute actions.

..Group President, Skye knows how heavy the scientific research instruments of his group's scientific research department are, but now they are as light as paper in the hands of Hulk and Abomination, and they can be moved at will. The contrast in the image is really too strong.


After the rapid debugging of Samuel Stern, Hulk, and the Abomination 3, a variety of instruments directly surrounded the biochemical culture cocoon that was still undergoing mutation, three layers inside and three outside.

"As expected! It is indeed so!"

Staring at the monitoring instrument, Samuel Stern let out bursts of surprise.

Qi Jun turned his head and looked, but was helpless to find that I couldn't understand a lot of things! Qi Jun couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Dr. Lan's knowledge was growing too fast. !However, although he could not completely understand it, Qi Jun could still see something on the instrument.

At least, Qi Jun knew that the biochemical culture cocoon of the artificial human Adam, which was showing more and more black lines, was indeed invaded by dark energy.

In other words, it was attacked by a unique gene and a dark energy at the same time! "!"

Samuel Stern suddenly shouted, "This thing has completely completed the invasion and even successfully fused!"

"After this energy is completely integrated, we may have to face a strong man whose combat power may reach the peak of the Heavenly Father level!"


Samuel Stern's eyes were bright and he was laughing crazily, "I have successfully intercepted this gene and energy signature!"

"Coupled with the technology mastered by Taibai, we can also mass-produce Tianfu-level biochemical warriors!"

Samuel Stern roared excitedly! To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 210 The surviving elder

"Although I am very happy that you can obtain such important knowledge and information, I think we must first face a terrifying biological weapon whose combat effectiveness has reached the peak of the Heavenly Father level!"

Qi Jun, who is also at the top level of Heavenly Father level, feels that the energy fusion in the biochemical cultivation cocoon of artificial man Adam has reached its final moment.

At this time, even if the so-called biochemical culture cocoon is destroyed, it will be of no avail! Even if the biochemical culture cocoon is destroyed in advance, what will come out will be an irrational person who can only kill all living things and whose strength is comparable to the top Heavenly Father level. Biochemical beast! Qi Jun, who wants to get a glimpse of the mysterious cosmic elder behind the Sovereign clan, definitely doesn’t want this to happen. Although a rational Father-level boss is more difficult to deal with than an irrational biochemical beast, but In Qi Jun's opinion, this choice is worthwhile.

...........Perhaps because it sensed the surrounding Qi Jun five people 5, this biochemical culture cocoon has begun to become restless, and it is obviously ready to break. Out of the cocoon! Qi Jun and his party are obviously about to face a terrifying boss whose strength has reached the top level of the Heavenly Father! "I'll send you back first!"

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