Qi Jun said seriously.

At the same time, Qi Jun also quickly built an interstellar transmission channel and directly threw Skye and Samuel Stern into it. He didn't even have time to collect the... Log in and install various experimental instruments.

Boom!!! Just the next second after the transmission channel was closed, a violent explosion sounded.

The entire biochemical laboratory, no! The entire Sovereign clan's main hall was instantly destroyed by this terrifying explosion!...................... There was a sound of footsteps in the ruins.

A demon who looked similar to the Sovereigns, but turned black and demonized, stepped out of the smoke.

Unlike the Sovereigns, who are completely golden, the humanoid creature that walked out of the ruins is a demonic black-gold, and it has a weird feeling that makes people feel that its spirit has been extracted from it! " Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

A burst of weird syllables came from the mouth of this humanoid monster, but Qi Jun, who was hiding in the subspace, was suddenly startled.

After all the calculations, the only thing Qi Jun missed was that he didn't understand what this girl was talking about! "Damn! What kind of weird race is this? I couldn't help but slap my head.

Thinking about how many cosmic languages ​​Qi Jun has learned, he actually can't understand it at all. "It seems that either it is too ancient, or it is... too niche, or even just... howling indiscriminately."

Qi Jun guessed maliciously.

"Forget it, let's stick to the old rules and use mutated gems to get a language skill book!"

Therefore, language is still a very important skill. Otherwise, how can we communicate if others don't understand what they say! With a thought, a simple skills book appeared in Qi Jun's hands.

Bang! Without even bothering to look, Qi Jun just learned it! Soon, Qi Jun learned this ancient and ancient language.


"I didn't expect that this guy is really an elder of the universe!"

After recovering from language learning, Qi Jun looked at the demon man who had been 'resurrected' by invading the artificial human Adam in amazement, and couldn't help but sigh.

The learning of language skills is almost...the picture of the person's life only involves language, but even so, Qi Jun also saw many pictures other than language.

The demon man who invaded and took away the artificial human Adam was really an ancient cosmic elder, and indeed the secret... 'backstage' of the Sovereign clan! But in fact! This thing is actually a The "remaining" Elder of the Universe, an ancient Elder of the Universe with only one heart left! In other words, the core of Planet Colin is actually the remaining heart of the Elder of the Universe! Because only through partial memory, Qi Jun did not I didn't 'see' how this cosmic elder was fucked until only a heart was left.

But the soul of this cosmic elder has always been attached to this remaining heart.

This is no wonder why the information about this universe elder cannot be found in the Star Network or even in other imperial information databases.

The Sovereign tribe, also under the influence of this broken soul, is committed to developing biochemical technology! In order to... create a body that can accommodate the soul of the elder of the universe! That's right! The artificial man Adam was originally in A specially built body under the influence of this cosmic elder! In fact, if Qi Jun and his group had not appeared on Colin Planet, and if Taibai had not directly reduced the dimensionality of the planet and paralyzed all the defenses of Colin Planet, this cosmic elder, in fact, They are not yet ready for the final fusion with the artificial human Adam! According to daily development, if the elder of the universe wants to seize the body of the artificial human Adam, that will have to wait until this biochemical body is cultivated.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of Qi Jun and his team caused a big change, forcing the elders of the universe to fuse in advance, and finally transformed into a demon who was neither human nor ghost! "Tsk tsk"

"Fortunately, it was destroyed in advance."

"Otherwise, when it slowly develops and this guy is perfectly integrated, he will directly become a single universe-level boss!"

Looking at the Demon Man Universe Elder who was yelling and venting, Qi Jun also breathed a sigh of relief. To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark the three things you should do when reading, recommend

Chapter 211 Ancient Secrets

Thanks to Brother [] for your monthly ticket and reward support! "Tsk, tsk, there is still that remaining heart!"

Thinking of the flashing scene he just 'saw', Qi Jun also frowned, "As expected, he is indeed an elder of the universe who knows how old he is. His heart is as big as the star core of a planet!"

"You can't even call this the Elder of the Universe!"

Qi Jun muttered to himself, "Isn't this just like Star-Lord's cheap dad Ego? He can already be called a god!"

Think about it, Ego's body is actually...a planet, and this demon-like elder of the universe has also evolved into a planet condensed from a heart.

At first glance, this seems quite similar. Of course, although it looks similar, in fact, there is still a big difference.

At least, Ego's planet is his body, and Planet Corin is not the body of this ancient cosmic elder.

........................ "blasphemers! You still did not escape the annihilation in the end, hahaha!!!"

"Now, I am resurrected again, but you have already disappeared into the galaxy of the universe!"

"Facts prove! I still won!"

"I won!"

After learning the language skills, Qi Jun was able to fully understand the words of the elder of the universe in ancient times.

However, Qi Jun still frowned when he heard the demon man's roar.

Ancient cosmic war or ancient god war? Who are the blasphemers? These powerful secrets in the depths... are definitely not recorded by any major cosmic forces. Perhaps, through this 'resurrected' ancient cosmic elder, we can know some secrets of ancient times. ......................"Why"

The elder of the universe, Devil Man, suddenly lamented.

"I originally planned to wait for this body to be fully cultivated, and then fuse it with my remaining heart to directly restore the strength of a single universe in one fell swoop!"

"I didn't expect that these... accidents happened, and I had to be 'resurrected' in advance. Not only did my body undergo changes, but my strength also dropped to the level of the Heavenly Father! "


The devil suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Qi Jun, "Aren't you going to explain?"

Perhaps the devil didn't know that Qi Jun could already understand his words, and he deliberately said the last sentence in the universal language.

........................"Have you really been discovered?"

Qi Jun raised his eyebrows, but he was not surprised.

After all, he has Heavenly Father-level strength and is a surviving cosmic elder from ancient times. It is not difficult to find Qi Jun hiding in the subspace.

"Explain what"

Now that he was discovered, Qi Jun stopped hiding and directly broke through the space barrier and walked out of the subspace.

"I, Qi Jun, need to explain my actions to whom?"

Qi Jun crossed his arms and looked at the elder of the Devil Man Universe calmly.


Devilman smiled evilly "And my appetite!"

"But if you can't defeat me, you will know what the anger from ancient times is!"

Without any more nonsense, the Devilman Universe Elder directly concentrated his energy and punched Qi Jun! Although Qi Jun was also a Heavenly Father-level warrior, the Devilman Universe Elder did not believe that he could not defeat Qi Jun.

Tangtang, the ancient god, has many methods. Although his strength has dropped to the Heavenly Father level, he should not be able to catch a master with Heavenly Father level strength. What's more, the Devilman's own talent, every attack comes with Attacking with souls! He is just trying to deal with a Heavenly Father-level master. Will he fail? The Devilman Universe Elder didn’t take Qi Jun seriously at all! ........ ......However, in fact, will it really come true to the wish of the elder of the Devilman Universe? To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 212: An ordinary punch

Thanks to [Cosmic Galaxy] brothers for your monthly ticket support! After a long period of changes in the universe, Devilman was originally a soul that was so damaged that it was about to be annihilated, but he actually recovered by slowly absorbing the remaining souls in the universe. Of course, This time is too long, too long, too long. After the soul recovered and the general situation of the universe was ascertained, the devil began to influence the people living on the planet Corin, which was evolved from the broken heart, and vigorously developed Energy, biotechnology, thus 'created' a body and resurrected it directly! Qi Jun's previous induction was not wrong. This reborn cosmic elder from ancient times has an innate soul-eating power in his soul.

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