Whether he actively activates this ability, or passively slowly absorbs the power of the soul, this is the innate power of this demonic elder of the universe.

And this is the most critical reason why he apparently fell from the ancient divine war, but in the end quietly saved his life and successfully resurrected.

Boom!!! What seemed like a light punch actually erupted with huge energy fluctuations! Devilman's punch was received by Qi Jun, and he followed it very easily, not to mention his face changed. There was not even a trace of sway in his steps, as if this punch was not delivered by a Heavenly Father-level boss.

But in fact, this seemingly ordinary fist collision caused a wave of impact force that directly wiped out the Sovereign clan's main hall where the two were located, as well as the Corinthian capital where the main hall was located! Including All the people in the capital of Colin Planet were also directly annihilated at the moment when the devil and Qi Jun fisted each other! In fact, this huge energy fluctuation caused the entire Colin Planet to shake violently.

The picture is comparable to a magnitude 18 earthquake! "Uh"

The devil suddenly frowned.

It's not that Qi Jun's punch caused any damage to his body. In fact, Qi Jun easily received the punch, which was equally insignificant to the devil. This was originally...a testing punch. That's all.

The devil's frown was due to the planet-wide earthquake, which made the devil's heart tense, as if his heart was being grasped. It was very uncomfortable! The devil knew that this was because his heart had been there since ancient times. When I came down to Powu, my heart was shocked.

From ancient times to the present, almost several epochs have passed.

It can be said that this broken heart, no, it should be said that most of it has been restored. Whenever any uncomfortable situation occurs, it will be reflected on the body of 'Artificial Man Adam'. After all, although the soul has been transferred, it will The connection has been cut off long ago! Of course, the devil's focus is not actually on this.

The devil man was puzzled and alert. Qi Jun, who received his probing punch, didn't have any vision of his soul being touched. Is it possible that this guy who suddenly appeared and ruined his "resurrection plan" still has a soul? Protection stunt "How is this possible!!"

Although from a rational point of view, the Devil does not want to believe that any cosmic being from a few epochs later can resist his famous soul-eating power from ancient times, but he can try his best to survive from the ancient divine war. The demon man, however, was very alert in his heart. While he was preparing to deal with it with all his strength, he also began to consider whether to make a strategic retreat first.

........................"Soul damage is included in the basic attack"


"You are indeed worthy of being the ancient elder of the universe?"

"If there is no soul defense method, no matter how strong it is, it will not be able to withstand such an attack!"

"It's like you have trained the Golden Bell to the highest level, and then instead of hitting your body, it hits your soul directly. Who can survive this?"


Seeing the solemn look on Devilman's face, Qi Jun also had a solemn look on his face, but he was a little more excited than Devilman. "What I'm not afraid of the most is...all kinds of attacks from the heart and soul!"

Although Qi Jun had practiced Sithorn's soul magic, he could easily sense the soul-eating power contained in the Devilman's attack.

But it's a pity that Qi Jun's defensive methods haven't been used yet. This so-called soul-eating power was directly absorbed by the mutated gem! In addition to... directly withstanding the physical strength of the Devilman Apart from one punch, Qi Jun didn't receive any other attacks at all! ............. "It's rude to not reciprocate!"

"Come and take a shot from me too!"

Soul attacks are not...only your ancient remnants of the Universe Elders Council mixed soul damage magic into his fist style. Qi Jun also punched the devil with an ordinary punch! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds You: collect and recommend three things about reading

Chapter 213 Triple damage!

The punch Qi Jun threw was really just...an ordinary punch without any skill.

But! The power of this ordinary punch is not something that ordinary people can withstand! Qi Jun, who has lifted...the restrictions, is getting stronger almost every moment. Although it is slow, but The strength is indeed growing all the time.

Qi Jun's ordinary punch hit Devilman directly and injured him! Compared with Qi Jun who easily received Devilman's punch, Devilman didn't even receive Qi Jun's ordinary punch. What a contrast. , it’s really too big! Boom!!! The two fists collided, and a powerful wave of energy burst out, followed by... the ground shook for a while, no! The star shook the ball! Compared to The previous punch of the ancient cosmic elder of the Devilman directly wiped out the Sovereign clan's main hall and the capital of Corin Planet.

Qi Jun's punch directly shook the entire planet! The whole planet was shaking, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the waves surged into the sky. This was the planet screaming! It can be said that Qi Jun's ordinary punch made the whole planet shake. It directly destroyed the entire planet.

..........Pfft!!!! And those who......had their lives wiped out by powerful waves without knowing anything. Compared with the Sovereign tribe, the Devilman ancient universe elders are a group of people who are suffering! It seems that Qi Jun just punched him with an ordinary punch, but it directly caused internal injuries to him! Even, this is nothing! Accompanying What came with this ordinary punch was also the soul magic attack mixed in by Qi Jun! Even though he was already on guard in his heart, the devil was still hit by this hidden blow, and his soul was in pain: endlessly, Even the origin of the soul, which had been restored after several epochs, actually showed signs of collapse again!! How is this possible!!! The Devilman Ancient Universe Chief, who was knocked away by Qi Junpong’s punch, flew away. The look in Qi Jun's eyes also contained an unstoppable look of shock.

He can actually attack with his soul!!!......................"Haha"

"It's just a soul attack. It sounds like it's a top secret. I know how to use this method. Why should I be shocked?"

"On the contrary......you old thing"

Qi Jun looked at the ancient cosmic elder who was sent flying by the demon man, "Do you still have any ability to suppress the bottom of the box?"

"If not, today is a great day for your 'resurrection'"

Qi Jun smiled sarcastically, "But it will also be the end of your true 'death'!"

As a top master at the Heavenly Father level, Qi Jun is very aware of how much damage his ordinary punch just caused to this demonic ancient universe elder.

Putting aside the soul attack for now, even Qi Jun's ordinary physical punch, after Qi Jun manifested the restriction and lifted it, its power cannot be underestimated.

At the moment when Devilman's ancient cosmic elder was hammered away, Qi Jun already knew that Devilman's body had suffered considerable damage! And the most important thing was! The one connected to Devilman's soul The heart originating from the ancient body was injured again when the planet Corinth shook! After careful calculation, Qi Jun's ordinary punch directly brought the triple attack of the ancient universe elder to the devil! The soul was injured. +Body injury+Gu's heart injury! It's exactly...three times the damage! Compared with the previous punch that Qi Jun received easily, the Devilman Ancient Universe Elder's punch was a loss to his grandma's family! ........... Poof, he was knocked away by Qi Jun for an unknown distance, and he collided with an unknown number of mountain peaks. The devil finally stopped being hammered away. body.

But when I thought about the damage I suffered from this punch, I couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood! How miserable! Why is it so miserable! I have survived for several epochs and been 'resurrected' just to be hit. I couldn't figure it out for a while, and Devilman almost couldn't help crying. To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 214 Disgusting Transformation


"The reason I sent Skye and the others away in such a hurry was because of this guy who was so careless."

Qi Jun looked at his fists, and then at the Demon Man Ancient Universe Elder who was injured and fell to the ground after being knocked away by his ordinary punch. He was speechless for a moment.

Qi Jun really didn't expect that his ordinary punch could be so powerful.

After all, after successfully advancing to the Heavenly Father level and becoming a true boss, Qi Jun never found anyone to fight against to test his own combat power. Naturally, he didn't know that he who was driven into a bastard state by Odin before was actually powerful. So much! If he seriously punched with all his strength, wouldn't this elder of the universe, who is at the peak of Heavenly Father level, be instantly beaten to a pulp? "Thankfully, I thought..."

Qi Jun shook his head, "Forget it, after all, it's just in case. After all, this guy is also an elder of the universe from ancient times."

"No matter what, this guy must have some ability to keep the bottom of the box. If we don't take care of it and it affects Skye and the others, wouldn't it be a big loss?"

Qi Jun thought silently in his heart.

........................ "Damn guy!"

"Great Elk will let you know what happens if you piss me off!"

"You forced me to do this!!!"

In the distance, an intermittent roar came.

It was an ancient language that Qi Jun had just learned, but Qi Jun finally understood it.

Ahhhhhhh!!! A heartbreaking scream sounded out.

In Qi Jun's sight, the figure that he had knocked away... the devil man, had undergone tremendous changes! As if inflated, the devil man rapidly expanded.

But after his body grew several times bigger, pustules began to bulge all over his body.

Bang bang bang... Although it was far away, Qi Jun looked in his eyes and seemed to hear it in his ears.

The pustules exploded one by one, exuding an indescribable stench of pus: while the fluid was splashing everywhere, various grotesque granulations grew out of each pustule.

Some of these... granulations have grown into long or short tentacles with hairs, barbs, etc.

There were some granulations, but they grew into huge mouths filled with sharp teeth, which made people feel frightened just by looking at them.

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