Some of the granulations also grew into barrels and muzzles that resembled firearms and cannons, constantly dripping with mucus exuding strong corrosive toxicity.

Some flesh sprouts, but... In short, under Qi Jun's stunned, dazzling and disgusting gaze, the ancient devil The body of the Elder of the Universe, 'Cyborg Adam', was directly transformed into a disgusting biochemical weapon that would be disgusted by any intelligent creature! But, unfortunately, the strength of such a disgusting thing is beyond words.

At least, Qi Jun clearly detected that the strength of this huge disgusting thing has actually reached the level of a single universe!!! Fortunately, Qi Jun can also sense that this secret method has turned into such a disgusting thing. After a while, the vitality of this demonic ancient cosmic elder dropped a lot.

Obviously, this is a tactic that will not be used until the critical moment!......................But! Qi Jun looked solemn, but he did not It's not because this thing, which has reached the strength of a single universe, is rushing towards me.

But at the same time as this thing rushed over.

Qi Jun felt that the Corinthian star under his feet was also shaking tremendously at the same time.

It seems that the heart that has almost fully recovered is about to break five and the ball comes out. To be continued: Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect, recommend

Chapter 215 Ancient Heart

"As expected, it's a top-notch ability that can explode! Although it's too ugly, it's a little disgusting, but it's powerful enough!"

Seeing this guy on the opposite side, uh, well, seeing this ancient cosmic elder who claimed to be named Elk, was about to rush in front of him, Qi Jun quickly teleported away with some lingering fear.

After the explosion, Elk gave Qi Jun a sense of crisis, but Qi Jun was not actually afraid in his heart. The main reason was that it was too disgusting.

Looking at the thick mucus all over Elk's body now, Qi Jun found that he simply couldn't do it.

If he punches himself, he doesn't know if something will happen to Elk, but Qi Jun knows that his fist will definitely turn into slimy substance, which is really disgusting! "This is so fucking disgusting. ..An invincible passive skill!”

Qi Jun shook his head speechlessly.

......................"do not run!"

"come over!"

"My great Star Lord Elk, I will hammer you to death today!"

As Qi Jun kept teleporting, even if he didn't confront him head-on, Elk, the second form of Juice, was always leaking pus, and was so angry that he screamed.


"It seems that after the explosion, although the strength has become stronger, the side effects are still very obvious."

"Not only is the vitality greatly reduced, but even the IQ seems to have been cut off."

Qi Jun commented disdainfully.

Of course, in fact, is this Elk really that stupid? It is obviously impossible! Because Qi Jun can sense that inside the Corin star under the two of them, the star has already been transformed under the long river of time. The heart of the ancient cosmic elder in the Corinthian core is rapidly breaking through the ground! In fact, the more Elk behaves as if he is being screamed, the faster the heart will break through the ground!... .....................Whoosh!!! Boom!!! Although the Corinthian star is big, in fact, there is not much distance from the core to the surface, at least For Qi Jun and Elk, yes! Qi Jun didn't even teleport a few times. The heart of the cosmic elder passed down from ancient times came out of the ground with a loud explosion. Soaring into the sky! Drilling out a huge abyss in the ground that is so big that the edge cannot be seen and the bottom is bottomless!!! Fortunately, the capital star of Corinth has been annihilated in the aftermath of the previous battle, otherwise, there will be another Being swallowed up by this huge abyss again 23 Qi Jun raised his eyes and saw that it was actually a heart as big as an asteroid!! "What the hell..."

Qi Jun's eyes widened, "Wouldn't it be as big as the moon if it were several times bigger? How big must the elder of the universe really be!!"

"a planet"

Qi Jun even thought of Yi Ge, and then shook his head absurdly.

After all, the Elders of the Universe and the Gods are two different species, just like monkeys and orangutans. They may seem similar, but they are not the same! Of course, whether they are the Elders of the Universe or the Gods, they are both high and low. What absolute strength and weakness.

At least, seeing the ancient heart of this Elk, Qi Jun knew that, not to mention being better than the gods, this Elk was definitely stronger than most gods! ........."Hahahahaha!!!"

With a wave of his hand, as a pool of highly corrosive slime flew, the ancient heart, which was as big as an asteroid, slowly fell and floated above the head of Elk, the elder of the ancient universe who was laughing crazily.

It sways as Elk shakes, much like the headgear floating on the head of a game character on Earth. "You hide!"

"With my Demonic Heart, do you still have a place to hide?"

Elke seemed to have seen the scene where Qi Jun was torn to pieces by himself, and his whole body began to go crazy.

........................ "I didn't expect that this heart actually has the ability to lag in space!"

Feeling that the space within the entire Corinth Planet became obscured as if it had been injected with strong glue, and even feeling the huge and huge amount of energy contained in the so-called Demon Kun's Heart, Qi Jun's face began to change again. Become solemn.

"Although under the pressure of you being a single universe level and me being a Heavenly Father level, the space ability is no longer so easy to use."


Qi Jun smiled sinisterly at Elk, "Who said that I'm just a space mage?"

As he spoke, Qi Jun's eyes began to turn red. To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 216: Killing the genetic family tree?

Phew...!!!! Two rays of light, ranging from red to bluish, shot out from Qi Jun's eyes, and directly hit Elk's exposed adult-sized head from a distance. Red-yellow eyes! Although Qi Jun and Elk are at least tens of kilometers apart due to teleportation, this distance, to...light, is instantaneous! Bang!!! There is no accident. The red-yellow eyes, which were only the size of an adult's head, were instantly exploded by the hot melt rays stimulated by Qi Jun! The disgusting pus instantly scattered in all directions, and most of it was even heated on the way to the splash. The high temperature of the melt ray vaporizes it.


"my eyes!!!"

Although Qi Jun had always turned off his super hearing, and although Elk and Qi Jun were dozens of kilometers apart, Qi Jun still heard Elk's miserable roar.

Of course, Qi Jun had no mercy for him at all, and even increased his energy output, hoping to directly melt through the brain of this so-called ancient elder of the universe! But, it was a pity.

Perhaps Elk had a countermeasure, or maybe Elk's body was strong enough. The melt ray fired by Qi Jun roasted one of his eyes even though Elk didn't have much defense. It was so hot that it exploded, but in the end it was difficult to make any progress.

As a mist-like mist spread, Qi Jun also stopped the energy output, and the red and bluish hot-melt laser instantly dissipated without a trace.

Qi Jun blinked, and his eyes, which were originally a little strange due to the activation of the hot-melt laser, returned to their original appearance in an instant.

........."Mokun's Heart..."

Qi Jun ignored Elke's screams in the mist, and instead thought about the words Elke mentioned before, "Could this guy's ancient body be some sort of demon?"

"Kun is so big that it can't be stewed in one pot"

"Is there something like Kunpeng in this Marvel world?"

Qi Jun was very sure that this world was not the world of immortals, and it was absolutely impossible for the demon master Kunpeng to appear.

However, this is a multiverse after all. Although I am only in the movie universe, it does not mean that there will not be alien species like Kunpeng! What's more, the Elder of the Universe is himself a natural creature similar to the demon clan. It evolved from alien species, was born in the universe, and was destroyed in the universe. Otherwise, how could the elder of the universe say it? "Ha"

"Whatever, as long as it's not some singing and dancing game, it'll be fine."

"That kind of thing is more disgusting than this bastard covered in pus."

Qi Jun didn't know what he was thinking of. As he spoke, he even shuddered... "Damn it!"

"You are dead!"

"You will eventually pay the price for your actions!"

"I will destroy your entire genetic group!!!"

When the fog dissipated, Elke, who had already had one eyeball blown out, recovered from his injuries in an instant and flew towards Qi Jun menacingly.

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