
"Is it really okay?"

Qi Jun was not surprised to see Elke's recovery from his injury.

"You are indeed worthy of being an ancient being. They just wiped out the whole family, but you actually want to wipe out an entire genetic map group!"

Qi Jun was a little stunned by this, it was really cruel! "But"

"Does the so-called Demon Kun's heart seem a little smaller?"

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 217: The hand of the mage shows off his power

"Is this Demon Kun's Heart used as a backup energy source by this guy?"

He didn't care at all about Elk's harsh words about annihilating Qi Jun's entire genetic family tree. Instead, Qi Jun curled his lips and thought about the demon Kun's heart that hung above Elk's head and had shrunk in size obviously. .

Qi Jun didn't care at all about the threat from this ancient cosmic elder to annihilate the genetic family tree. Besides...Qi Jun was not from this universe, and he had sufficient confidence that Elk was not from this universe at all. He may be able to take down himself. Qi Jun himself is even very confident that he can kill this Elke with his palm! Ahem, it is impossible to use the palm of his hand. Seeing Elke's whole body tumbling Qi Jun had no intention of taking action.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you don't use your palms, it's just that you don't use the palms of your own body.

But, the hand of a mage!!!...................... As a magician, how come he doesn’t have the hands of a mage! Even if Qi Jun is just a space mage , you can still play the Mage's Hand skillfully! You must know that the Mage's Hand spell is a basic entry-level skill that every magician must learn and master.

It can be said that Master's Hand is an entry-level basic spell that almost every orthodox magic apprentice must learn.

in spite of....

Whether it is refining magic potions, or setting up magic formations, etc..., it is impossible for a magician to do everything himself! Therefore, magician's hands are not only a must-learn skill for every magician, but also All magicians must master skills!........................ It's just that Qi Jun, an unorthodox magician, besides being proficient in magician skills, also The hands of the mage were also modified by the devil.

The true mage's space soul energy hand! That's right, in addition to.........the condensed essence of the mage's hand itself, Qi Jun also integrated space ability, soul ability, and even infused A large number of them detonated under specific conditions. With Qi Jun's current strength, it was no different from the explosion of a supernova! "Haha, you thought it disturbed the space, Master Zhiben?"

Looking at the group of ancient cosmic elders that were shooting towards him quickly, a smile flashed across Qi Jun's solemn eyes.

Without using his space ability and no longer assuming a superhuman body, Qi Jun raised his right hand and pressed it down with his hand! Bang!!! Boom!!! "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

A huge invisible hand, looming, but with the three words of deep precision, speed, accuracy, and ruthlessness, it directly shot Elk at the extremely high speed, and slapped him into the heart of the demon Kun. In the huge abyss left on the surface, there were waves and echoes, and the sound of landing could not be heard for a long time.

Of course, while he slapped Elk, who was covered in pus, into the abyss, Qi Jun's mage's hand instantly changed from palm to grasp, forcefully holding the so-called Demon Kun's heart firmly. Caught in hand.


"Now that you're out, don't leave!"

While detaching his spiritual thoughts to invade Mo Kun's heart and using all his strength to kill Elk's condensed soul power, which was almost integrated with Mo Kun's heart, he did not forget to taunt him.

It can provide energy for a single universe-level powerhouse. This Demon Kun's Heart is a good thing, and Qi Jun is not going to let it go.

...........for a long time "Uh"

"Why haven't you come out yet?"

In the confusion, Qi Jun couldn't help but pick his head, with a trace of confusion, while killing the soul power in Demon Kun's heart, he also separated out some spiritual thoughts and extended his divine thoughts into the 'endless abyss'. Exploration.

.........Qi Jun forgot that Elk's soul-eating power could not affect Qi Jun, but it did not mean that Qi Jun The soul magic of Elk cannot work on Elk! The dark soul magic engraved in the hands of the mage that was modified by Qi Jun, but the soul of Elk, who had been killed by Qi Jun, was in danger. How can time fly out of the abyss again? To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 218 Qi Jun wins!

"This is...pretending to be dead"

How powerful Qi Jun is now! His spiritual thoughts can cover a star system casually. Naturally, he soon 'saw' the ancient cosmic elder who had stopped falling and was suspended in mid-air with a ferocious expression and uneven aura. Elk.

Although Elke was not dead, he looked as if he was going to die soon, which made Qi Jun frown.


"The fire of his soul was uncertain, and the energy in his body refused to be exchanged. The energy went crazy, causing internal and external injuries, and he almost reached the end of his life!"

Suddenly, Qi Jun was stunned, and after careful inspection, he was even more shocked! ........ "Sithorn's dark magic is so powerful. "

After careful exploration, Qi Jun quickly found out the reason: In addition to Qi Jun's own attack, the dark soul magic Qi Jun cast also contained a trace of the dark evil god Hisoka. The dimensional power of grace.

It was a corrosive power more ferocious than the corrosive power of Dormammu's dark dimension.

If the dark power of the dark dimension is more about corroding the soul, then Sithorn's dimensional power is a proper soul-corrosive power.

If Qi Jun had not possessed a treasure like a mutated gem, he would have no fear of the intrusion and corrosion of the soul and mind.

When Qi Jun first practiced Xixi Thorne's dark magic, he had already suffered heavy losses. How could he still be so free until now?

......... Logically speaking, as an ancient elder of the universe, Elk is a super boss who far exceeds the strength of Heavenly Father. Dark Soul Corruption should naturally be easily captured.

But unfortunately, Elk was not completely 'resurrected'! In order to prevent the body of the artificial man Adam from being destroyed, Elk was hastily 'resurrected'. In fact, Elk did not fully fit this body! Secondly, he had already been soul-linked Qi Jun snatched away the ancient Mo Kun's heart and was trying his best to destroy the soul power in Mo Kun's heart.

Under double pressure, Elke could be said to be stunned in an instant.

Don't look at it because of the explosive seed, the strength of this body was instantly promoted to the single universe level.

It's a pity that Qi Jun didn't intend to confront him head-on physically. Instead, he used another method to directly suppress Elke to death! ........ ..."In that case!"

Qi Jun's eyes hardened, "Then don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Kindness to the enemy is...cruelty to oneself. This sentence struck Qi Jun like a thunderbolt.

What's more, having had the experience of being hunted by Odin the Destroyer in thousands of dimensions, Qi Jun would not hesitate to delay time or even let the enemy counterattack.

Seeing the current scene, Qi Jun directly withdrew his spiritual thoughts that were attacking and destroying the soul power in the heart of Demon Kun.

After quickly adjusting his breath, Qi Jun directly concentrated all his spiritual thoughts and blasted hard at Elk who was in a state of confusion and was instinctively recovering from his injuries but was still not quite conscious! "Use a Hundreds of millions of energy points, use all your strength to amplify my divine thoughts!"

In order to kill with one strike, Qi Jun even used the spare energy stored in the mutated gem! Click! Click! The confrontation between spiritual thoughts and souls was not as grand and grand as the material world, and everything seemed so silent.

But! As if something was broken, Elk's 'resurrection body', which was still trembling instinctively, suddenly stopped moving at all.

In just an instant, even Mo Kun's heart, which was resisting vigorously and was also entangled with the power of Elk's soul, fell silent in an instant, hovering in the air and stopped moving.

Qi Jun Elk: Qi Jun, win! .................. "Gan!"


"This is!!!"

Before Qi Jun could express his joy at annihilating an ancient cosmic elder, Qi Jun suddenly opened his eyes wide, as if he had seen something unbelievable...

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 219 Sublimation of the Soul

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