Just when Qi Jun had just killed the so-called true spirit of the ancient cosmic elder before he had time to celebrate, a huge wave of energy rushed towards Qi Jun.

However, Qi Jun did not hinder this huge wave of energy. On the contrary, he absorbed it with joy! It turned out that the moment Qi Jun killed the true soul of the elder of the ancient universe, this came from the ancient universe. The elder's huge soul energy was instantly wrapped and refined by Qi Jun's spiritual thoughts.

But Qi Jun never imagined that the soul energy that had been wiped out of the true spirit would be wrapped up and refined by Qi Jun's spiritual thoughts very smoothly.

The huge soul energy quickly eliminated the essence, leaving only the most essential part, which is also the most original part! Even though Qi Jun knew that there must be infinite ancient secrets stored in the soul of this universe elder, Qi Jun did not Choose to stay and refine all these...'dregs' and throw them away.

First of all, the memories of several epochs are too huge. You must know that even after watching part of Gu Yi's memories, Qi Jun's head has been uncomfortable for a while. Qi Jun does not want to use the memories of this ancient universe elder. I have to use my brain for a second time. To be honest, that information is too long ago. The deeds of several epochs ago are of little use to the present... ..... If we make a comparison, then the huge soul energy before being refined can be regarded as a planet, and the soul essence after refining, the most original soul power, is just this planet. It’s just an ocean on the planet! But being fed back by this kind of original power, Qi Jun’s soul instantly rose to a higher level! Inexplicably, Qi Jun had an understanding that as long as his body stores enough The energy can easily break through to the single universe level!!! The most essential soul source power can actually allow a Heavenly Father level boss to be promoted to the level without any side effects, without any sequelae, and without any bottlenecks. Single universe level "Hiss!!!"

"It's simply... so terrifying!"

After thinking about the importance, Qi Jun took a breath of air.

Wouldn't this be capable of mass-producing single universe-level masters? Thinking about Yi Ge, thinking about Gao Tianzun, and Di Fan, Qi Jun found that these guys seemed to have turned into delicious meat buns! When he thought about it, he brought it with him Qi Jun's mouth watered at the sight of a single cosmic class running rampant across the universe............. "That's not right!"

But soon, Qi Jun shook his head, and he discovered that some of the keys were not so easy to achieve.

It can even be said that even if Qi Jun absorbed the soul source power of this ancient cosmic elder before, only Qi Jun himself can do it! How to find someone like Elk, who was resurrected in a hurry and has an advanced soul essence? But let’s not talk about the single universe-level master who can be easily stabbed to death.

Let’s just talk about this soul essence, how to eliminate those negative energies and memories that have a great impact on the absorber. The reason why Qi Jun can absorb it completely without hindrance is because of mutated gems. The protection of heaven-defying treasures, but if Qi Jun wants others to absorb it, the mutated gems will not do these things. The mutated gems only protect the host, not the host’s younger brothers! Of course, Qi Jun can also use the mutated gems to clear them out Those.........negative effects.

But if you think about it, you will know that it is definitely an extremely huge number! The soul of a single universe-level boss is so easy to purify... ..."Forget it, why do you think so much?"

Qi Jun shook his head, "If we meet again in the future, I'll talk to you if you need anything."

"The thing now is... to take away this Demonic Heart!"

Qi Jun withdrew his spiritual thoughts and looked at the huge object caught in the air by the mage's hand.

Without the support of Qi Jun's spiritual thoughts, the disgusting body that had just been resurrected by the ancient universe elder and had lost its soul quickly fell to the place where Demon Kun's heart was originally.

Coincidentally, because this body already possesses huge energy, it was captured by the Corinthian star and became the new star core of the Corinthian star.

Even the brand-new Planet Corin began to squirm instinctively, and the vibrations of the earth's crust caused the abyss pit left by the Demon Kun's Heart to emerge from the surface, and began to slowly heal... ............"Recover mutated gems"

Qi Jun thought, "No, it's too wasteful. This is a good thing that can provide energy to a single universe-level boss. It's too wasteful to just recycle it like this."

“But it’s so big, what should I do with it?”

Qi Jun frowned and thought, "It would be nice if I could become smaller."


"You can use Pym particles!"

Qi Jun slapped his forehead and smiled.

"The mutated gem directly embodies a Pym launcher that can shrink the heart of the devil!"

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 220 Subsequent Impact

Thanks to Brother [Kenhime] for your monthly support! “Hey hey”

“It’s really possible to shrink it down so small.”

Qi Jun was happily tossing the Demon Kun's Heart, which had shrunk to the size of a table tennis ball, up and down.

As for the scrapped Pym launcher that shrunk the heart of the devil, Qi Jun directly kicked it into the crack of the abyss that was 'healing', and quickly completed the destruction of corpses and traces.

The cost of shrinking a 'power bank' that can power a single universe-level boss is naturally not small. If it can be successfully shrunk, it is already a miracle of the mutant gem. If the Pym transmitter is scrapped, it is considered done. Well done.

........................"too white"

"Try to see if you can extract the energy from this."

Qi Jun thought for a while, then drew an interstellar portal and threw the Demon Kun's Heart in his hand, which had shrunk to the size of a table tennis ball, "If possible, use this Demon Kun's Heart as the core to make a brand new one" "Spark Cube', we will soon have a large group of real Transformers!"

Qi Jun thought about it for a while, and realized that Demon Kun's Heart was of little use to him. If Qi Jun wanted to absorb huge amounts of energy, there were so many ownerless suns in the universe, and even infinite gems.

But when I think about it, handing over Mo Kun's Heart to Taibai for use will greatly bring out the value of Mo Kun's Heart! Mo Kun's Heart is the heart of a real ancient cosmic elder, except... ...In addition to the huge energy it contains, it also has the ability to absorb the energy recovered from traveling in the universe, and use it to create a new 'Fire Source Cube', which is better than what Qi Jun and Taibai designed before. The 'Fire Source' is even more powerful! Even because Qi Jun wiped out Elk's true soul and imprinted the power of Qi Jun's own soul in Mo Kun's heart.

It can be said that any Transformer activated by the 'Mokun Fire Source' will not only be more powerful from the beginning than the Transformers activated by Taibai's charging 'Fire Source', but will also be born with it. Absolute loyalty to Qi Jun! It is a kind of surrender and loyalty from the origin of the soul! "Okay, sir."

Taibai's voice came directly from the transmission channel, "I'm going to test it right now."

"By the way, there is no need to interfere with the defenses on Planet Corin."

Qi Jun thought about it and said, "We don't need to block what happened here. We still need to show the necessary strength."

"However, on the Universe Star Network, as for...our fishing boat guidance, Taibai, you have to guide us well, and don't let people in the universe regard us as terrorists."

"Yes, sir!"

Taibai promised, "I promise that there won't be any evil influence, and maybe I can even lead you to become heroes!"


Qi Jun quickly stopped Taibai's behavior.

"Don't be a hero. I'm not a savior. I just want to let the world know that we are not bad guys and have a strong deterrent effect."

Qi Jun laughed and shook his head, the Marvel Universe roared... "Understood, sir!"

Tai showed understanding.

......................... After all matters were taken care of during the trip to Colin, Qi Jun teleported directly to see Skye and others.

However, what happened to Qi Jun and his party on Planet Corin has just begun to ferment.

Originally, when they were led to Corinth, Samuel Stern and his team attracted a lot of attention. At least, the Nova Empire paid great attention to them.

The Skrull Empire and the Kree Empire, which are paying attention to the Nova Empire, naturally also pay attention to them. Both empires are paying attention. Will the Shia Empire pay attention to it? The three major empires of the Marvel Universe are also paying attention. , other sub-level major forces will not pay attention to it. Perhaps Qi Jun himself does not know that he is already famous in the Marvel Universe! Moreover, he is still famous among all major forces! In fact, even if there is no universe, The major forces in the world are paying attention, but the great changes in Corinth will sooner or later cause a sensation in the entire universe! Corinth is most famous for energy and biotechnology, but this does not represent Corinth's strength in the virtual network No, it can even be said to be a lot stronger! But even if it is ranked at the forefront of the known universe, all the defenses of Colin Planet are still instantly defeated and defeated. Anyone can freely travel to Colin Planet at will. This What a terrifying technical strength! Not to mention the energy level reactions of Qi Jun and Elk, it just instantly paralyzed all the defense systems of Colin Planet, which is already a cosmic horror story! Who doesn’t have their own defense system? Who dares to say that it must be stronger than the defense system of Corinth? No one! Not even the Kree Empire, the Skrull Empire, and the Shi'ar Empire dare to pat their chests and guarantee that they will be able to defend it.

The cosmic network is invincible! But in general, all the major forces in the universe have deeply understood one thing: Qi Jun is not to be messed with!............. ....... Various forces later increased their efforts to develop more powerful defense systems. Various scientific and technological information from the Sovereign tribe on Corin was flying all over the cosmic star network, causing waves of conflict one after another. A round of scrambling.

Even Qi Jun didn't expect that it was precisely because he ordered Taibai to paralyze the defenses of the Corinthian planet that a large amount of high-tech data passed away, which actually triggered a medium-sized space war! Of course, Qi Jun was too lazy to pay attention to all this.

What's more, under Qi Jun's instructions, Taibai, the core technology of the Sovereign tribe, was not released. It was just copied by Taibai and completely destroyed.

How could Qi Jun reveal all the technology of 'Cyborg Adam'? He is not stupid! What Qi Jun is concerned about is... "You mean, the Vanguard Team has found the planet Morag."

Looking at Taibai's projection, Qi Jun asked happily.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 221 Single universe level?

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