"This place is really as desolate as shown in the movie!"

There was a projection of the striker team played by Taibai. Qi Jun only glanced at it and teleported over directly. The entire Morag Star was in a dilapidated and desolate atmosphere, which made Qi Jun sigh in despair.

This place used to be the location of an extremely glorious civilization! ........................ "This is the cosmic spirit ball!"

Without much emotion, Qi Jun went directly to the dilapidated but still working hall. In the empty hall, there was a plasma restrainer that was still working. The suspended restraint fixed a 1 Metal balls with complex textures.

It is said to be a small metal ball, but in fact, this thing is not pure metal, but a high-tech 'safe' with a mortise-and-tenon structure made of extremely complex alloy parts! Yes, it is preserved The insurance ball of 'Power Stone'.

"This thing should be made of vibranium alloy."

Ignoring the plasma beam that could vaporize Nebula's palm, Qi Jun directly took out the 'Cosmic Spirit Ball' from the beam. Those...can destroy Tangtang, the tyrant's adopted daughter, Nebula. The plasma beam vaporized the palms of his hands, but it could not even damage Qi Jun's hair. Qi Jun even absorbed a lot of its energy unintentionally, making the light dim a lot.

Qi Jun is now very accustomed to the 'smell' of various vibranium alloys. Just when he came to Morag Planet, Qi Jun could already smell the smell of vibranium. Now that he has the cosmic spirit ball in his hand, he has confirmed this even more The outer shell of the thing is... made of a special vibranium alloy that Qi Jun doesn't know about.

Logically speaking, the cosmic spirit ball is made of vibranium alloy. Without the corresponding 'password', this thing cannot be opened.

But Qi Jun obviously does not need to go to collector Di Fan to obtain the password.

...........The crunching starts with Qi Jun's super power.

Following the harsh and unpleasant crunching sound of the cosmic spirit ball, a vibranium alloy ball with various complicated patterns was suddenly pinched by Qi Jun, causing its shape to change drastically.

Bang! Finally, with the strength of Qi Jun’s hand, even the shell of the cosmic spirit ball made of vibranium alloy was instantly crushed by Qi Jun! .................. ....Buzz!!!! As the shell of the cosmic spirit ball exploded, the power gem emitting dazzling purple light immediately came into close contact with Qi Jun's palm! An extremely powerful force Energy penetrated from the contact point between Qi Jun's palm and the power gem, and spread throughout his body instantly.

At this moment, Qi Jun turned into a purple man! But! Qi Jun was not like the collector Di Fan's slave in Yin Hu, who couldn't withstand the huge energy and disappeared into ashes, nor was he like the collector Di Fan in Yin Hu. Star-Lord is so unbearable that he even needs to share it with his teammates to endure it.

Qi Jun took over this energy easily! Even! He still felt a little bit happy! Whether it was Qi Jun's perfect super bloodline, the adaptability of Doomsday, or the lifting of restrictions...etc. , and even because he is the peak of the Heavenly Father level. In short, Qi Jun perfectly withstood this sudden surge of energy! ........................ Even , Qi Jun discovered that he had made another breakthrough! "This is"

"Is it the invincible strength of a single body at the universe level?"

Mastering the power gem and transforming into a 'Purple Man', Qi Jun even felt at this moment that he could blow up the entire universe! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

Chapter 222 Single Universe Level!

Of course, being able to blow up a universe at will is just an illusion caused by Qi Jun's initial surge in power.

However, because he had previously absorbed the soul source power of the ancient universe elders, his soul essence had advanced, and he had also absorbed the huge energy emitted by the power gem.

But it is also true that he has successfully broken through to the 'single universe level' strength! In other words, Qi Jun is now a true single universe level boss.

..................... "Although it is an exaggeration to say that one punch will destroy the universe, but one punch will destroy Dormammu's dark dimension. It’s really no problem!”

Feeling the huge and almost endless energy in his body, Qi Jun carefully understood the comparison between his current strength and the previous Heavenly Father-level strength.

Only then did Qi Jun realize that the current self, the self before the violent beating, had no problem beating dozens of people, not to mention a hundred! Not to mention anything else, just...promoted from the Heavenly Father level to the single universe level At that time, my understanding of the law and ability of the entire universe instantly increased dozens of times! In other words, this is the recognition of the will of the universe to the strong: the more powerful you are, the more relaxed you can be. Perceiving the power of various laws and rules of the universe and being able to apply and use them more easily is the most important thing! "No wonder Odin, who has put on the Destroyer Armor and temporarily reached the single universe level, can easily Injuring or even severely injuring Dormammu's body."

"It's completely a kind of class oppression. This is simply...a crushing of realm and strength!"

Qi Jun was also very emotional when he thought of what he had seen and experienced when he was escaping from Odin's pursuit.

"Fortunately, a trace of soul power was imprinted on the space rules of teleportation before. Otherwise, Odin, wearing the Destroyer Armor, could temporarily reach the single-universe level of strength and easily pull me out of the space. It even directly imprisoned my spatial ability!"

Thinking of this, Qi Jun also had a look on his face. He didn't expect that a single universe-level strength could actually activate the power of rules so easily.

.........In fact, Qi Jun still thinks too much.

The reason why Qi Jun handles space so easily has a lot to do with the fact that he imprinted a trace of his soul power on the rules of space teleportation. What's more, Qi Jun himself is also a space mage, and he is very familiar with space. The ability is very profound.

If you have reached the strength of a single universe and cannot clearly perceive the power of rules after the essence of life has been sublimated, then there is a problem! In fact, although the boss of a single universe does have a perception of the power of rules in the universe , it was easier than the period at the Heavenly Father level, but it was actually not as easy as Qi Jun thought.

If a boss with a single universe-level strength wants to easily grasp and utilize the power of rules as Qi Jun wants, he must at least reach a multiverse-level strength. At that time, he can walk in various multiverses at will. That state Only by doing so can you easily activate and utilize the power of laws and rules.

........................"What should I do with this power gem?"

Qi Jun must have the Infinity Stones, a regular treasure that is the embodiment of the rules of the universe, in his own hands.

It is impossible for Qi Jun to hand over the Power Gem to others like he gave the Heart of Demon Kun to Taibai for study.

However, Qi Jun himself was a little hesitant about how to use the Power Stone.

If the strength of a single entity is below the universe level, any 1 Infinity Stone will be of great help to its owner.

However, Qi Jun happened to break through to the single universe level again, and the power gem, a treasure, instantly dropped from a treasure that was helpful to him to a collectible.

But let Qi Jun collect the power gems. Qi Jun also felt that it seemed a bit too wasteful. He could let Qi Jun use the power gems to do something. It seemed that nothing could be done. Qi Jun could do it by himself, destroying a planet. , and no Power Stone is required.

"Could it be that, in my hands, this thing can only serve as a power bank with unlimited energy?"

Qi Jun thought for a while, maybe he wanted it when he was dumbfounded and lacked the strength.

You already have the strength, but you don’t need it anymore.

I’m really speechless. To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 223 Soul Gem?

Qi Jun has not thought about what the power gem is used for, so he temporarily put it into his space ring and stored it.

It is amazing that an ordinary space ring can actually contain a treasure that embodies the rules of the universe without being affected by the power of the rules at all.

"Perhaps this is because this space ring is made of mutated gemstones."

Qi Jun made a guess.

However, Qi Jun didn't care much about it. Qi Jun thought of another thing and a smile couldn't help but spread across his cheeks.

"The energy split has reached seven to three!"

Qi Jun smiled, "I am seven, mutated gem three!"

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"Keep working hard, eight to two! Nine to one! Even finally master the mutant gem!"

"Just thinking about it makes my life full of endless motivation!"

The more I think about it, the better and better it becomes. It’s so satisfying! .................. However, with the confused expressions on Skye’s and others’ faces, Qi Jun quickly He stopped his vulgar smile.


"You are..."

"Double click again...breakthrough!!!"

Although I don’t know what Qi Jun thought of and smiled so...happily, Skye and others can clearly sense that the pressure from Qi Jun is much greater than usual! Even, under Qi Jun When Jun just teleported, the huge pressure made Skye and others almost unable to breathe! Under such circumstances, if Skye and others still can't discover Qi Jun's strength breakthrough, then there is something wrong. .


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