With this trace of soul origin, even if Hela grows to be more powerful than Qi Jun, Qi Jun can still decide his life or death with a single thought!......................Qi Jun Jun didn't use soul magic to slowly influence him like Dr. Lan and others did. There was no need! Firstly, Hela took the initiative to join in. She had this psychological preparation. Secondly, after absorbing a trace of Hela's soul origin, she was more able to Let Hela completely surrender and there will be no more objections.

There is no saying that you should not be suspicious of those you employ and not be suspicious of those you do not use.

In Qi Jun's view, the greater the power, the more absolute control is needed.

As long as the chips are strong enough, there is no way to say that you will never betray.

"Get up"

Looking at Hela in front of him, although he felt secretly happy, Qi Jun was still a little uncomfortable with Hela crawling in front of him.

"Thank you, Master!"

Hela stood up and shouted happily and respectfully.

At the same time, Hela felt a lot more relieved when she felt that Qi Jun controlled a trace of her soul origin.

After thousands of years and nearly ten thousand years of imprisonment, Hela is no longer the same high-spirited Hela who didn't take anyone seriously. As well as the experience of mastering the soul gem in a short time, she even met Qi Jun with her own eyes. At this time, Hela's various concepts have already undergone tremendous changes.

Now Hela, whose unruliness has been worn away by thousands of years of imprisonment, has a scabbarded, peerless sword. Although it no longer reveals any edge, it does not weaken its own sharpness at all.

Even more: it will be even sharper! Today, Hela no longer pursues her previous ideals, but is more willing to follow a truly peerless strong man.

Undoubtedly, Qi Jun definitely meets this criteria! "You don't need to call me master, I don't like the title master very much."

Qi Jun shook his head, "Just call me sir for now!"

"Yes, sir!"

Hela responded obediently.

........................"Is there anything...that you particularly want to do now?"

Qi Jun asked Hela with a smile.

Qi Jun handed the soul gem to Hela.

Since he has absorbed a trace of Hela's soul origin, Hela is naturally one of his own.

Qi Jun is still very kind to his own people.

Take a closer look at Skye, Samuel Stern, Hulk, etc... the few real people on our side, all of them are wearing "magic costumes"! In this regard, Qi Jun is nothing like his people. None of them are stingy.

......... As Hela, who is known as the 'goddess of death', Qi Jun decided that the soul gem was obviously more suitable for Hela.

Qi Jun is not afraid that after Hela completely controls the soul gem, she will take back the trace of her soul that was taken away by Qi Jun, and he is not afraid of Hela's rebellion.

Judging from Qi Jun's increased strength and control over the mutated gems, the rank of the mutated gems is at least the same as that of the entire Marvel universe.

Let alone the mere soul gems, even if you collect all the infinite gems, it is impossible to get back the soul source that Qi Jun absorbed from Qi Jun.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 231 Roots


Looking at the orange-glowing soul gem that Qi Jun threw to her in her hand, Hela became excited.

Well, it's not that I'm excited to embezzle or rebel.

Rather, I was moved by Qi Jun's recognition.

Just after joining Qi Jun, Hela was so excited that Qi Jun actually gave him such a precious and important treasure as the Soul Gem.

........................"Hila will do its best to do everything for Mr.!"

Hela knelt down on the ground again in excitement, her whole body completely trembling with recognition.


After all, Hela is a subordinate. Qi Jun has no sympathy for her. He looked at Hela who was kneeling in front of him and said lightly.

"However, the emperor is not short of hungry soldiers, so naturally I will not ask you to do things right away."

"Before I tell you to do something, you can first fulfill your long-cherished wish."

"After you have no more worries, then serve me wholeheartedly!"

Qi Jun said slowly with a smile on his lips.


"Thank you sir for the opportunity!"

Hela replied respectfully.

Hela didn't think there was anything wrong with what Qi Jun said.

Hela didn't think there was anything wrong with letting her work completely for Qi Jun after handling her personal affairs.

When he decided to join Qi Jun, Hela had already made all preparations.

For Hela now, following the real boss closely and climbing to a higher level step by step is what she wants.

As for the rugged thorns along the way, don't they need a blade like her to chop them? "Then, just do what you want to do!"

Qi Jun patted Hela on the shoulder, then teleported and disappeared from the spot.

.....................Although Qi Jun disappeared, a pure and gentle energy was transported into Hela's body by Qi Jun.

In a form that is almost visible to the naked eye, HeLa's energy level waves are becoming more and more powerful.

In fact, even the amount of energy Qi Jun delivered gave Hela the illusion that he was about to burst! Of course, in fact, Hela felt the same way. If not for the fact that the energy input by Qi Jun was indeed very gentle, Hela would have felt the same. La had already exploded and died.

Although the energy delivered by Qi Jun is not much for him.

But think about Qi Jun's current strength, which is a serious single universe level! What is a single universe level? The three words "universe level" mean that Qi Jun can easily stir up the universe! That's it. ..So awesome! The energy Qi Jun sent to Hela was quickly absorbed by Hela.

And Hela's strength also skyrocketed due to absorbing the energy given by Qi Jun.

It didn't take long for him to return to the peak he was at when he was imprisoned by Odin.

But! This momentum did not stop, but continued to rise at an even faster speed.

In the end, when Hela's strength was raised to the level of Heavenly Father, it slowly slowed down.

At the right time, Hela directly reached the peak of the sub-Heavenly Father level! She only had to cross a threshold before she would officially enter the Heavenly Father level! .................. .In fact, it is not Qi Jun who cannot upgrade Hela to the Heavenly Father level.

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