For Qi Jun today, this is very easy to do.

After all, Hela has such a background.

But Qi Jun did not do this, because Qi Jun knew that as long as Hela returned to the land of Asgard, with the connection between Hela and Asgard, it would be easier to break through to the Heavenly Father level, and she would not be able to There are any problems such as unstable foundation.

In fact, the essential contradiction between Odin and Hela is that both of them are essentially connected to Asgard. As long as they stand on the land of Asgard, they both have infinite reserve power. God'! But the total amount of Asgard is limited. The more you absorb, the less I will have.

The conflict between Odin and Hela has been doomed since Hela was born.

Naturally, Hela's obsession with Odin cannot be easily erased.

........... In other words, if Hela had the strength of a heavenly father, Odin would not be able to seal or imprison Hela! Of course, After putting on the Destroyer Armor, Odin couldn't seal Hela, but he still had no problem killing Hela.

But now, with the soul gem given by Qi Jun.

It is still unclear who will win between Hela and Odin! In fact, this is also the most fundamental evil reason why Qi Jun chose to give the soul gem to Hela.

Of course, there is also Qi Jun’s pettiness.

When he was chased by Odin across thousands of dimensions, Qi Jun would not let this guy go! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 232: Become famous~

On the other side, without the constraints of the contract manifested by the mutant gem, Hela can finally use the soul gem.

But Hela didn't immediately go to Odin to fight because there were no restrictions.

After all, being able to use it and how effective it can be are completely different things.

Hela still needs time to get used to the soul gem, become familiar with its performance, how to use it, etc...

........................ At this time, Qi Jun took Skye, Samuel Stern and his party to Zaidar Star again.

This time, the appearance of Qi Jun and his entourage immediately aroused a grand welcome from the Nova Empire.

Even in terms of grandeur, Taibai believed that this had exceeded the highest level in the history of the Nova Empire.

At least, among all the records of the major forces in the known universe, the welcoming ceremony of the Nova Empire this time exceeded the level of any force visiting the Nova Empire! Of course, Qi Jun knew the reason for the drastic change in attitude towards the Nova Empire. .

Even Samuel Stern and others knew it very well.

After all, the reason why Samuel Stern and others went to the Sovereign clan's planet Corin was not because of the Nova Empire.

But if Qi Jun is causing trouble for the Nova Empire, there really is no reason for the Nova Empire to throw the blame away. "Isn't it just that I saw that I easily defeated the Sovereign clan?"

"Isn't it because I saw that I easily defeated the elder of the ancient universe that they feared?"

"Isn't it just to see the defense system of Corinth, which ranks among the top in the entire known universe, instantly disintegrated?"

"is not it......"

"Well, it seems like this is a guy that the Nova Empire can't afford to mess with."

"Sure enough, my brother is just... so perfect! I am so flawless!"

Qi Jun rubbed his chin and muttered in a defeated tone.

......................... Skye and others did not stay with Qi Jun for long.

It's not that they don't want to see Qi Jun's narcissistic Yazi, but that the tasks Qi Jun gave them made them busy at the interstellar level.

..The Universe Group was established on a sunny morning in Zaidar Star.

On the day of its founding, all nations came to pay tribute... In short, all the major forces in the known universe came to pay tribute.

..I send my most sincere blessings to the establishment of Universe Group.

And sent a huge value of protection money! Bah! Sent a huge value of congratulatory gifts!!! Yes, it is just...a congratulatory gift, there is absolutely no other meaning! Of course, people in Skye and others knew it well, although Those...the envoys of the major forces tried their best to invite Skye and others to establish within their respective spheres of influence.

..Universe Group Branch, but in fact, in their hearts, they still reject this matter. No one would want to invite a great god back! .................. .....After enjoying the 'emperor' life in Zaidar Star for a period of time.

Qi Jun, left.

Because Qi Jun discovered that Hela seemed to be familiar with the soul gem. To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read when reading. Bookmark it and recommend it.

Chapter 233 Asgard was invaded

Hela did not go out of her way to attack Asgard alone.

After a period of exploration and mastering the use of the soul gem, Hela quietly returned to the place where she was previously imprisoned by Odin.

Here, there are her absolutely loyal subordinates, and the subordinates she has trained over the years! Although, these guys can probably only be regarded as cannon fodder when facing Asgard's warriors.

But Hela doesn't care! Hela only needs to absorb the souls of these cannon fodder subordinates into the soul gems, and Hela can resurrect them countless times... .....cannon fodder subordinates.

Yes, in addition to having a soul space of its own, the soul gem can also open up a separate soul space to store the soul as a possessor, and use those... cannon fodder The soul is put into this separately opened soul space. Hela is not afraid that the soul gem will be guarded and stolen, and all the souls of his men will be absorbed and devoured. After all, it is a sacrifice of the soul gem. The master, Hela still has this little authority. of.

And in the face of cannon fodder that can be easily killed, but cannon fodder appears in an endless stream, Asgard's warriors, no matter how powerful they are, will eventually be unable to hold on! What's more, as soon as Hela steps on In the land of Asgard, with the nature of the connection between Hela and Asgard, even if it is not as exaggerated as an instant promotion, it will definitely soon officially enter the realm of true heavenly father-level strength! And wait for the sea If La Zhen goes further, Hela's use of soul gems will be greatly improved, and it can even strengthen these cannon fodders, making these more powerful cannon fodders and advance to the next level. Become a more durable death warrior!............ "I didn't expect Hela to be able to endure it."

Hidden in the subspace, Qi Jun couldn't help but admire him when he saw Hela integrating the strength of his subordinates.

Originally, Qi Jun thought that Hela would immediately attack Asgard after he mastered the soul gem. However, Hela was not blinded by hatred. Instead, she gathered her team soberly, saved up, and expanded her strength. !"Looks like you came early."

Qi Jun picked his head and muttered to himself.

Originally, Qi Jun knew that Hela had mastered the soul gem by mastering the soul of Hela, and would stage an epic family ethics.

As a result, when Qi Jun teleported over, he saw that it was completely different from what he had imagined. Although it would not take many days for Hela to gather her forces, Qi Jun obviously didn't want to wait.

After all, the place where Hela was imprisoned by Odin was so "desolate"! The whole space looked lifeless, and Qi Jun didn't like the "forgetfulness" here.

"No wait: Hela, let's go to Asgard first."

"Just wait in Asgard for Hela to call."

Pouring his lips, Qi Jun took another look at Hela who was busy, teleported away, and Hela seemed to be sensing something, and glanced in the direction where Qi Jun was staying before, but found nothing unusual. After that, he shook his head and continued to get involved in the busy gathering work.



"Fuck them!!!"

Gan! It’s completely different from what Qi Jun imagined! Asgard, which I thought had restored its wind and sunshine and splendid scenery, is actually being invaded at this moment!!! Qi Jun looked at the chaos in front of him, The dilapidated Asgard could not help but be a little stunned.

Especially, Qi Jun felt a little surprised when he saw many ice giants among the invaders. To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 234 Where is my artifact?

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