"If you want to defeat the party or cause sabotage now, even if you have the Ice Box, the artifact of our Frost Giant clan, you will be dead!"

The Frost Giant, who didn't realize that the Ice Box in Loki's hand had disappeared, knelt down and pushed Loki to stagger.

.........................! Keeping his body steady, Loki's expression on the spot... changed, and he wanted to get angry.

However, when he felt that his hands were empty, his expression immediately returned to a playful smile.

"Ha ha"

"Do not worry!"

"Asgard is the mortal enemy of our Frost clan!"

"How could I want to do anything else at this time?"

After gathering his inner emotions, Loki said with a smile.

"Continue the attack!"

By the way, Loki waved his hand, causing the frost giants around him to attack.

No one can do this to me! Not even Thor or Odin! Not even you! Except...Qi Jun, no one can see the blazing anger in Loki's eyes, and the rising color on his face. The color of Yin Zhe.


Loki shook his head and realized that he was almost led astray by this frost giant.

"Can take away the Ice Box silently."

"Either Odin has quietly forcibly awakened from Odin's Sleep."

"Either... other powerful dimensional masters stole it from me by some means!"


"No matter who it is, it's not something my little God of Mischief can afford to offend."

"It seems like something big is going to happen in Asgard, so it's better to escape first!"

"Oh, the second prince of Asgard, Odin, Odin, you are so calculating!"

After some thought, he took a deep look in the direction of the smoke-filled Asgard Palace, and found that Loki was already thinking of retreating.

"However, this guy actually dares to offend my great Lord Loki, but he cannot be let go!"

......................"follow me!"

"I know a secret passage in Asgard that can lead directly to Odin's palace!"

Before the surrounding Frost Giants noticed that the Ice Box in his hand had disappeared, Loki quietly activated his illusion magic, hiding his real body, while his phantom body waved, leading a group of Frost Giants towards a hidden location. Run.


"The stupid Frost clan, no wonder they can't defeat the Asgardians in their lifetime!"

"The secret passage: it is indeed the secret passage:, but unfortunately, there is no real secret method. The secret passage: is...the way of death!"

Looking viciously at his phantom body disappearing with a group of frost giants, Loki spat viciously.

"Asgard can't stay any longer, it's better to escape first!"

Turning his head to look at the war-torn Asgard, Loki turned around and ran directly towards a hidden space wormhole.

......................"This guy"

"Hard enough!"

"Decisive enough!"

Seeing Loki's operations with his own eyes, Qi Jun admired.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 236 Loki’s Distress

"Follow me and take a look."

After taking a look at the battlefield in Asgard and knowing that the battle would not be over in a while, Qi Jun decided to follow Loki first to see what this guy was doing during this time.

..................... Hissing out of the crack in the wormhole, Loki took a deep breath.

The cold air of Jotunheim easily calmed down Loki, who was a little flustered.

Although he looked a little embarrassed, Loki's eyes were shining: "Whoever stole the Ice Box."

"But since they didn't attack me, I can easily return to Jotunheim."

"Then obviously, I am not their target!"

"Perhaps those... high-ranking 'big guys' didn't even look at me twice."

I don't know if he thought of something bad, but while Loki muttered, his expression became ferocious.


“I really didn’t expect that!”

"I, Loki, am not an Asgardian, but a member of the Frost Clan of Jotunheim!"

"In fact, because I have been baptized by Asgard's magic for many years, even if I return to the identity of the Frost clan, I will never grow up!"

"It can only maintain its current appearance!"

"In the eyes of the Frost Clan, this is definitely a deformity!"

"It makes it impossible for me to integrate into the Frost Clan!"

"Especially after I showed Laufei the Ice Box and got Laufei's approval, the Frost Clan actually rejected me even more!"



"Everyone dislikes me"



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