
"I want to give you a good look!"

Loki cursed fiercely.


After a long time, Loki sighed softly again.

"The idea is good, but how do you make these people look good?"

"You need strength but not strength, you need subordinates!"

“It’s just because of my mediocre strength.”

"No, you can't beat that muscular man Thor, how can you make Laufey, the Lord of a Realm look good?"

"Even with the strength of Odin wearing the Destroyer Armor, he can blast these with one punch... Even if he is the Lord of a Realm, how can he make him look good?"

Loki suddenly fell to the ground like a poor man who had been hit ten thousand times.


"It's all Blame on that muscular man Saul!"

"And Odin that... cunning old ghost!"

"If it wasn't for the purpose of competing with Thor, that muscular man, who is more qualified for the throne, why the hell would I sacrifice my strengths and weaknesses to compete with Thor?"

"Even because others were optimistic about Thor, he felt resentful and made fun of everyone more than once."

"As expected of the old fox Odin, he allowed me to offend all the Asgardians!"

"I'm a mage! I actually went to the battlefield and rushed to the front line like a soldier. My brain is absolutely crazy!"

"No! Behind this there is probably Odin who is doing tricks in the dark to influence me! How can I, a mage, be on the front line?"

"This is definitely something that... old bastard can do!"

"The reason, isn't it just to make Thor legitimately the next God King!"

Suddenly, Loki kicked the ice in front of him violently.


"We can no longer stay in Jotunheim!"

"Without the Ice Box, Laufei will no longer trust me."

"Well, he didn't trust me in the first place."

"However, without the Ice Box, Jotunheim will no longer be my help."

"There is even a high possibility that Lao Fei will be taken back and tortured for questioning!"

"But, where should we go?"

He originally wanted to rebel and become the king, but found out that he was just a mere commander, which forced Loki to think deeply.

........I thought that if I followed him, I would see a scene like a fish entering the sea. However, I saw Loki and Qi feeling sorry for themselves. Jun couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Damn it, I thought this guy would be a cruel and sinister person, but I didn't expect that this guy was just a poor, spoiled child.

However, compared to Thor, an orthodox prince who has parents who care about him no matter what, Loki is just a poor guy who has no one to complain to when he has his grievances.

Qi Jun thought that after Loki stole the Ice Box, even if he didn't kill Laura and become the king himself, he would still be on an equal footing with Laura.

But obviously, in fact, Qi Jun overestimated him! He was just a poor guy who was helpless without strong support.

Without the Ice Box, in this situation, if Loki dares to go to Laufei, he will be arrested immediately and tortured to extract a confession.

Although Laufei knows that this 'frost dwarf' is his son, Laufei will never trust him! Who told Loki to grow up in Asgard... ...........But when he saw Loki worrying about where to go, Qi Jun suddenly had an idea.

"Send this guy to Hela"

Looking at Loki who didn't sense that there was anyone behind him with any ill intentions, Qi Jun also laughed sinisterly. To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark the three things you should do when reading. Recommend

Chapter 237 The first meeting of siblings


In the underworld of Helm, Hela was preparing her army when she suddenly heard a miserable cry coming from high above her head.

"That is..."

"one person"

Looking up at the sky, Hela frowned and muttered uncertainly.

"I'm going to tear him apart!"

The giant wolf Fenrir on the side also raised his head, with red eyes, staring at the 'person' who fell from high altitude, and mouthed human words.

"No need!"

Hela stopped the giant wolf Fenrir from moving. She did not feel any threat from the 'humanoid object' that fell from high altitude.

Hela, who has mastered the soul gem, is confident that even Odin can be invincible against the Destroyer Armor, let alone... this 'person' who appears out of nowhere "Yes!" Owner."

After hearing Hela's order, the giant wolf Fenrir lay down again very obediently.

However, while lying back, the giant wolf Fenrir also tensed up and was ready to fight at any time.


Hela glanced at it and smiled, but didn't say much.

After all, the humanoid object is already close in front of us.



Bang! Bang! With a trembling roar, the 'man' instantly fell from a high altitude and hit the ground with a loud bang, creating a distorted human-shaped hole in the ground and stirring up a burst of smoke and dust.

“He is actually a human being”

Seeing the 'person' flash past her eyes in an instant and smashing a human-shaped hole into the ground, Hela's eyes were full of confusion.

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