With Hela's eyesight, although this person was only a moment away, Hela still saw clearly that this was a person! Um, and, why did he look a bit like the Frost Clan or something? When did the underworld of Heim except for himself and his own? There are other living people among his subordinates. Moreover, how did the Frost clan come to the underworld of Helm? It is possible that they offended Odin and were exiled here............. ....."咛嘤"

Just when Hela was puzzled, he smashed out the distorted human-shaped 'person' in the pit and woke up "here..."

"where is it"

Having just woken up, this guy's head was still a little unclear. He wanted to shake his head to wake up, but found that the movement of his head was very limited.

"This is in a pit"

The fragrance of earth came from the tip of his nose, which finally made this guy wake up and remember that he fell from a high altitude. Because he didn't react, he crashed directly into the ground. Although the powerful racial attributes made him fall from the high altitude. He didn't fall to death, but the powerful impact still caused him to faint briefly.

If it weren't for the fear of some conspiracy, this guy might really be able to faint all the time. "No!"

"Am I not in Jotunheim?"


"A portal suddenly appeared and sucked me in. When I came back to my senses, I was already 10,000 meters above the ground in another realm!"


"It's the big guy who's trying to mess with me."

Loki finally came back to his senses, and his two obviously deformed arms suddenly shook twice.

Moreover, with a strong push of both hands, Loki jumped out of the human-shaped hole created.

Yes, this guy is... the Loki who was tricked by Qi Jun from Jotunheim............."Roar"


Loki, who had just jumped out of the pit, had not had time to take a breath when he was surrounded by the roar of a giant wolf and dozens of warriors holding magic spears.

Gudong subconsciously swallowed the saliva, Loki's whole body felt bad.

What's going on? Taijun, I'm a good citizen! Loki almost knelt down! This guy, just out of the tiger's mouth, has entered the wolf's den again...... ......."Who are you"

Hela, dressed in a sci-fi black armor, holding a leather whip, walked over, looked down at the trembling Loki, and asked.

Yes, Hela's sci-fi black armor was aided by Taibai! Well, Qi Jun didn't tell Hela that he was the one who teleported Loki here.


"The humble Frost Survivor Loki, please see Her Majesty the Queen"

"I don't know who you are"

As expected of Lord Loki, who is flexible and capable. The moment he saw his real eldest sister, Loki, who was so ambitious just now in Jotunheim, instantly transformed into a licking dog and humbly prayed for the life of the "Frost Legacy"

"Lauffy is dead"

Hela was stunned when she heard Loki's words. The Frost Giants were exterminated. Who did Odin do it? As Asgard's former military marshal, the grudges between Hela and the Frost Clan were so different. Hela didn't know how to feel about Loki's words in a simple and clear way.

However, Hela is not the kind of person who... easily trusts others. Whether the Frost clan is purged or not, Hela will not just listen to others.

"How did you come from Jotunheim to the underworld of Helm?"

Of course, Hela didn't express what she was thinking.

What's more, as the master of the soul gem, Hela can still easily tell that Loki is obviously lying! But the war is approaching, and Hela doesn't think too much about what is going on with the Frost clan.

........................ However, Loki, who quietly looked around, did not answer this question immediately.

Because, he was also shocked by what Hela said about the underworld of Heim.

He was even intimidated by the large army surrounding him.

In the underworld of Helm, is he also going to participate in the attack on Asgard? Loki didn't know what to feel in his heart for a moment... To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 238 Seeing Through

Although Loki himself has never been to the Underworld of Helm due to Odin's ban, this does not mean that Loki does not understand the Underworld of Helm.

Of course, Loki's understanding was only one-sided information concealed by Odin.

But this concealed information was enough for Loki to figure out exactly where he was now.

Loki knew very well that except for... the underworld of Heim, there would be no living beings in other places with such serious undead aura! Especially the giant wolf in front of him, it was clearly... Asgard Fenrir, the beloved giant wolf of the queen of the underworld of Helm, is recorded in the records! Loki, who is not very good at combat but is very 'erudite', is very sure that he has not admitted his mistake!...... ............."Roar!!!"

"The great master is asking you a question. How dare you not answer? You are seeking death!"

Seeing Loki distracted in front of him, the giant wolf Fenrir felt that he had been treated with the most severe contempt.

If it weren't for the fact that the master needed to question him, the giant wolf Fenrir would have smashed this one and bit it into two pieces! The sour smell hit him and almost made Loki vomit.

However, this also made Loki truly come to his senses.

This is the underworld of Heim, and it’s in front of the beloved of the Lord of the Realm. Being distracted can be fatal! Forcing himself not to think about the huge wolf’s mouth that has reached his head, Loki turned to Hela’s direction.

"Dear and great Her Majesty the Queen, I'm sorry to disturb you."

He said respectfully to Hela, "But I, being humble, really don't know how I got here."

"All I know is that a portal suddenly appeared at my feet."

"Then, I appeared above your place, 10,000 meters above the ground."

Loki's posture was very low. He was not...Thor's guy who was full of muscles, nor did Asgard support him. Judging the situation was Loki's strength.

In other words, Loki is also a smart little guy who talks about people and ghosts!...................... "Humph! "

For no reason, Hela snorted coldly, and released a huge pressure, which made both the giant wolf Fenrir and other subordinates in the Heim underworld a little puzzled.

Although Loki was a little distracted just now, it was... after all, he fell out of the air, and it is understandable that his mind was... not working well for a while. What's more, Loki's posture was very respectful to Hela. Even the giant wolf Fenrir and other subordinates were very satisfied after seeing it.

The giant wolf Fenrir and other subordinates didn't understand why Hela snorted coldly, and they didn't understand why Hela released her powerful aura and pressure.

You must know that Hela, who is only one step away from entering the Heavenly Father level, will overwhelm everyone present even if it is just her aura and coercion.

Everyone, well, Yilang and everyone can only attribute the change to the woman's eel.

After all, although Hela is their king, Hela is also a woman. As long as she is a woman, there will always be inexplicable times... . But in the next second, the speed of light slapped them in the face, embarrassing the giant wolf Fenrir and others.

But among them, the...respectful and humble Loki quickly dissipated.

But outside their encirclement, a tiptoeing Loki was pressed to the ground by Hela's powerful aura! "Roar!!!"

"catch him!!!"

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