Seeing this scene, Yilang + everyone couldn't help but blush as they still didn't understand what was going on.

With severe embarrassment, everyone surrounded Loki again. Even the giant wolf Fenrir grabbed Loki with a paw, and the spikes on the wolf's claws were even deeper. The ground pierced into Loki's body.

"Run! Run!"

"You should... run another one for me and have a look!!"

The giant wolf Fenrir roared in anger.


"Let him go"

Hela casually swung the whip in her hand, walked slowly to the front, and said.

If Fenrir shook him a few more times, Hela was afraid that Loki would be shaken to death by Fenrir.

"Yes, Master!"

Hela had her destiny, so Fenrir naturally didn't dare to disobey him. Although he was angry, he still let Loki go obediently.

Bang "cough cough"

Being thrown to the ground by Fenrir, Loki was so uncomfortable that he coughed up blood.

It's a pity that no one here has any sympathy.

"The Illusion Magic of Asgard"

"If I'm not wrong"

"You must be the second prince of Asgard, Loki!"

With a wave of the whip, Hela lifted Loki's head up and said with a hint of meaning.

........................"Somewhat interesting"

In the subspace, watching the unilateral crushing of the two siblings with my own eyes was more like watching a big show, and even several giant melons were gnawed on.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 239 Loki’s Confusion

In fact, although Hela was unable to leave the underworld of Helm during the years that she was sealed by Odin, it did not mean that Hela knew nothing about the Nine Realms.

After all, Odin was only targeting Hela, and Odin didn't pay attention to the scumbags under Hela at all.

In particular, Hela's pet giant wolf Fenrir can not only freely enter and leave the underworld of Helm, but can also roam around in the nine realms.

Therefore, Hela is actually well aware of the changes in the entire nine realms.

However, even so, Hela did not immediately connect this so-called "Frost Relic Loki" with Loki, the second prince of Asgard.

In Hela's view, how could the second prince of Asgard be a member of the Frost Giant clan? How could the extremely arrogant Odin adopt the child of the Frost Giant, Asgard's mortal enemy! However, such a thing is ...happened.

Thinking about that...shameless guy Odin, he can even seal his own daughter and adopt an enemy's son. It doesn't seem strange. I'm afraid, since he adopted Loki, that...shameless guy Odin has I don’t know how many hidden traps were quietly laid... In fact, if Loki hadn’t used his absolutely authentic Asgardian and... With Vanahem's body transformation magic, Hela wouldn't be able to think of this even if she breaks her head.........

No matter how you look at it, Odin quietly adopted an enemy's son and even raised him to become the second prince of Asgard. No matter how you think about it, Hela never thought of this! Unfortunately, for...Asgard A former military marshal, Hela is too familiar with the magic of body transformation that was born in Vanaheim and flourished in Asgard.

You know, in the Valkyrie Legion under Hela, there was such a special scout team, and the magic of body transformation was standard! Plus, with the name Loki, Hela didn't want to think of Asgard. Not even for His Highness the Second Prince!......................"Haha"

"Um..., I don't know what you are talking about"

"I'm just a welcome frost dwarf from the Frost Relics, but I can't afford the noble status of the second prince of Asgard."

Being pushed to the ground by Hela's powerful aura, Loki was completely in despair.

How could this guy just fall into the door and meet such a powerful person? Because he has mastered magic, Ji can clearly feel the suffocating pressure coming from Hela.

This sense of oppression is almost the same as the sense of oppression that Odin exudes when he is angry. For a moment, Loki just wanted to cry and look for his mother. Thinking of the past, he would not make Odin angry wherever he went, but If you want to come to Heim Underworld to play, you will make Odin angry. How could Loki not know that Heim Underworld will never be an ally of Asgard.

What's more, the Heim underworld army assembled did not look like they were going to rescue Asgard. In addition, he was shocked by Hela's strength, and Loki did not dare to admit that he was Ah La. Thoughts on the identity of the second prince of Sgard.


"Loki, this guy is a bit angry."

In the subspace, Qi Jun shook his head and sighed.

Although Hela seems to be unfriendly to Asgard, the right way is to cut off the relationship with Asgard as soon as possible.

However, in front of Hela, who had already 'confirmed' Loki's identity, this excuse would only make Hela look down on him.



"My stupid brother!"

"Sure enough, what can a guy taught by Odin be capable of!"

Hela's extremely disgusted expression clearly expressed her disdain for Loki and her deeper disdain for Odin! "Lock this guy up!"

"Just in time, after we invade Asgard, we can let those...high-ranking fools see what kind of thing their prince is!"

Hela waved her hand forcefully, and a unique energy was inspired, instantly restraining Loki and commanded.

"Yes! Master!"

The giant wolf Fenrir grabbed Loki with his mouth full of laughter.


"Stupid brother"

"Why did she call me brother?"

Compared to Hela's direct and complete confinement, Loki cared more about what Hela just said.

"Why didn't I know I had a sister?"

Loki was confused and his mind was filled with confusion. To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 240: Great changes in the dark dimension!

Regarding Hela's mobilization of troops and assembly and deployment, Loki was confused and had no time to pay attention to it.

But Qi Jun didn't want to see these... trivial matters, so he teleported away from the underworld of Heim.

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