Assembling troops, strategic deployment, mobilizing before war, etc..., anyone can think of it as long as they have a brain, and Qi Jun doesn't bother to look at it.

Although these subordinates of Hela in the underworld of Heim are relatively strange-looking compared to humans, with the strength of these scumbags, Qi Jun cannot arouse any interest in sightseeing... ..... In the dark dimension of Dormammu, Qi Jun teleported and came here again.

Just because Qi Jun knew that Dormammu was severely disabled by Odin in his destroyer state last time, Qi Jun was even more curious as to how Dormammu dared to send troops to invade Asgard.

In the final analysis, Odin's sleep is just a special method of sleeping, and it is not a true eternal sleep. How dare Dormammu send troops to invade without fear that Odin will wake up and directly destroy the dark dimension. If there is an invasion of demon gods from other dimensions, then Sgaard still has a reason to follow. After all, Qi Jun 'led' Odin to offend those... thousands of dimensions last time.

But how could Dormammu, who had just been severely disabled, have the courage to provoke Odin? Qi Jun was very interested in this.

No, Qi Jun teleported directly to the dark dimension as soon as he watched a scene in which his sister despises his brother.


"Something strange!"

Because of the huge increase in strength, Qi Jun clearly felt the huge changes in the dark dimension as soon as he came to it.

"Why do you feel that in this dark dimension, there is a feeling of ascending to another dimension?"

As expected, Qi Jun immediately discovered that Dormammu was still seriously injured.

But the next second, Qi Jun noticed that the space of the entire dark dimension was much more stable than before! "Is it possible that Odin punched Dormammu to a state of serious injury and felt guilty? So something was compensated, so that the dark dimension not only did not drop out, but also evolved to a higher level."

Qi Jun thought with a strange expression.


"This mental power..."

"Ancient One!"


"Ancient One actually actively infected the spiritual power into the dark dimension"

After feeling it carefully, Qi Jun was stunned.

"In fact, Ancient One's mental power, or soul, can corrode the dark dimension to a greater extent than Dormammu!"



"This Gu Yi is a wolf destroyer!"

At this moment, Qi Jun was really stunned! In other words, Qi Jun was really shocked by Gu Yi's courage.

............. Invading a dimension with an owner, let alone the huge resistance.

It is said that once the erosion fails, there is no way to escape unscathed.

Once the invasion is not successful, there is no other way for Ancient One's soul except to be swallowed by Dormammu, not even self-destruction! Because the dark dimension is Dormammu's main battlefield! However, Ancient One is fighting away from home. First, he actually bullied Dormammu, who was playing at home, and even wanted to become the master in turn! To be continued: Feilu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 241 The power of gems

"So to say"

"The demons from the dark dimension who are going to invade Asgard are most likely caused by the Ancient One's false orders from Dormammu."

Sensing that Gu Yi's control over the dark dimension was getting stronger and stronger, Qi Jun was also thoughtful.

You must know that before the Ancient One, Dormammu was the one who truly integrated his spirit and soul into the dark dimension.

As the true controllers of the dark dimension, the demons living in the dark dimension naturally have various connections with Dormammu.

Although Ancient One can easily take down a single demon, but if there are more of these low-level demons, they can also provide enough nutritional feedback to Dormammu.

In order to prevent himself from invading the dark dimension and taking advantage of this opportunity to take control of the dark dimension, Ancient One pretended to pass on Dormammu's orders and sent those... who could provide energy for Dormammu's recovery. The demons from the dark dimension can be sent out to die easily.

After all, Ancient One has been absorbing the power of the dark dimension for hundreds of years. He has a very good understanding of Dormammu's power and characteristics. He will definitely not be able to pass on fake orders or anything to defeat the wolf destroyer of Ancient One.

........... Of course, Gu Yi can play away from home, but he mainly plays away from home.

Except... Ancient One took advantage of Dormammu being seriously injured.

More importantly, Ancient One also used the power of the Time Stone! It is precisely because of the power of the Time Stone that the dark dimension quietly began to evolve toward a higher level.

.........In fact, you can understand it if you think about it from another angle.

Dormammu himself was severely injured by Odin in the form of the Destroyer, and the entire dark dimension was seriously injured. The entire dark dimension was already very powerful without collapse. How could evolution be possible? Even if Ancient One took the initiative to integrate himself into Dark Dimension, it is possible to evolve the Dark Dimension.

After all, the Ancient One's power, in addition to those... the power of the Wei Emperor series, actually relies entirely on absorbing the power of the dark dimension.

Originally a member of the Dark Dimension, and barely considered returning home, how could it be possible to promote the evolution of the Dark Dimension? There is only one reason: the Time Stone! The Ancient One used the Time Stone to restore the Dark Dimension that had been damaged to its foundation, and even used the power of the Time Stone. Amplify yourself and further strengthen the erosion of the dark dimension.

If there is no place, the original power of the Time Stone will be inadvertently integrated into the dark dimension.

And just the energy emitted by these time gems has provided a strong boost for the overall strength of the dark dimension to rise again.

........................ "I just don’t know, after Gu Yi completely integrates his soul into the dark dimension, will he be able to advance in strength and become a single universe?" "Super boss"

For Dormammu who was seriously injured and unconscious, Qi Jun could fully imagine his fate. It could be said that after 'seeing' Ancient One, Qi Jun no longer paid attention to Dormammu.

But Qi Jun started to pay attention to Gu Yi again.

In Qi Jun's view, even if Ancient One swallowed Dormammu and completely integrated himself into the dark dimension, it would not be able to help Ancient One break through the restrictions of the Heavenly Father level.

However, with the power of the Time Stone, it is not impossible for Ancient One to break through his strength and reach the level of a single universe.



"Even if she, Gu Yi, is promoted to become a single universe-level powerhouse"

"But I still won't be my opponent!"

After thinking about it, Qi Jun was extremely confident in his own strength.

"However, the Time Stone can no longer be left outside."

"Let me be the last collector and protector!"

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 242 Guidance

Qi Jun did not directly go to Gu Yi to rob him. This was not in line with Qi Jun's own philosophy.

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